buddha daily wisdom image

mn.139 Majjhima Nikāya (Middle Discourses)

The Exposition of Non-Conflict

Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was living at Sāvatthī in Jeta's Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika's Park. There the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus thus:

“Bhikkhus.” “Venerable sir,” they replied. The Blessed One said this:

“Bhikkhus, I shall teach you an exposition of non-conflict.

Listen and attend closely to what I shall say.” “Yes, venerable sir,” the bhikkhus replied. The Blessed One said this:

“One should not pursue sensual pleasure, which is low, vulgar, coarse, ignoble, and unbeneficial; and one should not pursue self-mortification, which is painful, ignoble, and unbeneficial. The Middle Way discovered by the Tathāgata avoids both extremes; giving vision, giving knowledge, it leads to peace, to direct knowledge, to enlightenment, to Nibbāna. One should know what it is to extol and what it is to disparage, and knowing both, one should neither extol nor disparage but should teach only the Dhamma. One should know how to define pleasure, and knowing that; one should pursue pleasure within oneself. One should not utter covert speech, and one should not utter overt sharp speech~ One should speak unhurriedly, not hurriedly. One should not insist on local language, and one should not override normal usage. This is the summary of the exposition of non-conflict.

“‘One should not pursue sensual pleasure, which is low, vulgar, coarse, ignoble, and unbeneficial; and one should not pursue self-mortification, which is painful, ignoble, and unbeneficial.’ So it was said. And with reference to what was this said?

“The pursuit of the enjoyment of one whose pleasure is linked to sensual desires, low, vulgar, coarse, ignoble, and unbeneficial, is a state beset by suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and it is the wrong way. Disengagement from the pursuit of the enjoyment of one whose pleasure is linked to sensual desires, low, vulgar, coarse, ignoble, and unbeneficial, is a state without suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and it is the right way.

“The pursuit of self-mortification, painful, ignoble, and unbeneficial, is a state beset by suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and it is the wrong way. Disengagement from the pursuit of self-mortification, painful, ignoble, and unbeneficial, is a state without suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and it is the right way.

“So it was with reference to this that it was said: ‘One should not pursue sensual pleasure, which is low, vulgar, coarse, ignoble, and unbeneficial; and one should not pursue self-mortification, which is painful, ignoble, and unbeneficial.’

“‘The Middle Way discovered by the Tathāgata avoids both these extremes; giving vision, giving knowledge, it leads to peace, to direct knowledge, to enlightenment, to Nibbāna.’ So it was said. And with reference to what was this said? It is just this Noble Eightfold Path; that is, right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. So it was with reference to this that it was said: ‘The Middle Way discovered by the Tathagata avoids both these extremes … to Nibbāna.’

“‘One should know what it is to extol and what it is to disparage, and knowing both, one should neither extol nor disparage but should teach only the Dhamma.’ So it was said. And with reference to what was this said?

“How, bhikkhus, does there come to be extolling and disparaging and failure to teach only the Dhamma? When one says: ‘All those engaged in the pursuit of the enjoyment of one whose pleasure is linked to sensual desires, low … and unbeneficial, are beset by suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and they have entered upon the wrong way,’ one thus disparages some. When one says: ‘All those disengaged from the pursuit of the enjoyment of one whose pleasure is linked to sensual desires , low … and unbeneficial, are without suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and they have entered upon the right way,’ one thus extols some.

“When one says: ‘All those engaged in the pursuit of self-mortification, painful, ignoble, and unbeneficial, are beset by suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and they have entered upon the wrong way,’ one thus disparages some. When one says: ‘All those disengaged from the pursuit of self-mortification, painful, ignoble, and unbeneficial, are without suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and they have entered upon the right way,’ one thus extols some.

“When one says: ‘All those who have not abandoned the fetter of being are beset by suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and they have entered upon the wrong way,’ one thus disparages some. When one says: ‘All those who have abandoned the fetter of being are without suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and they have entered upon the right way,’ one thus extols some. This is how there comes to be extolling and disparaging and failure to teach only the Dhamma.

“And how, bhikkhus, does there come to be neither extolling nor disparaging but teaching only the Dhamma? When one does not say: ‘All those engaged in the pursuit of the enjoyment of one whose pleasure is linked to sensual desires … have entered upon the wrong way,’ but says instead: ‘The pursuit is a state beset by suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and it is the wrong way,’ then one teaches only the Dhamma. When one does not say: I All those disengaged from the pursuit of the enjoyment of one whose pleasure is linked to sensual desires … have entered upon the right way,’ but says instead: ‘The disengagement is a state without suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and it is the right way,’ then one teaches only the Dhamma.

“When one does not say: ‘All those engaged in the pursuit of self-mortification … have entered upon the wrong way,’ but says instead: ‘The pursuit is a state beset by suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and it is the wrong way,’ then one teaches only the Dhamma. When one does not say: ‘All those disengaged from the pursuit of self-mortification … have entered upon the right way,’ but says instead: ‘The disengagement is a state without suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and it is the right way,’ then one teaches only the Dhamma.

