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an.4.32 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)


“Bhikkhus, there are these four means of sustaining a favorable relationship. What four? Giving, endearing speech, beneficent conduct, and impartiality. These are the four means of sustaining a favorable relationship.”

Giving, endearing speech,
beneficent conduct, and impartiality
under diverse worldly conditions,
as is suitable to fit each case: these means
of sustaining a favorable relationship
are like the linchpin of a rolling chariot.

If there were no such means
of sustaining a favorable relationship,
neither mother nor father
would be able to obtain esteem
and veneration from their children.

But since there exist these means
of sustaining a favorable relationship,
wise people respect them;
thus they attain to greatness
and are highly praised.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh


“Mendicants, there are these four ways of being inclusive.
What four?
Giving, kindly words, taking care, and equality.
These are the four ways of being inclusive.
Giving and kindly words,
taking care here,
and equality in worldly conditions,
in each case as they deserve.
These ways of being inclusive in the world
are like a moving chariot’s linchpin.
If there were no such ways of being inclusive,
neither mother nor father
would be respected and honored
for what they’ve done for their children.
But since these ways of being inclusive do exist,
the astute do regard them well,
so they achieve greatness
and are praised.”