buddha daily wisdom image

an.4.57 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)


On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling among the Koliyans near the Koliyan town named Sajjanela. Then, in the morning, the Blessed One dressed, took his bowl and robe, and went to the residence of the Koliyan daughter Suppavāsā, where he sat down in the prepared seat. Then the Koliyan daughter Suppavāsā, with her own hand, served and satisfied the Blessed One with various kinds of delicious food. When the Blessed One had finished eating and had put away his bowl, the Koliyan daughter Suppavāsā sat down to one side. The Blessed One then said to her:

“Suppavāsā, a female noble disciple who gives food gives the recipients four things. What four? She gives life, beauty, happiness, and strength. (1) Having given life, she partakes of life, whether celestial or human. (2) Having given beauty, she partakes of beauty, whether celestial or human. (3) Having given happiness, she partakes of happiness, whether celestial or human. (4) Having given strength, she partakes of strength, whether celestial or human. Suppavāsā, a female noble disciple who gives food gives the recipients these four things.”

When one gives well-prepared food,
pure, delicious, and flavorful,
to the upright ones who are
exalted and of excellent conduct,
that offering, which links merit with merit,
is praised as very fruitful
by the world-knowers.

Those recollecting such generosity
dwell in the world inspired by joy.
Having removed the stain of miserliness and its root,
blameless, they go to the heavenly abode.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh


At one time the Buddha was staying in the land of the Koliyans, where they have a town named Pajjanika.
Then the Buddha robed up in the morning and, taking his bowl and robe, went to the home of Suppavāsā the Koliyan, where he sat on the seat spread out.
Then Suppavāsā served and satisfied the Buddha with her own hands with a variety of delicious foods.
When the Buddha had eaten and washed his hand and bowl, she sat down to one side.
The Buddha said to her:
“Suppavāsā, when a noble disciple gives food, she gives the recipients four things.
What four?
Long life, beauty, happiness, and strength.
Giving long life, she has long life as a god or human.
Giving beauty, she has beauty as a god or human.
Giving happiness, she has happiness as a god or human.
Giving strength, she has strength as a god or human.
When a noble disciple gives food, she gives the recipients these four things.
When she gives well-prepared food,
pure, fine, and full of flavor,
that offering—given to the upright,
who have good conduct, and are big-hearted—
joins merit to merit. It’s very fruitful,
and is praised by those who know the world.
Those who recall such sacrifices,
live in the world full of inspiration.
They’ve driven out the stain of stinginess, root and all,
blameless, they go to a heavenly place.”