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an.2.9 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)


2.9. Guardians of the World

“Monks, these two bright qualities guard the world. Which two? Conscience & concern. If these two bright qualities did not guard the world, there would be no recognition of ‘mother’ here, no recognition of ‘mother’s sister,’ ‘uncle’s wife,’ ‘teacher’s wife,’ or ‘wife of those who deserve respect.’ The world would be immersed in promiscuity, like rams with goats, roosters with pigs, or dogs with jackals. But because these two bright qualities guard the world, there is recognition of ‘mother,’ ‘mother’s sister,’ ‘uncle’s wife,’ ‘teacher’s wife,’ & ‘wife of those who deserve respect.’”

- Translator: Thanissaro Bhikkhu

- Editor: Gabriel Laera

9. Conduct
“These two bright things, mendicants, protect the world.
What two?
Conscience and prudence.
If these two bright things did not protect the world, there would be no recognition of the status of mother, aunts, or wives and partners of teachers and respected people.
The world would become promiscuous, like goats and sheep, chickens and pigs, and dogs and jackals.
But because the two bright things protect the world, there is recognition of the status of mother, aunts, and wives and partners of teachers and respected people.”