“When one does not say: ‘All those who have not abandoned the fetter of being … have entered upon the wrong way,’ but says instead: ‘As long as the fetter of being is unabandoned, being too is unabandoned,’ then one teaches only the Dhamma.

When one does not say: ‘All those who have abandoned the fetter of being … have entered upon the right way,’ but says instead: ‘When the fetter of being is abandoned, being also is abandoned,’ then one teaches only the Dhamma.

“So it was with reference to this that it was said: ‘One should know what it is to extol and what it is to disparage, and knowing both, one should neither extol nor disparage but should teach only the Dhamma.’

“‘One should know how to define pleasure, and knowing that, one should pursue pleasure within oneself.’ So it was said. And with reference to what was this said?

“Bhikkhus, there are these five cords of sensual pleasure.

What five?

Forms cognizable by the eye sounds cognizable by the ear. .. odours cognizable by the nose flavours cognizable by the tongue … tangibles cognizable by the body that are wished for, desired, agreeable, and likeable, connected with sensual desire and provocative of lust. These are the five cords of sensual pleasure. Now the pleasure and joy that arise dependent on these five cords of sensual pleasure are called sensual pleasure a filthy pleasure, a coarse pleasure, an ignoble pleasure. I say of this kind of pleasure that it should not be pursued, that it should not be developed, that it should not be cultivated, and that it should be feared.

“Here, bhikkhus, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unwholesome states, a bhikkhu enters upon and abides in the first jhāna … the second jhāna … the third jhāna … the fourth jhāna. This is called the bliss of renunciation, the bliss of seclusion, the bliss of peace, the bliss of enlightenment. I say of this kind of pleasure that it should be pursued, that it should be developed, that it should be cultivated, and that it should not be feared.

“So it was with reference to this that it was said: ‘One should know how to define pleasure, and knowing that, one should pursue pleasure within oneself.’

“‘One should not utter covert speech, and one should not utter overt sharp speech.’ So it was said. And with reference to what was this said?

“Here, bhikkhus, when one knows covert speech to be untrue, incorrect, and unbeneficial, one should on no account utter it. When one knows covert speech to be true, correct, and unbeneficial, one should try not to utter it. But when one knows covert speech to be true, correct, and beneficial, one may utter it, knowing the time to do so.

“Here, bhikkhus, when one knows overt sharp speech to be untrue, incorrect, and unbeneficial, one should on no account utter it. When one knows overt sharp speech to be true, correct, and unbeneficial, one should try not to utter it. But when one knows overt sharp speech to be true, correct, and beneficial, one may utter it, knowing the time to do so.

“So it was with reference to this that it was said: ‘One should not utter covert speech, and one should not utter overt sharp speech.’

“‘One should speak unhurriedly, not hurriedly.’ So it was said. And with reference to what was this said?

“Here, bhikkhus, when one speaks hurriedly, one's body grows tired and one's mind becomes excited, one's voice is strained and one's throat becomes hoarse, and the speech of one who speaks hurriedly is indistinct and hard to understand.

“Here, bhikkhus, when one speaks unhurriedly, one's body does not grow tired nor does one's mind become excited, one's voice is not strained nor does one's throat become hoarse, and the speech of one who speaks unhurriedly is distinct and easy to understand.

“So it was with reference to this that it was said: ‘One should speak unhurriedly, not hurriedly.’

“‘One should not insist on local language, and one should not override normal usage.’ So it was said. And with reference to what was this said?

“How, bhikkhus, does there come to be insistence on local language and overriding of normal usage? Here, bhikkhus, in different localities they call the same thing a ‘dish’ [pāti], a ‘bowl’ [patta], a ‘vessel’ [vittha], a ‘saucer’ [sarāva], a ‘pan’ [dhāropa], a ‘pot’ [poṇa], a ‘mug’ [hana] or a ‘basin’ [pisīla]. So whatever they call it in such and such a locality, one speaks accordingly, firmly adhering [to that expression] and insisting: ‘Only this is correct; anything else is wrong.’ This is how there comes to be insistence on local language and overriding normal usage.

“And how, bhikkhus, does there come to be non-insistence on local language and non-overriding of normal usage? Here, bhikkhus, in different localities they call the same thing a ‘dish’ … or a ‘basin.’ So whatever they call it in such and such a locality, without adhering [to that expression] one speaks accordingly, thinking: ‘These venerable ones, it seems, are speaking with reference to this.’ This is how there comes to be non-insistence on local language and non-overriding of normal usage.

“So it was with reference to this that it was said: ‘One should not insist on local language, and one should not override normal usage.’

“Here, bhikkhus, the pursuit of the enjoyment of one whose pleasure is linked to sensual desires, low … and unbeneficial, is a state beset by suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and it is the wrong way. Therefore this is a state with conflict.

“Here, bhikkhus, disengagement from the pursuit of the enjoyment of one whose pleasure is linked to sensual desires low … and unbeneficial, is a state without suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and it is the right way. Therefore this is a state without conflict.

“Here, bhikkhus, the pursuit of self-mortification, painful, ignoble, and unbeneficial, is a state beset by suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and it is the wrong way. Therefore this is a state with conflict.

