buddha daily wisdom image

iti.108 Itivuttaka


This was said by the Lord…

“Bhikkhus, whatever bhikkhus are deceitful, stubborn, mere talkers, frauds, arrogant, and unconcentrated, these bhikkhus are no followers of mine. They have turned aside from this Dhamma-and-Discipline and will not achieve growth, progress, or development within it.

“But whatever bhikkhus are not deceitful, not mere talkers, wise, adaptable, and well concentrated, these bhikkhus are indeed my followers. They have not turned aside from this Dhamma-and-Discipline and will achieve growth, progress, and development within it.”

Deceitful, stubborn, mere talkers,
Frauds, arrogant, unconcentrated—
These make no progress in the Dhamma
Taught by the Fully Enlightened One.

Undeceitful, not talkative, wise,
Adaptable, well concentrated—
Such as these progress in the Dhamma
Taught by the Fully Enlightened One.

- Translator: John D. Ireland

- Editor: Bhikkhu Sujato


This was said by the Buddha, the Perfected One: that is what I heard.
“Mendicants, those mendicants who are deceivers and flatterers, pompous and fake, insolent and scattered: those mendicants are no followers of mine.
They’ve left this teaching and training, and they don’t achieve growth, improvement, or maturity in this teaching and training.
But those mendicants who are genuine, not flatterers, wise, amenable, and serene: those mendicants are followers of mine.
They haven’t left this teaching and training, and they do achieve growth, improvement, or maturity in this teaching and training.”
The Buddha spoke this matter.
On this it is said:
“Those who are deceivers and flatterers, pompous and fake,
insolent and scattered:
these don’t grow in the teaching
that was taught by the perfected Buddha.
But those who are genuine, not flatterers, wise,
amenable, and serene:
these do grow in the teaching
that was taught by the perfected Buddha.”
This too is a matter that was spoken by the Blessed One: that is what I heard.