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an.4.245 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)


“Monks, this holy life is lived with training as a reward, with discernment as its surpassing state, with release as its heartwood, and with mindfulness as its governing principle.

“And how is training a reward? There is the case where the training I have formulated for my disciples with regard to good conduct is for the arousing of faith in those without faith, and for the increase of the faithful. And however I have formulated the training for my disciples with regard to good conduct for the arousing of faith in those without faith, and for the increase of the faithful, one behaves in a way that is untorn in line with that training—unbroken, unspotted, unsplattered. Having undertaken them, one trains in line with the training rules.

“And further, the training I have formulated for my disciples with regard to the basics of the holy life is entirely for the right ending of suffering & stress. And however I have formulated the training for my disciples with regard to the basics of the holy life for the right ending of suffering & stress, one behaves in a way that is untorn in line with that training—unbroken, unspotted, unsplattered. Having undertaken them, one trains in line with the training rules.

“This is how training is a reward.

“And how is discernment the surpassing state? There is the case where the Dhammas I have pointed out to my disciples are entirely for the right ending of suffering & stress. And however I have pointed out Dhammas for my disciples entirely for the right ending of suffering & stress, one has scrutinized them all with discernment.

“This is how discernment is the surpassing state.

“And how is release the heartwood? There is the case where the Dhammas I have pointed out to my disciples are entirely for the right ending of suffering & stress. And however I have pointed out Dhammas for my disciples entirely for the right ending of suffering & stress, one has touched them all through release.

“This is how release is the heartwood.

“And how is mindfulness the governing principle? The mindfulness that ‘I will make complete any training with regard to good conduct that is not yet complete, or I will protect with discernment any training with regard to good conduct that is complete’ is well established right within. The mindfulness that ‘I will make complete any training with regard to the basics of the holy life that is not yet complete, or I will protect with discernment any training with regard to the basics of the holy life that is complete’ is well established right within. The mindfulness that ‘I will scrutinize with discernment any Dhamma that is not yet scrutinized, or I will protect with discernment any Dhamma that has been scrutinized’ is well established right within. The mindfulness that ‘I will touch through release any Dhamma that is not yet touched, or I will protect with discernment any Dhamma that has been touched’ is well established right within.

“This is how mindfulness is the governing principle.

“‘Monks, this holy life is lived with training as a reward, with discernment as its surpassing state, with release as its heartwood, and with mindfulness as its governing principle’: Thus it was said. And in reference to this was it said.”

- Translator: Thanissaro Bhikkhu

- Editor: Gabriel Laera

The Benefits of Training

“Mendicants, this spiritual life is lived with training as its benefit, with wisdom as its overseer, with freedom as its core, and with mindfulness as its ruler.
And how is training its benefit?
Firstly, I laid down for my disciples the training that deals with supplementary regulations in order to inspire confidence in those without it and to increase confidence in those who have it.
They undertake whatever supplementary regulations I have laid down, keeping them unbroken, impeccable, spotless, and unmarred.
Furthermore, I laid down for my disciples the training that deals with the fundamentals of the spiritual life in order to rightly end suffering in every way.
They undertake whatever training that deals with the fundamentals of the spiritual life I have laid down, keeping it unbroken, impeccable, spotless, and unmarred.
That’s how training is its benefit.
And how is wisdom its overseer?
I taught the Dhamma to my disciples in order to rightly end suffering in every way.
They examine with wisdom any teachings I taught them.
That’s how wisdom is its overseer.
And how is freedom its core?
I taught the Dhamma to my disciples in order to rightly end suffering in every way.
They experience through freedom any teachings I taught them.
That’s how freedom is its core.
And how is mindfulness its ruler?
Mindfulness is well established in oneself: ‘In this way I’ll fulfill the training dealing with supplementary regulations, or support with wisdom in every situation the training dealing with supplementary regulations I’ve already fulfilled.’
Mindfulness is well established in oneself: ‘In this way I’ll fulfill the training dealing with the fundamentals of the spiritual life, or support with wisdom in every situation the training dealing with the fundamentals of the spiritual life I’ve already fulfilled.’
Mindfulness is well established in oneself: ‘In this way I’ll examine with wisdom the teaching that I haven’t yet examined, or support with wisdom in every situation the teaching I’ve already examined.’
Mindfulness is well established in oneself: ‘In this way I’ll experience through freedom the teaching that I haven’t yet experienced, or support with wisdom in every situation the teaching I’ve already experienced.’
That’s how mindfulness is its ruler.
‘This spiritual life is lived with training as its benefit, with wisdom as its overseer, with freedom as its core, and with mindfulness as its ruler.’
That’s what I said, and this is why I said it.”