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an.3.82 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

The Donkey

“Monks, it is just as if a donkey were following right after a herd of cattle, saying, “I too am a cow! I too am a cow!” Its color is not that of a cow, its voice is not that of a cow, its hoof is not that of a cow, and yet it still keeps following right after the herd of cattle, saying, “I too am a cow! I too am a cow!” In the same way, there is the case where a certain monk follows right after the community of monks, saying, “I too am a monk! I too am a monk!” He doesn’t have the other monks’ desire for undertaking the training in heightened virtue, doesn’t have their desire for undertaking the training in heightened mind (concentration), doesn’t have their desire for undertaking the training in heightened discernment, and yet he still keeps following right after the community of monks, saying, “I too am a monk! I too am a monk!”

“So you should train yourselves: ‘Strong will be our desire for undertaking the training in heightened virtue; strong will be our desire for undertaking the training in heightened mind (concentration); strong will be our desire for undertaking the training in heightened discernment.’ That is how you should train yourselves.”

- Translator: Thanissaro Bhikkhu

- Editor: Gabriel Laera

The Donkey

“Suppose, mendicants, a donkey followed behind a herd of cattle, thinking:
‘I can moo too! I can moo too!’
But it doesn’t look like a cow, or sound like a cow, or leave a footprint like a cow.
Still it follows behind a herd of cattle, thinking:
‘I can moo too! I can moo too!’
In the same way, some mendicant follows behind the mendicant Saṅgha, thinking:
‘I’m a monk too! I’m a monk too!’
But they don’t have the same enthusiasm for undertaking the training in the higher ethics, the higher mind, and the higher wisdom as the other mendicants.
Still they follow behind the mendicant Saṇgha, thinking:
‘I’m a monk too! I’m a monk too!’
So you should train like this:
‘We will have keen enthusiasm for undertaking the training in the higher ethics, the higher mind, and the higher wisdom.’
That’s how you should train.”