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an.3.44 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

Smooth Flow

“Bhikkhus, in three cases talk flows smoothly. What three? (1) When the one who teaches the Dhamma experiences the meaning and the Dhamma. (2) When the one who hears the Dhamma experiences the meaning and the Dhamma. (3) When both the one who teaches the Dhamma and the one who hears the Dhamma experience the meaning and the Dhamma. In these three cases talk flows smoothly.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh

When Conversation Flows

“In three situations, mendicants, conversation flows.
What three?
When the teacher understands the meaning and the teaching.
When the audience understands the meaning and the teaching.
When both the teacher and the audience understand the meaning and the teaching.
These are the three situations in which conversation flows.”