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mil.7.7.9 Milindapanha

Chapter 6

The Fisherman

‘Venerable Nāgasena, those two qualities of the fisherman you say he ought to take, which are they?’

‘Just, O king, as the fisherman draws up the fish on his hook; just so, O king, should the strenuous Bhikshu, earnest in effort, draw up by his knowledge, and that to the uttermost, the fruits of Samanaship. This, O king, is the first quality of the fisherman he ought to have.

‘And again, O king, just as the fisherman by the sacrifice of a very little comes to great gain ; just so, O king, should the strenuous Bhikshu, earnest in effort, renounce the mean baits of worldly things; then by that renunciation will he gain the mighty fruits of Samanaship. This, O king, is the second quality of the fisherman he ought to have. For it was said, O king, by Rāhula, the Elder:

“Renouncing the baits of the world he shall gain
The state that is void of lust, anger, and sin—
Those conditions of sentient life—and be free,
Free from the cravings that mortals feel,
And the fruits of the stages of th’ Excellent Way
And the six modes of Insight shall all be his.”’

- Translator: T.W. Rhys Davids

- Editor: Bhikkhu Sujato