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an.5.265-271 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)


“Without abandoning these five qualities, one is incapable of entering & remaining in the second jhana… the third jhana… the fourth jhana; incapable of realizing the fruit of stream-entry… the fruit of once-returning… the fruit of non-returning… arahantship. Which five? Stinginess as to one’s monastery [lodgings], stinginess as to one’s family [of supporters], stinginess as to one’s gains, stinginess as to one’s status, and ingratitude. Without abandoning these five qualities, one is incapable of entering & remaining in the second jhana… the third jhana… the fourth jhana; one is incapable realizing the fruit of stream-entry… the fruit of once-returning… the fruit of non-returning… arahantship.

“With the abandoning of these five qualities, one is capable of entering & remaining in the second jhana… the third jhana… the fourth jhana; capable of realizing the fruit of stream-entry… the fruit of once-returning… the fruit of non-returning… arahantship…”

- Translator: Thanissaro Bhikkhu

- Editor: Gabriel Laera

Another Discourse on the Second Absorption, Etc.

“Mendicants, without giving up these five qualities you can’t enter and remain in the second absorption … third absorption … fourth absorption … or realize the fruit of stream-entry … the fruit of once-return … the fruit of non-return … perfection.
What five?
Stinginess with dwellings, families, material possessions, praise, and lack of gratitude and thankfulness.
Without giving up these five qualities you can’t realize perfection.
But after giving up these five qualities you can enter and remain in the second absorption … third absorption … fourth absorption … and realize the fruit of stream-entry … the fruit of once-return … the fruit of non-return … perfection.
What five?
Stinginess with dwellings, families, material possessions, praise, and lack of gratitude and thankfulness.
After giving up these five qualities you can realize perfection.”