buddha daily wisdom image

mil.3.6.4 Milindapanha

Chapter 6

Pure conduct

The king said: ‘Was the Buddha, Nāgasena, pure in conduct (was he a Brahma-cārin)?’

‘Yes, the Blessed One was pure.’

‘Then, Nāgasena, it follows that he was a follower of Brahmā.’

‘Have you a state elephant, O king?’


‘Well now, does that elephant ever trumpet (literally “cry the heron’s cry “)?’

‘Oh, yes.’

‘But is he, then, on that account a follower of the herons?’

‘Of course not.’

‘Now tell me, great king, has Brahma wisdom (Buddhi), or has he not?’

‘He is a being with wisdom.’

‘Then (on your argument) he is surely a follower of Buddha.’

‘Well answered, Nāgasena!’

- Translator: T.W. Rhys Davids

- Editor: Bhikkhu Sujato