“Here, bhikkhus, disengagement from the pursuit of self-mortification, painful, ignoble, and unbeneficial, is a state without suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and it is the right way. Therefore this is a state without conflict.

“Here, bhikkhus, the Middle Way discovered by the Tathāgata avoids both these extremes; giving vision, giving knowledge, it leads to peace, to direct knowledge, to enlightenment, to Nibbāna. It is a state without suffering … and it is the right way. Therefore this is a state without conflict.

“Here, bhikkhus, extolling and disparaging and failure to teach only the Dhamma is a state beset by suffering … and it is the wrong way. Therefore this is a state with conflict.

“Here, bhikkhus, not extolling and not disparaging and teaching only the Dhamma is a state without suffering … and it is the right way. Therefore this is a state without conflict.

“Here, bhikkhus, sensual pleasure, a filthy pleasure, a coarse pleasure, an ignoble pleasure, is a state beset by suffering … and it is the wrong way. Therefore this is a state with conflict.

“Here, bhikkhus, the bliss of renunciation, the bliss of seclusion, the bliss of peace, the bliss of enlightenment, is a state without suffering … and it is the right way. Therefore this is a state without conflict.

“Here, bhikkhus, covert speech that is untrue, incorrect, and unbeneficial is a state beset by suffering … Therefore this is a state with conflict.

“Here, bhikkhus, covert speech that is true, correct, and unbeneficial is a state beset by suffering … Therefore this is a state with conflict.

“Here, bhikkhus, covert speech that is true, correct, and beneficial is a state without suffering … Therefore this is a state without conflict.

“Here, bhikkhus, overt sharp speech that is untrue, incorrect, and unbeneficial is a state beset by suffering … Therefore this is a state with conflict.

“Here, bhikkhus, overt sharp speech that is true, correct, and unbeneficial is a state beset by suffering … Therefore this is a state with conflict.

“Here, bhikkhus, overt sharp speech that is true, correct, and beneficial is a state without suffering … Therefore this is a state without conflict.

“Here, bhikkhus, the speech of one who speaks hurriedly is a state beset by suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and it is the wrong way. Therefore this is a state with conflict.

“Here, bhikkhus, the speech of one who speaks unhurriedly is a state without suffering … Therefore this is a state without conflict.

“Here, bhikkhus, insistence on local language and overriding of normal usage is a state beset by suffering … Therefore this is a state with conflict.

“Here, bhikkhus, non-insistence on local language and non-overriding of normal usage is a state without suffering, vexation, despair, and fever, and it is the right way. Therefore this is a state without conflict.

“Therefore, bhikkhus, you should train yourselves thus: ‘We shall know the state with conflict and we shall know the state without conflict, and knowing these, we shall enter upon the way without conflict.’ Now, bhikkhus, Subhuti is a clansman who has entered upon the way without conflict.”

That is what the Blessed One said. The bhikkhus were satisfied and delighted in the Blessed One's words.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli

- Editor: Brother Joe Smith

Analysis of Non-Conflict

Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Sāvatthi, in Jeta‘s Grove, at Anāthapiṇḍika‘s Park. There the Blessed One addressed the monks: “Monks!” “Auspicious sir,” those monks replied to the Blessed One. The Blessed One said this: “Monks, I will teach an analysis of non-conflict1 for you. Listen to this and carefully pay attention; I will speak.” “Yes, Bhante,” those monks replied to the Blessed One. The Blessed One said this:

“One should not be committed to sensual pleasure, which is inferior, the behavior of villagers2, the behavior of commoners3, ignoble, and unbeneficial. One should also not be committed to self-torment, which is painful, ignoble, and unbeneficial. Monks, without approaching either of these two extremes, a moderate path of practice4 has been awakened to by the Tathāgata, which produces vision, produces knowledge, and leads to tranquility, higher knowledge, awakening, and Nibbāna. One should understand flattery and one should understand disparagement. Having understood flattery and disparagement, one should neither flatter nor disparage; one should just teach the Dhamma. One should understand the definition of happiness. Having understood the definition of happiness, one should be committed to internal happiness. One is not to gossip5, and one is not to make critical remarks about a person who is present. One is to speak unhurriedly, not hurriedly. One is not to insist on using the language of a particular country, and one is not to override conventional terminology. This is the table of contents for the analysis of non-conflict.

Sensual Pleasure and Self-torment

“‘One should not be committed to sensual pleasure, which is inferior, the behavior of villagers, the behavior of commoners, ignoble, and unbeneficial. One should also not be committed to self-torment, which is painful, ignoble, and unbeneficial.’ This is what was said; what does this refer to?

“Devotion to the elation that arises from pleasure that is connected with sensuality, which is inferior, the behavior of villagers, the behavior of commoners, ignoble, and unbeneficial – this phenomenon brings suffering, infliction, anguish, and fever; it is the wrong practice.

“Non-devotion to the elation that arises from pleasure that is connected with sensuality, which is inferior, the behavior of villagers, the behavior of commoners, ignoble, and unbeneficial – this phenomenon is free of suffering, free of infliction, free of anguish, free of fever; it is the right practice.

“Commitment to self-torment is painful, ignoble, and unbeneficial – this phenomenon brings suffering, infliction, anguish, and fever; it is the wrong practice.

