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an.4.91 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)


“Mendicants, these four people are found in the world.
What four?
A demon surrounded by demons,
a demon surrounded by gods,
a god surrounded by demons, and
a god surrounded by gods.
And how is a person a demon surrounded by demons?
It’s when a person is unethical, of bad character, and their followers are the same.
That’s how a person is a demon surrounded by demons.
And how is a person a demon surrounded by gods?
It’s when a person is unethical, of bad character, but their followers are ethical, of good character.
That’s how a person is a demon surrounded by gods.
And how is a person a god surrounded by demons?
It’s when a person is ethical, of good character, but their followers are unethical, of bad character.
That’s how a person is a god surrounded by demons.
And how is a person a god surrounded by gods?
It’s when a person is ethical, of good character, and their followers are the same.
That’s how a person is a god surrounded by gods.
These are the four people found in the world.”