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an.3.92 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)


“There are these three urgent duties of a farming householder. Which three?

“There is the case where a farming householder quickly gets his field well-plowed & well-harrowed. Having quickly gotten his field well-plowed & well-harrowed, he quickly plants the seed. Having quickly planted the seed, he quickly lets in the water & then lets it out.

“These are the three urgent duties of a farming householder. Now, that farming householder does not have the power or might [to say:] ‘May my crops spring up today, may the grains appear tomorrow, and may they ripen the next day.’ But when the time has come, the farming householder’s crops spring up, the grains appear, and they ripen.

“In the same way, there are these three urgent duties of a monk. Which three? The undertaking of heightened virtue, the undertaking of heightened mind, the undertaking of heightened discernment. These are the three urgent duties of a monk. Now, that monk does not have the power or might [to say:] ‘May my mind be released from fermentations through lack of clinging/sustenance today or tomorrow or the next day.’ But when the time has come, his mind is released from fermentations through lack of clinging/sustenance.

“Thus, monks, you should train yourselves: ‘Strong will be our desire for the undertaking of heightened virtue. Strong will be our desire for the undertaking of heightened mind. Strong will be our desire for the undertaking of heightened discernment.’ That’s how you should train yourselves.”

- Translator: Thanissaro Bhikkhu

- Editor: Gabriel Laera


These are the three urgent duties of a mendicant.
That mendicant has no special power or ability to say:
“Mendicants, a farmer has three urgent duties.
What three?
A farmer swiftly makes sure the field is well ploughed and tilled.
Next they swiftly plant seeds in season.
When the time is right, they swiftly irrigate or drain the field.
These are the three urgent duties of a farmer.
That farmer has no special power or ability to say:
‘Let the crops germinate today! Let them flower tomorrow! Let them ripen the day after!’
But there comes a time when that farmer’s crops germinate, flower, and ripen as the seasons change.
In the same way, a mendicant has three urgent duties.
What three?
Undertaking the training in the higher ethics, the higher mind, and the higher wisdom.
‘Let my mind be freed from defilements by not grasping today! Or tomorrow! Or the day after!’
But there comes a time—as that mendicant trains in the higher ethics, the higher mind, and the higher wisdom—that their mind is freed from defilements by not grasping.
So you should train like this:
‘We will have keen enthusiasm for undertaking the training in the higher ethics, the higher mind, and the higher wisdom.’
That’s how you should train.”