buddha daily wisdom image

kp.4 Khuddakapatha

The Questions to the Boy

What is said to be one?

All beings subsist on food.

What is said to be two?

Mind and body.

What is said to be three?

The three feelings.

What is said to be four?

The four noble truths.

What is said to be five?

The five constituent groups of mind and body that provide fuel for attachment.

What is said to be six?

The six internal sense spheres.

What is said to be seven?

The seven factors of Awakening.

What is said to be eight?

The noble path with eight factors.

What is said to be nine?

The nine abodes of beings.

What is said to be ten?

When endowed with ten factors he is said to be Worthy.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ānandajoti

- Editor: Bhikkhu Sujato

Questions to be Answered by a Novice

One is what? All beings subsist on food.

Two is what? Name and form (mind and matter).

Three is what? Three kinds of feeling.

Four is what? Four Noble Truths.

Five is what? Five aggregates subject to grasping.

Six is what? Internal six-fold base.

Seven is what? Seven Factors of Enlightenment.

Eight is what? The Noble Eightfold Path.

Nine is what? Nine abodes of beings.

Ten is what? He that is endowed with ten attributes is called an arahant.

- Translator: Piyadassi Thera

The Boy’s Questions

What is the one?
All sentient beings are sustained by food.
What is the two?
Name and form.
What is the three?
Three feelings.
What is the four?
Four noble truths.
What is the five?
Five grasping aggregates.
What is the six?
Six interior sense fields.
What is the seven?
Seven awakening factors.
What is the eight?
The noble eightfold path.
What is the nine?
Nine abodes of sentient beings.
What is the ten?
One endowed with ten factors is called “perfected”.