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iti.18 Itivuttaka

Disunity in the Sangha

This was said by the Lord…

“There is one thing, bhikkhus, which, when it appears in the world, appears for the detriment of many people, for the misery of many people, for the loss, detriment, and suffering of devas and humans. What is that one thing? It is disunity in the Sangha. When the Sangha is divided there are mutual quarrels, mutual recriminations, mutual denigrations, and mutual expulsions. In this situation those who are unsympathetic are not converted and some who are sympathetic change their minds.”

One who divides the Sangha
Abides in a state of misery, in hell,
For the aeon’s full duration.
Delighting in dissent, unrighteous,
He is deprived of security from bondage;
By dividing a unified Sangha
He suffers in hell for an aeon.

- Translator: John D. Ireland

- Editor: Bhikkhu Sujato

Schism in the Saṅgha

This was said by the Buddha, the Perfected One: that is what I heard.
“One thing, mendicants, arises in the world for the hurt and unhappiness of the people, for the harm, hurt, and suffering of gods and humans.
What one thing?
Schism in the Saṅgha.
When the Saṅgha is split, they argue, insult, block, and reject each other.
This doesn’t inspire confidence in those without it, and it causes some with confidence to change their minds.”
The Buddha spoke this matter.
On this it is said:
“A schismatic remains for the eon
in a place of loss, in hell.
Taking a stand against the teaching,
favoring factions, they destroy their sanctuary.
After causing schism in a harmonious Saṅgha,
they burn in hell for an eon.”
This too is a matter that was spoken by the Blessed One: that is what I heard.