buddha daily wisdom image

iti.49 Itivuttaka

Held by Views

This was said by the Lord…

“Bhikkhus, held by two kinds of views, some devas and
human beings hold back and some overreach; only those with vision see.

“And how, bhikkhus, do some hold back? Devas and humans enjoy being, delight in being, are satisfied with being. When Dhamma is taught to them for the cessation of being, their minds do not enter into it or acquire confidence in it or settle upon it or become resolved upon it. Thus, bhikkhus, do some hold back.

“How, bhikkhus, do some overreach? Now some are troubled, ashamed, and disgusted by this very same being and they rejoice in (the idea of) non-being, asserting: ‘In as much as this self, good sirs, when the body perishes at death, is annihilated and destroyed and does not exist after death—this is peaceful, this is excellent, this is reality!’ Thus, bhikkhus, do some overreach.

“How, bhikkhus, do those with vision see? Herein a bhikkhu sees what has come to be as having come to be. Having seen it thus, he practises the course for turning away, for dispassion, for the cessation of what has come to be. Thus, bhikkhus, do those with vision see.”

Having seen what has come to be
As having come to be,
Passing beyond what has come to be,
They are released in accordance with truth
By exhausting the craving for being.

When a bhikkhu has fully understood
That which has come to be as such,
Free from craving to be this or that,
By the extinction of what has come to be
He comes no more to renewal of being.

This too is the meaning of what was said by the Lord, so I heard.

- Translator: John D. Ireland

- Editor: Bhikkhu Sujato


This was said by the Buddha, the Perfected One: that is what I heard.
“Overcome by two misconceptions, mendicants, some gods and humans get stuck, some overreach, while those with vision see.
And how do some get stuck?
Because of love, delight, and enjoyment of existence, when the Dhamma is being taught for the cessation of existence, the minds of some gods and humans are not eager, confident, settled, and decided.
That is how some get stuck.
And how do some overreach?
Some, becoming horrified, repelled, and disgusted with existence, delight in ending existence:
‘When this self is annihilated and destroyed when the body breaks up, and doesn’t exist after death:
that is peaceful, that is sublime, that is reality.’
That is how some overreach.
And how do those with vision see?
It’s when a mendicant sees what has come to be as having come to be.
Seeing this, they are practicing for disillusionment, dispassion, and cessation regarding what has come to be.
That is how those with vision see.”
The Buddha spoke this matter.
On this it is said:
“Those who see what has come to be as having come to be,
transcending what has come to be,
are freed in accord with the truth,
with the ending of craving for continued existence.
They completely understand what has come to be,
rid of craving for rebirth in this or that state,
with the disappearance of what has come to be,
a mendicant does not come back to future lives.”
This too is a matter that was spoken by the Blessed One: that is what I heard.