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an.2.45 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

“There are, mendicants, these two assemblies.
What two?
An ignoble assembly and a noble assembly.
And what is an ignoble assembly?
An assembly where the mendicants don’t truly understand: ‘This is suffering’ … ‘This is the origin of suffering’ … ‘This is the cessation of suffering’ … ‘This is the practice that leads to the cessation of suffering’.
This is called an ignoble assembly.
And what is a noble assembly?
An assembly where the mendicants truly understand: ‘This is suffering’ … ‘This is the origin of suffering’ … ‘This is the cessation of suffering’ … ‘This is the practice that leads to the cessation of suffering’.
This is called a noble assembly.
These are the two assemblies.
The better of these two assemblies is the noble assembly.”