“Non-commitment to self-torment, which is painful, ignoble, and unbeneficial – this phenomenon is free of suffering, free of infliction, free of anguish, free of fever; it is the right practice.

“‘One should not be committed to sensual pleasure, which is inferior, the behavior of villagers, the behavior of commoners, ignoble, and unbeneficial. One should also not be committed to self-torment, which is painful, ignoble, and unbeneficial.’ This is what was said, and this is what it refers to.

The Moderate Path of Practice

“‘Without approaching either of these two extremes, a moderate path of practice has been awakened to by the Tathāgata, which produces vision, produces knowledge, and leads to tranquility, higher knowledge, awakening, and Nibbāna.’ This is what was said; what does this refer to?

“Just this noble eightfold path; that is, right perspective, right attitude, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration.

“‘Without approaching either of these two extremes, a moderate path of practice has been awakened to by the Tathāgata, which produces vision, produces knowledge, and leads to tranquility, higher knowledge, awakening, and Nibbāna.’ This is what was said, and this is what it refers to.

Flattery and Disparagement

“‘One should understand flattery and one should understand disparagement. Having understood flattery and disparagement, one should neither flatter nor disparage; one should just teach the Dhamma.’ This is what was said; what does this refer to?

“Monks, how is there flattery and disparagement, and not the teaching of Dhamma?

“When one says, ‘There are those who are committed to sensual pleasure, which is inferior, the behavior of villagers, the behavior of commoners, ignoble, and unbeneficial. They all have suffering, infliction, anguish, and fever; they are all practicing wrongly,’ then one disparages some people.

“When one says, ‘There are those who are not committed to sensual pleasure, which is inferior, the behavior of villagers, the behavior of commoners, ignoble, and unbeneficial. They are all free of suffering, free of infliction, free of anguish, free of fever; they are all practicing rightly,’ then one flatters some people.

“When one says, ‘There are those who are committed to self-torment, which is painful, ignoble, and unbeneficial. They all have suffering, infliction, anguish, and fever; they are all practicing wrongly,’ then one disparages some people.

“When one says, ‘There are those who are not committed to self-torment, which is painful, ignoble, and unbeneficial. They are all free of suffering, free of infliction, free of anguish, free of fever; they are all practicing rightly,’ then one flatters some people.

“When one says, ‘There are those who have not abandoned the fetter of existence. They all have suffering, infliction, anguish, and fever; they are all practicing wrongly,’ then one disparages some people.

“When one says, ‘There are those who have abandoned the fetter of existence. They are all free of suffering, free of infliction, free of anguish, free of fever; they are all practicing rightly,’ then one flatters some people.

“Monks, this is how there is flattery and disparagement, and not the teaching of Dhamma.

“Monks, how is there neither flattery nor disparagement, and just the teaching of Dhamma?

“One does not say ‘There are those who are committed to sensual pleasure… they are all practicing wrongly.’ When one says, ‘This commitment brings suffering, infliction, anguish, and fever; it is the wrong practice,’ then one just teaches the Dhamma.

“One does not say ‘There are those who are not committed to sensual pleasure… they are all practicing rightly.’ When one says, ‘The absence of this commitment is free of suffering, free of infliction, free of anguish, free of fever; it is the right practice,’ then one just teaches the Dhamma.

“One does not say ‘There are those who are committed to self-torment… they are all practicing wrongly.’ When one says, ‘This commitment brings suffering, infliction, anguish, and fever; it is the wrong practice,’ then one just teaches the Dhamma.

“One does not say ‘There are those who are not committed to self-torment…they are all practicing rightly.’ When one says, ‘The absence of this commitment is free of suffering, free of infliction, free of anguish, free of fever; it is the right practice,’ then one just teaches the Dhamma.

“One does not say ‘There are those who have not abandoned the fetter of existence… they are all practicing wrongly.’ When one says, ‘When the fetter of existence is not abandoned, then existence is also not abandoned,’ then one just teaches the Dhamma.

“One does not say ‘There are those who have abandoned the fetter of existence… they are all practicing rightly.’ When one says, ‘When the fetter of existence has been abandoned, then existence is also abandoned,’ then one just teaches the Dhamma.

“‘One should understand flattery and one should understand disparagement. Having understood flattery and disparagement, one should neither flatter nor disparage; one should just teach the Dhamma.’ This is what was said, and this is what it refers to.

Defining Happiness

“‘One should understand the definition of happiness. Having understood the definition of happiness, one should be committed to internal happiness.’ This is what was said; what does this refer to?

“Monks, there are these five cords of sensuality. What five? Visible objects cognizable by the eye which are desirable, appealing, pleasing, enjoyable, sensual, and exciting. Sounds cognizable by the ear… fragrances cognizable by the nose… flavors cognizable by the tongue… tangible objects cognizable by the body which are desirable, appealing, pleasing, enjoyable, sensual, and exciting. Monks, these are the five cords of sensuality. Monks, any pleasure and elation that arises dependent on these five cords of sensuality is called sensual pleasure, dirty6 pleasure, vulgar pleasure, ignoble pleasure. I say that such pleasure is not to be cultivated, not to be developed, not to be made much of; such pleasure is to be regarded as dangerous.

