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an.4.96 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

The Subduing of Passion

“Monks, these four types of individuals are to be found existing in the world. Which four? The one who practices for his/her own benefit but not for that of others. The one who practices for the benefit of others but not for his/her own. The one who practices neither for his/her own benefit nor for that of others. The one who practices for his/her own benefit and for that of others.

“And who is the individual who practices for his/her own benefit but not for that of others? There is the case where a certain individual practices for the subduing of passion within him/herself but doesn’t encourage others in the subduing of passion; practices for the subduing of aversion within him/herself but doesn’t encourage others in the subduing of aversion; practices for the subduing of delusion within him/herself but doesn’t encourage others in the subduing of delusion. Such is the individual who practices for his/her own benefit but not for that of others.

“And who is the individual who practices for the benefit of others but not for his/her own? There is the case where a certain individual doesn’t practice for the subduing of passion within him/herself but encourages others in the subduing of passion; he/she doesn’t practice for the subduing of aversion within him/herself but encourages others in the subduing of aversion; he/she doesn’t practice for the subduing of delusion within him/herself but encourages others in the subduing of delusion. Such is the individual who practices for the benefit of others but not for his/her own.

“And who is the individual who practices neither for his/her own benefit nor for that of others? There is the case where a certain individual doesn’t practice for the subduing of passion within him/herself and doesn’t encourage others in the subduing of passion; he/she doesn’t practice for the subduing of aversion within him/herself and doesn’t encourage others in the subduing of aversion; he/she doesn’t practice for the subduing of delusion within him/herself and doesn’t encourage others in the subduing of delusion. Such is the individual who practices neither for his/her own benefit nor for that of others.

“And who is the individual who practices for his/her own benefit and for that of others? There is the case where a certain individual practices for the subduing of passion within him/herself and encourages others in the subduing of passion; practices for the subduing of aversion within him/herself and encourages others in the subduing of aversion; practices for the subduing of delusion within him/herself and encourages others in the subduing of delusion. Such is the individual who practices for his/her own benefit and for that of others.

“These are the four types of individuals to be found existing in the world.”

- Translator: Thanissaro Bhikkhu

- Editor: Gabriel Laera

Removing Greed

“Mendicants, these four people are found in the world.
What four?
One who practices to benefit themselves, but not others;
one who practices to benefit others, but not themselves;
one who practices to benefit neither themselves nor others; and
one who practices to benefit both themselves and others.
And how does a person practice to benefit themselves, but not others?
It’s when a person practices to remove their own greed, hate, and delusion, but doesn’t encourage others to do the same.

That’s how a person practices to benefit themselves, but not others.
And how does a person practice to benefit others, but not themselves?
It’s when a person doesn’t practice to remove their own greed, hate, and delusion, but encourages others to remove theirs.

That’s how a person practices to benefit others, but not themselves.
And how does a person practice to benefit neither themselves nor others?
It’s when a person doesn’t practice to remove their own greed, hate, and delusion, nor do they encourage others to remove theirs.

That’s how a person practices to benefit neither themselves nor others.
And how does a person practice to benefit both themselves and others?
It’s when a person practices to remove their own greed, hate, and delusion, and encourages others to remove theirs.

That’s how a person practices to benefit both themselves and others.
These are the four people found in the world.”