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an.2.42 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

The Chapter on Assemblies

“There are, mendicants, these two assemblies.
What two?
A shallow assembly and a deep assembly.
And what is a shallow assembly?
An assembly where the mendicants are restless, insolent, fickle, scurrilous, loose-tongued, unmindful, lacking situational awareness and immersion, with straying minds and undisciplined faculties.
This is called a shallow assembly.
And what is a deep assembly?
An assembly where the mendicants are not restless, insolent, fickle, scurrilous, or loose-tongued, but have established mindfulness, situational awareness, immersion, unified minds, and restrained faculties.
This is called a deep assembly.
These are the two assemblies.
The better of these two assemblies is the deep assembly.”