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an.4.4 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

Maimed (2)

“Bhikkhus, behaving wrongly toward four persons, the foolish, incompetent, bad person maintains himself in a maimed and injured condition; he is blameworthy and subject to reproach by the wise; and he generates much demerit. What four? (1) Behaving wrongly toward his mother, the foolish, incompetent, bad person maintains himself in a maimed and injured condition; he is blameworthy and subject to reproach by the wise; and he generates much demerit. (2) Behaving wrongly toward his father … (3) Behaving wrongly toward the Tathāgata … (4) Behaving wrongly toward a disciple of the Tathāgata … Behaving wrongly toward these four persons, the foolish, incompetent, bad person maintains himself in a maimed and injured condition; he is blameworthy and subject to reproach by the wise; and he generates much demerit.

“Bhikkhus, behaving rightly toward four persons, the wise, competent, good person preserves himself unmaimed and uninjured; he is blameless and beyond reproach by the wise; and he generates much merit. What four? (1) Behaving rightly toward his mother, the wise, competent, good person preserves himself unmaimed and uninjured; he is blameless and beyond reproach by the wise; and he generates much merit. (2) Behaving rightly toward his father … (3) Behaving rightly toward the Tathāgata … (4) Behaving rightly toward a disciple of the Tathāgata … Behaving rightly toward these four persons, the wise, competent, good person preserves himself unmaimed and uninjured; he is blameless and beyond reproach by the wise; and he generates much merit.”

A person who behaves wrongly
toward his mother and father,
toward the enlightened Tathāgata,
or toward his disciple,
generates much demerit.

Because of that unrighteous conduct
toward mother and father,
the wise criticize one here in this world
and after death one goes to the plane of misery.

A person who behaves rightly
toward his mother and father,
toward the enlightened Tathāgata,
or toward his disciple,
generates much merit.

Because of that righteous conduct
toward mother and father,
the wise praise one in this world
and after death one rejoices in heaven.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh

Broken (2nd)

“When a foolish, incompetent bad person acts wrongly toward four people they keep themselves broken and damaged. They deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they make much bad karma.
What four?
Mother …
father … a Realized One … and a disciple of a Realized One.
When a foolish, incompetent bad person acts wrongly toward these four people they keep themselves broken and damaged. They deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they make much bad karma.
When an astute, competent good person acts rightly toward four people they keep themselves healthy and whole. They don’t deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they make much merit.
What four?
Mother …
father … a Realized One … and a disciple of a Realized One.
When an astute, competent good person acts rightly toward these four people they keep themselves healthy and whole. They don’t deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they make much merit.
A person who does wrong
by their mother or father,
or a Realized One, a Buddha,
or one of their disciples,
makes much bad karma.

Because of their unprincipled conduct
toward their parents,
they’re criticized in this life by the astute,
and they depart to be reborn in a place of loss.
A person who does right
by their mother and father,
or a Realized One, a Buddha,
or one of their disciples,
makes much merit.

Because of their principled conduct
toward their parents,
they’re praised in this life by the astute,
and they depart to rejoice in heaven.”