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an.8.31 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

Giving (1)

“Bhikkhus, there are these eight gifts. What eight? (1) Having insulted the recipient, one gives a gift. (2) One gives a gift from fear. (3) One gives a gift, thinking: ‘He gave to me.’ (4) One gives a gift, thinking: ‘He will give to me.’ (5) One gives a gift, thinking: ‘Giving is good.’ (6) One gives a gift, thinking: ‘I cook; these people do not cook. It isn’t right that I who cook should not give to those who do not cook.’ (7) One gives a gift, thinking: ‘Because I have given this gift, I will gain a good reputation.’ (8) One gives a gift for the purpose of ornamenting the mind, equipping the mind.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh

Giving (1st)

“Mendicants, there are these eight gifts.
What eight?
A person might give a gift after insulting the recipient.
Or they give out of fear.
Or they give thinking, ‘They gave to me.’
Or they give thinking, ‘They’ll give to me.’
Or they give thinking, ‘It’s good to give.’
Or they give thinking, ‘I cook, they don’t. It wouldn’t be right for me to not give to them.’
Or they give thinking, ‘By giving this gift I’ll get a good reputation.’
Or they give thinking, ‘This is an adornment and requisite for the mind.’
These are the eight gifts.”