“Monks, here a monk who is secluded from sensuality and secluded from unwholesome phenomena attains and remains in the first jhāna, which has thought, has consideration, and has rapture and happiness produced by seclusion. With the tranquilizing of thought and consideration, he attains and remains in the second jhāna, which has internal composure, mental unification, is free of thought, is free of consideration, and has rapture and happiness produced by concentration. With the dissipation of rapture, he remains equanimous, mindful, and clearly aware, experiencing pleasure with the body; what the noble ones describe as ‘Equanimous, mindful, and dwelling happily’ – he attains and remains in the third jhāna. With the abandoning of pleasure, the abandoning of pain, and the previous disappearance of elation and dejection, he attains and remains in the fourth jhāna, which has neither pain nor pleasure, and has purity of mindfulness and equanimity. This is called the pleasure of renunciation, the pleasure of seclusion, the pleasure of tranquility, the pleasure of awakening. I say that such pleasure is to be cultivated, is to be developed, is to be made much of; such pleasure is not to be regarded as dangerous.7

“‘One should understand the definition of happiness. Having understood the definition of happiness, one should be committed to internal happiness.’ This is what was said, and this is what it refers to.

Gossip and Open Criticism

“‘One is not to gossip, and one is not to make critical remarks about a person who is present.’ This is what was said; what does this refer to?

“Monks, when one knows that a piece of gossip is nonfactual, untrue, and unbeneficial, then to the extent of one‘s ability one is not to speak that gossip. When one knows that a piece of gossip is factual, true, and unbeneficial, then one is to train oneself to avoid saying it. When one knows that a piece of gossip is factual, true, and beneficial, then one is to know the proper time for saying that gossip.

“Monks, when one knows that a critical remark about a person who is present is nonfactual, untrue, and unbeneficial, then to the extent of one‘s ability one is not to speak that critical remark. When one knows that a critical remark about a person who is present is factual, true, and unbeneficial, then one is to train oneself to avoid saying it. When one knows that a critical remark about a person who is present is factual, true, and beneficial, then one is to know the proper time for saying that critical remark about a person who is present.

“‘One is not to gossip, and one is not to make critical remarks about a person who is present.’ This is what was said, and this is what it refers to.

Hurried Speech

“‘One is to speak unhurriedly, not hurriedly.’ This is what was said; what does this refer to?

“Monks, when one speaks hurriedly, one‘s body becomes tired, one‘s mind becomes agitated, one‘s voice becomes unclear, one‘s throat becomes sore, and one‘s statements are indistinct and difficult to understand. Monks, when one speaks unhurriedly, one‘s body does not become tired, one‘s mind does not become agitated, one‘s voice does not become unclear, one‘s throat does not become sore, and one‘s statements are distinct and understandable.

“‘One is to speak unhurriedly, not hurriedly.’ This is what was said, and this is what it refers to.

Insistence on Regional Terminology

“‘One is not to insist on using the language of a particular country, and one is not to override conventional terminology.’ This is what was said; what does this refer to?

“Monks, how is there insistence on using the language of a particular country, and the overriding of conventional terminology? Monks, in some countries it is called a ‘dish,’ in some a ‘bowl,’ in some a ‘vessel,’ in some a ‘saucer,’ in some a ‘pan,’ in some a ‘pot,’ in some a ‘basin.’ Regardless of what it is called in those countries, one stubbornly, graspingly insists on using a particular term, and says ‘Only this is correct, everything else is wrong.’ Monks, it is in this way that there is insistence on using the language of a particular country, and the overriding of conventional terminology.

“Monks, how is there no insistence on using the language of a particular country, and no overriding of conventional terminology? Monks, in some countries it is called a ‘dish,’ in some a ‘bowl,’ in some a ‘vessel,’ in some a ‘saucer,’ in some a ‘pan,’ in some a ‘pot,’ in some a ‘basin.’ Whatever it is called in those countries, one thinks ‘Apparently these venerables are referring to that when they speak,’ and one speaks accordingly without grasping. Monks, it is in this way that there is no insistence on using the language of a particular country, and no overriding of conventional terminology.

“‘One is not to insist on using the language of a particular country, and one is not to override conventional terminology.’ This is what was said, and this is what it refers to.


“Monks, devotion to the elation that arises from pleasure that is connected with sensuality, which is inferior, the behavior of villagers, the behavior of commoners, ignoble, and unbeneficial – this phenomenon brings suffering, infliction, anguish, and fever; it is the wrong practice. Therefore this phenomenon brings conflict8.

“Monks, non-devotion to the elation that arises from pleasure that is connected with sensuality, which is inferior, the behavior of villagers, the behavior of commoners, ignoble, and unbeneficial – this phenomenon is free of suffering, free of infliction, free of anguish, free of fever; it is the right practice. Therefore this phenomenon is free of conflict.

“Monks, commitment to self-torment is painful, ignoble, and unbeneficial – this phenomenon brings suffering, infliction, anguish, and fever; it is the wrong practice. Therefore this phenomenon brings conflict.

