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an.5.175 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

The Outcaste

“Endowed with these five qualities, a lay follower is an outcaste of a lay follower, a stain of a lay follower, a dregs of a lay follower. Which five? He/she does not have conviction [in the Buddha’s Awakening]; is unvirtuous; is eager for protective charms & ceremonies; trusts protective charms & ceremonies, not kamma; and searches for recipients of his/her offerings outside [of the Sangha], and gives offerings there first. Endowed with these five qualities, a lay follower is an outcaste of a lay follower, a stain of a lay follower, a dregs of a lay follower.

“Endowed with these five qualities, a lay follower is a jewel of a lay follower, a lotus of a lay follower, a fine flower of a lay follower. Which five? He/she has conviction; is virtuous; is not eager for protective charms & ceremonies; trusts kamma, not protective charms & ceremonies; does not search for recipients of his/her offerings outside [of the Sangha], and gives offerings here first. Endowed with these five qualities, a lay follower is a jewel of a lay follower, a lotus of a lay follower, a fine flower of a lay follower.”

- Translator: Thanissaro Bhikkhu

- Editor: Gabriel Laera


“Mendicants, a lay follower with five qualities is an outcaste, a stain, and a reject among lay followers.
What five?
They’re faithless.
They’re unethical.
They practice noisy, superstitious rites, believing in omens rather than deeds.
They seek outside of the Buddhist community for those worthy of religious donations.
And they make offerings there first.
A lay follower with these five qualities is an outcaste, a stain, and a reject among lay followers.
A lay follower with five qualities is a gem, a pink lotus, and a white lotus among lay followers.
What five?
They’re faithful.
They’re ethical.
They don’t practice noisy, superstitious rites, and believe in deeds rather than omens.
They don’t seek outside of the Buddhist community for those worthy of religious donations.
And they don’t make offerings there first.
A lay follower with these five qualities is a gem, a pink lotus, and a white lotus among lay followers.”