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an.4.262 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

A Wilderness Dweller

“Endowed with [any of] four qualities, a monk isn’t fit to stay in isolated forest & wilderness dwellings. Which four? [He is endowed] with thoughts of sensuality, with thoughts of ill will, with thoughts of harmfulness, and he is a person of weak discernment, dull, a drooling idiot. Endowed with [any of] these four qualities, a monk isn’t fit to stay in isolated forest & wilderness dwellings.

“Endowed with four qualities, a monk is fit to stay in isolated forest & wilderness dwellings. Which four? [He is endowed] with thoughts of renunciation, with thoughts of non-ill will, with thoughts of harmlessness, and he is a discerning person, not dull, not a drooling idiot. Endowed with these four qualities, a monk is fit to stay in isolated forest & wilderness dwellings.”

- Translator: Thanissaro Bhikkhu

- Editor: Gabriel Laera


“Mendicants, when a mendicant has four qualities they’re not ready to frequent remote lodgings in the wilderness and the forest.
What four?
They have sensual, malicious, and cruel thoughts; or they’re witless, dull, and stupid.
When a mendicant has these four qualities they’re not ready to frequent remote lodgings in the wilderness and the forest.
When a mendicant has four qualities they’re ready to frequent remote lodgings in the wilderness and the forest.
What four?
They have thoughts of renunciation, good will, and harmlessness; and they’re wise, bright, and clever.
When a mendicant has these four qualities they’re ready to frequent remote lodgings in the wilderness and the forest.”