“Monks, non-commitment to self-torment, which is painful, ignoble, and unbeneficial – this phenomenon is free of suffering, free of infliction, free of anguish, free of fever; it is the right practice. Therefore this phenomenon is free of conflict.

“Monks, the moderate path of practice which has been awakened to by the Tathāgata, and it produces vision, produces knowledge, and leads to tranquility, higher knowledge, awakening, and Nibbāna – this is a phenomenon which is free of suffering, free of infliction, free of anguish, free of fever; it is the right practice. Therefore this phenomenon is free of conflict.

“Monks, there is flattery and disparagement and not the teaching of Dhamma – this phenomenon brings suffering, infliction, anguish, and fever; it is the wrong practice. Therefore this phenomenon brings conflict.

“Monks, there is neither flattery nor disparagement, and just the teaching of Dhamma – this phenomenon is free of suffering, free of infliction, free of anguish, free of fever; it is the right practice. Therefore this phenomenon is free of conflict.

“Monks, there is sensual pleasure, dirty pleasure, vulgar pleasure, ignoble pleasure – this phenomenon brings suffering, infliction, anguish, and fever; it is the wrong practice. Therefore this phenomenon brings conflict.

“Monks, there is the pleasure of renunciation, the pleasure of seclusion, the pleasure of tranquility, the pleasure of awakening – this phenomenon is free of suffering, free of infliction, free of anguish, free of fever; it is the right practice. Therefore this phenomenon is free of conflict.

“Monks, there is gossip that is nonfactual, untrue, and unbeneficial – this phenomenon brings infliction, anguish, and fever; it is the wrong practice. Therefore this phenomenon brings conflict.

“Monks, there is gossip that is factual, true, and unbeneficial – this phenomenon brings infliction, anguish, and fever; it is the wrong practice. Therefore this phenomenon brings conflict.

“Monks, there is gossip that is factual, true, and beneficial – this phenomenon is free of infliction, free of anguish, free of fever; it is the right practice. Therefore this phenomenon is free of conflict.

“Monks, there is a critical remark about a person who is present, that is nonfactual, untrue, and unbeneficial – this phenomenon brings infliction, anguish, and fever; it is the wrong practice. Therefore this phenomenon brings conflict.

“Monks, there is a critical remark about a person who is present, that is factual, true, and unbeneficial – this phenomenon brings infliction, anguish, and fever; it is the wrong practice. Therefore this phenomenon brings conflict.

“Monks, there is a critical remark about a person who is present, that is factual, true, and beneficial – this phenomenon is free of infliction, free of anguish, free of fever; it is the right practice. Therefore this phenomenon is free of conflict.

“Monks, there is hurried speech – this phenomenon brings infliction, anguish, and fever; it is the wrong practice. Therefore this phenomenon brings conflict.

“Monks, there is unhurried speech – this phenomenon is free of infliction, free of anguish, free of fever; it is the right practice. Therefore this phenomenon is free of conflict.

“Monks, there is insistence on using the language of a particular country, and the overriding of conventional terminology – this phenomenon brings infliction, anguish, and fever; it is the wrong practice. Therefore this phenomenon brings conflict.

“Monks, there is non-insistence on using the language of a particular country, and non-overriding of conventional terminology – this phenomenon is free of infliction, free of anguish, free of fever; it is the right practice. Therefore this phenomenon is free of conflict.

“Therefore, monks, this is how you are to train: ‘We will understand phenomena that bring conflict, and we will understand phenomena that are free of conflict. Having known phenomena that bring conflict and phenomena that are free of conflict, we will practice the path of non-conflict.’ Monks, the gentleman Subhūti practices the path of non-conflict.”

This is what the Blessed One said. Satisfied, those monks delighted in the Blessed One‘s speech.

