buddha daily wisdom image

an.5.131 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

Wielding Power (1st)

“Mendicants, possessing five factors a wheel-turning monarch wields power only in a principled manner.
And this power cannot be undermined by any human enemy.
What five?
A wheel-turning monarch knows what is right, knows principle, knows moderation, knows the right time, and knows the assembly.
A wheel-turning monarch who possesses these five factors wields power only in a principled manner.
And this power cannot be undermined by any human enemy.
In the same way, possessing five qualities a Realized One, a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha rolls forth the supreme Wheel of Dhamma only in a principled manner.
And that wheel cannot be rolled back by any ascetic or brahmin or god or Māra or Brahmā or by anyone in the world.
What five?
A Realized One knows what is right, knows principle, knows moderation, knows the right time, and knows the assembly.
Possessing these five qualities a Realized One, a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha rolls forth the supreme Wheel of Dhamma only in a principled manner.
And that wheel cannot be rolled back by any ascetic or brahmin or god or Māra or Brahmā or by anyone in the world.”