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an.2.49 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

What two?
An unjust assembly and a just assembly.
And what is an unjust assembly?
“There are, mendicants, these two assemblies.
An assembly where legal acts against the teaching proceed, while legal acts in line with the teaching don’t proceed. Legal acts against the training proceed, while legal acts in line with the training don’t proceed. Legal acts against the teaching are explained, while legal acts in line with the teaching aren’t explained. Legal acts against the training are explained, while legal acts in line with the training aren’t explained.
This is called an unjust assembly.
And what is a just assembly?
An assembly where legal acts in line with the teaching proceed, while legal acts against the teaching don’t proceed. Legal acts in line with the training proceed, while legal acts against the training don’t proceed. Legal acts in line with the teaching are explained, while legal acts against the teaching aren’t explained. Legal acts in line with the training are explained, while legal acts against the training aren’t explained.
This is called a just assembly.
These are the two assemblies.
The better of these two assemblies is the just assembly.”