- Translator: Suddhāso Bhikkhu

- Editor: Aminah Borg-Luck

The Analysis of Non-Conflict

So I have heard.
At one time the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery.
There the Buddha addressed the mendicants,
“Venerable sir,” they replied.
The Buddha said this:
“Mendicants, I shall teach you the analysis of non-conflict.
Listen and pay close attention, I will speak.”
“Yes, sir,” they replied.
The Buddha said this:
“Don’t indulge in sensual pleasures, which are low, crude, ordinary, ignoble, and pointless. And don’t indulge in self-mortification, which is painful, ignoble, and pointless.
Avoiding these two extremes, the Realized One woke up by understanding the middle way of practice, which gives vision and knowledge, and leads to peace, direct knowledge, awakening, and extinguishment.
Know what it means to flatter and to rebuke.
Knowing these, avoid them, and just teach Dhamma.
Know how to assess different kinds of pleasure.
Knowing this, pursue inner bliss.
Don’t talk behind people’s backs, and don’t speak sharply in their presence.
Don’t speak hurriedly.
Don’t insist on local terminology and don’t override normal usage.
This is the recitation passage for the analysis of non-conflict.
‘Don’t indulge in sensual pleasures, which are low, crude, ordinary, ignoble, and pointless. And don’t indulge in self-mortification, which is painful, ignoble, and pointless.’
That’s what I said, but why did I say it?
Pleasure linked to sensuality is low, crude, ordinary, ignoble, and pointless. Indulging in such happiness is a principle beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the wrong way.
Breaking off such indulgence is a principle free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the right way.
Indulging in self-mortification is painful, ignoble, and pointless. It is a principle beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the wrong way.
Breaking off such indulgence is a principle free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the right way.
‘Don’t indulge in sensual pleasures, which are low, crude, ordinary, ignoble, and pointless. And don’t indulge in self-mortification, which is painful, ignoble, and pointless.’
That’s what I said, and this is why I said it.
‘Avoiding these two extremes, the Realized One woke up by understanding the middle way of practice, which gives vision and knowledge, and leads to peace, direct knowledge, awakening, and extinguishment.’
That’s what I said, but why did I say it?
It is simply this noble eightfold path, that is:
right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right immersion.
‘Avoiding these two extremes, the Realized One woke up by understanding the middle way of practice, which gives vision and knowledge, and leads to peace, direct knowledge, awakening, and extinguishment.’
That’s what I said, and this is why I said it.
‘Know what it means to flatter and to rebuke.
Knowing these, avoid them, and just teach Dhamma.’
That’s what I said, but why did I say it?
And how is there flattering and rebuking without teaching Dhamma?
In speaking like this, some are rebuked: ‘Pleasure linked to sensuality is low, crude, ordinary, ignoble, and pointless. All those who indulge in such happiness are beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and they are practicing the wrong way.’

In speaking like this, some are flattered: ‘Pleasure linked to sensuality is low, crude, ordinary, ignoble, and pointless. All those who have broken off such indulgence are free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and they are practicing the right way.’

In speaking like this, some are rebuked: ‘Indulging in self-mortification is painful, ignoble, and pointless. All those who indulge in it are beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and they are practicing the wrong way.’

In speaking like this, some are flattered: ‘Indulging in self-mortification is painful, ignoble, and pointless. All those who have broken off such indulgence are free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and they are practicing the right way.’

In speaking like this, some are rebuked: ‘All those who have not given up the fetters of rebirth are beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and they are practicing the wrong way.’

In speaking like this, some are flattered: ‘All those who have given up the fetters of rebirth are free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and they are practicing the right way.’

That’s how there is flattering and rebuking without teaching Dhamma.
And how is there neither flattering nor rebuking, and just teaching Dhamma?
You don’t say: ‘Pleasure linked to sensuality is low, crude, ordinary, ignoble, and pointless. All those who indulge in such happiness are beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and they are practicing the wrong way.’
Rather, by saying this you just teach Dhamma:
‘The indulgence is a principle beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the wrong way.’

You don’t say: ‘Pleasure linked to sensuality is low, crude, ordinary, ignoble, and pointless. All those who have broken off such indulgence are free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and they are practicing the right way.’
Rather, by saying this you just teach Dhamma:
‘Breaking off the indulgence is a principle free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the right way.’

You don’t say: ‘Indulging in self-mortification is painful, ignoble, and pointless. All those who indulge in it are beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and they are practicing the wrong way.’
Rather, by saying this you just teach Dhamma:
‘The indulgence is a principle beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the wrong way.’

You don’t say: ‘Indulging in self-mortification is painful, ignoble, and pointless. All those who have broken off such indulgence are free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and they are practicing the right way.’
Rather, by saying this you just teach Dhamma:
‘Breaking off the indulgence is a principle free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the right way.’

You don’t say: ‘All those who have not given up the fetters of rebirth are beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and they are practicing the wrong way.’
Rather, by saying this you just teach Dhamma:
‘When the fetter of rebirth is not given up, rebirth is also not given up.’

You don’t say: ‘All those who have given up the fetters of rebirth are free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and they are practicing the right way.’
Rather, by saying this you just teach Dhamma:
‘When the fetter of rebirth is given up, rebirth is also given up.’

That’s how there is neither flattering nor rebuking, and just teaching Dhamma.
‘Know what it means to flatter and to rebuke.
Knowing these, avoid them, and just teach Dhamma.’
That’s what I said, and this is why I said it.
‘Know how to assess different kinds of pleasure.
Knowing this, pursue inner bliss.’
That’s what I said, but why did I say it?
There are these five kinds of sensual stimulation.
What five?
Sights known by the eye that are likable, desirable, agreeable, pleasant, sensual, and arousing.
Sounds known by the ear …
Smells known by the nose …
Tastes known by the tongue …
Touches known by the body that are likable, desirable, agreeable, pleasant, sensual, and arousing.
These are the five kinds of sensual stimulation.
The pleasure and happiness that arise from these five kinds of sensual stimulation is called sensual pleasure—a filthy, common, ignoble pleasure.
Such pleasure should not be cultivated or developed, but should be feared, I say.
Now, take a mendicant who, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected.
As the placing of the mind and keeping it connected are stilled, they enter and remain in the second absorption …
third absorption …
fourth absorption.
This is called the pleasure of renunciation, the pleasure of seclusion, the pleasure of peace, the pleasure of awakening.
Such pleasure should be cultivated and developed, and should not be feared, I say.
‘Know how to assess different kinds of pleasure.
Knowing this, pursue inner bliss.’
That’s what I said, and this is why I said it.
‘Don’t talk behind people’s backs, and don’t speak sharply in their presence.’
That’s what I said,
but why did I say it?
When you know that what you say behind someone’s back is untrue, false, and harmful, then if at all possible you should not speak.
When you know that what you say behind someone’s back is true and correct, but harmful, then you should train yourself not to speak.
When you know that what you say behind someone’s back is true, correct, and beneficial, then you should know the right time to speak.
When you know that your sharp words in someone’s presence are untrue, false, and harmful, then if at all possible you should not speak.
When you know that your sharp words in someone’s presence are true and correct, but harmful, then you should train yourself not to speak.
When you know that your sharp words in someone’s presence are true, correct, and beneficial, then you should know the right time to speak.
‘Don’t talk behind people’s backs, and don’t speak sharply in their presence.’
That’s what I said, and this is why I said it.
‘Don’t speak hurriedly.’
That’s what I said, but why did I say it?
When speaking hurriedly, your body gets tired, your mind gets stressed, your voice gets stressed, your throat gets sore, and your words become unclear and hard to understand.
When not speaking hurriedly, your body doesn’t get tired, your mind doesn’t get stressed, your voice doesn’t get stressed, your throat doesn’t get sore, and your words are clear and easy to understand.
‘Don’t speak hurriedly.’
That’s what I said, and this is why I said it.
‘Don’t insist on local terminology and don’t override normal usage.’
That’s what I said, but why did I say it?
And how do you insist on local terminology and override normal usage?
It’s when in different localities the same thing is known as a ‘plate’, a ‘bowl’, a ‘cup’, a ‘dish’, a ‘basin’, a ‘tureen’, or a ‘porringer’.
And however it is known in those various localities, you speak accordingly, obstinately sticking to that and insisting:
‘This is the only truth, other ideas are silly.’
That’s how you insist on local terminology and override normal usage.
And how do you not insist on local terminology and not override normal usage?
It’s when in different localities the same thing is known as a ‘plate’, a ‘bowl’, a ‘cup’, a ‘dish’, a ‘basin’, a ‘tureen’, or a ‘porringer’.
And however it is known in those various localities, you speak accordingly, thinking: ‘It seems that the venerables are referring to this.’
That’s how you don’t insist on local terminology and don’t override normal usage.
‘Don’t insist on local terminology and don’t override normal usage.’
That’s what I said, and this is why I said it.
Now, mendicants, pleasure linked to sensuality is low, crude, ordinary, ignoble, and pointless. Indulging in such happiness is a principle beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the wrong way.

That’s why this is a principle beset by conflict.
Breaking off such indulgence is a principle free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the right way.

That’s why this is a principle free of conflict.
Indulging in self-mortification is painful, ignoble, and pointless. It is a principle beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the wrong way.

That’s why this is a principle beset by conflict.
Breaking off such indulgence is a principle free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the right way.

That’s why this is a principle free of conflict.
The middle way of practice by which the Realized One was awakened gives vision and knowledge, and leads to peace, direct knowledge, awakening, and extinguishment. It is a principle free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the right way.

That’s why this is a principle free of conflict.
Flattering and rebuking without teaching Dhamma is a principle beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the wrong way.

That’s why this is a principle beset by conflict.
Neither flattering nor rebuking, and just teaching Dhamma is a principle free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the right way.

That’s why this is a principle free of conflict.
Sensual pleasure—a filthy, common, ignoble pleasure—is a principle beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the wrong way.

That’s why this is a principle beset by conflict.
The pleasure of renunciation, the pleasure of seclusion, the pleasure of peace, the pleasure of awakening is a principle free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the right way.

That’s why this is a principle free of conflict.
Saying untrue, false, and harmful things behind someone’s back is a principle beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the wrong way.

That’s why this is a principle beset by conflict.
Saying true and correct, but harmful things behind someone’s back is a principle beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the wrong way.

That’s why this is a principle beset by conflict.
Saying true, correct, and beneficial things behind someone’s back is a principle free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the right way.

That’s why this is a principle free of conflict.
Saying untrue, false, and harmful things in someone’s presence is a principle beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the wrong way.

That’s why this is a principle beset by conflict.
Saying true and correct, but harmful things in someone’s presence is a principle beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the wrong way.

That’s why this is a principle beset by conflict.
Saying true, correct, and beneficial things in someone’s presence is a principle free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the right way.

That’s why this is a principle free of conflict.
Speaking hurriedly is a principle beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the wrong way.

That’s why this is a principle beset by conflict.
Speaking unhurriedly is a principle free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the right way.

That’s why this is a principle free of conflict.
Insisting on local terminology and overriding normal usage is a principle beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the wrong way.

That’s why this is a principle beset by conflict.
Not insisting on local terminology and not overriding normal usage is a principle free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the right way.

That’s why this is a principle free of conflict.
So you should train like this: ‘We shall know the principles beset by conflict and the principles free of conflict.
Knowing this, we will practice the way free of conflict.’
And, mendicants, Subhūti, the gentleman, practices the way of non-conflict.”
That is what the Buddha said.
Satisfied, the mendicants were happy with what the Buddha said.