buddha daily wisdom image

mn.73 Majjhima Nikāya (Middle Discourses)

Greater Discourse to Vacchagotta

Thus have I heard: at one time the Lord was staying near Rājagaha in the Bamboo Grove at the squirrels’ feeding place. Then the wanderer Vacchagotta approached the Lord; having approached, he exchanged greetings with the Lord; having conversed in a friendly and courteous way, he sat down at a respectful distance. As he was sitting down at a respectful distance, the wanderer Vacchagotta spoke thus to the Lord: “It is a long time since I had a conversation with the good Gotama. It were good if the revered Gotama were to teach me in brief what is skilled and what is unskilled.” “I, Vaccha, could teach you what is skilled and what is unskilled in brief; and I, Vaccha, could teach you what is skilled and what is unskilled in full. But I, Vaccha, will teach you what is skilled and what is unskilled in brief. Listen to it, attend carefully, and I will speak.” “Yes, sir,” the wanderer Vacchagotta answered the Lord in assent.

The Lord spoke thus: “Greed, Vaccha, is unskill, absence of greed is skill. Aversion, Vaccha, is unskill, absence of aversion is skill. Confusion, Vaccha, is unskill, absence of confusion is skill. These are the three things that are unskilled, Vaccha, the three that are skilled.

Then, Vaccha, onslaught on creatures is unskill, restraint from onslaught on creatures is skill. Taking what has not been given, Vaccha, is unskill, restraint from taking what has not been given is skill. Wrong conduct in regard to sense-pleasures, Vaccha, is unskill, restraint from wrong conduct in regard to sense-pleasures is skill. Lying speech, Vaccha, is unskill, restraint from lying speech is skill. Slanderous speech, Vaccha, is unskill, restraint from slanderous speech is skill. Harsh speech, Vaccha, is unskill, restraint from harsh speech is skill. Frivolous chatter, Vaccha, is unskill, restraint from frivolous chatter is skill. Covetousness, Vaccha, is unskill, absence of covetousness is skill. Malevolence, Vaccha, is unskill, absence of malevolence is skill. Wrong view, Vaccha, is unskill, right view is skill. These are the ten things that are unskilled, Vaccha and the ten that are skilled.

When craving, Vaccha, has been got rid of by a monk, cut off at the root, made like a palm-tree stump that can come to no further existence in the future, he is a monk who is a perfected one, canker-waned, who has lived the life, done what was to be done, laid down the burden, attained his own goal, the fetters of becoming quite destroyed, freed by right profound knowledge.”

“Let be the good Gotama. Has the good Gotama even one monk who is a disciple and who, by the destruction of the cankers, having realised here and now by his own super-knowledge the freedom of mind and the freedom through intuitive wisdom that are cankerless, entering on them is abiding in them?” “Not merely a hundred, Vaccha, nor two hundred, three hundred, four hundred nor five hundred, but far more are those monks, disciples of mine, who, by the destruction of the cankers, having realised here and now by their own super-knowledge the freedom of mind and the freedom through intuitive wisdom that are cankerless, entering on them are abiding in them.”

“Let be the good Gotama, let be the monks. But has the good Gotama even one nun who is a disciple and who, by the destruction of the cankers, having realised here and now by her own super-knowledge the freedom of mind and the freedom through intuitive wisdom that are cankerless, entering on them is abiding in them?” “Not merely a hundred, Vaccha, nor two, three, four or five hundred, but far more are those nuns, disciples of mine, who, by the destruction of the cankers, having here and now realised by their own super-knowledge the freedom of mind and the freedom through intuitive wisdom that are cankerless, entering on them are abiding in them.”

“Let be the good Gotama, let be the monks, let be the nuns. But has the good Gotama even one layfollower who is a disciple, a householder clothed in white, a Brahma-farer who, by the utter destruction of the five fetters binding to this lower (shore) is of spontaneous uprising, one who has attained nibbāna there and is not liable to return from that world?” “Not merely a hundred, Vaccha, nor two, three, four or five hundred, but far more are those layfollowers, disciples of mine, householders clothed in white, Brahma-farers, who by the utter destruction of the five fetters binding to this lower (shore), are of spontaneous uprising, those who have attained nibbāna there and are not liable to return from that world.”

“Let be the good Gotama, let be the monks, let be the nuns, let be the lay-followers who are householders clothed in white, Brahma-farers. But has the good Gotama even one layfollower who is a disciple, a householder clothed in white, and who, (though) an enjoyer of sense-pleasures, is a doer of the instruction, one who accepts the exhortation, who has crossed over doubt and, perplexity gone, fares in the Teacher's instruction, won to conviction, not relying on others?” “Not merely a hundred, Vaccha, nor two, three, four or five hundred, but far more are these layfollowers, disciples of mine, householders clothed in white, and who, (though) enjoyers of sense-pleasures are doers of the instruction, those who accept the exhortation, who have crossed over doubt and, perplexity gone, fare in the Teacher's instruction, won to conviction, not relying on others.”

“Let be the good Gotama, let be the monks, let be the nuns, let be the layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, Brahma-farers, let be the layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, enjoyers of sense-pleasures. But has the good Gotama even one woman layfollower who is a disciple, a householder clothed in white, a Brahma-farer who, by the utter destruction of the five fetters binding to this lower (shore), is of spontaneous uprising, one who has attained nibbāna there and is not liable to return from that world?” “Not merely a hundred, Vaccha, nor two, three, four or five hundred, but many more are those women layfollowers, disciples of mine, householders clothed in white, Brahma-farers who, by the utter destruction of the five fetters binding to this lower (shore), are of spontaneous uprising, those who have attained nibbāna there and are not liable to return from that world.”

“Let be the good Gotama, let be the monks, let be the nuns, let be the layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, Brahma-farers, let be the layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, enjoyers of sense-pleasures, let be the women layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, Brahma-farers. But has the good Gotama even one woman layfollower who is a disciple, a householder clothed in white, and who, (though) an enjoyer of sense-pleasures, is a doer of the instruction, one who accepts the exhortation, who has crossed over doubt and, perplexity gone, fares in the Teacher's instruction, won to conviction, not relying on others?” “Not merely a hundred, Vaccha, nor two, three, four or five hundred, but many more are those women layfollowers, disciples of mine, householders clothed in white, and who, (though) enjoyers of sense-pleasures, are doers of the instruction, those who accept the exhortation, who have crossed over doubt and, perplexity gone, fare in the Teacher's instruction, won to conviction, not relying on others.”

“If, good Gotama, the revered Gotama had himself undertaken this Dhamma but the monks had not undertaken it, then this Brahma-faring would have been incomplete as to this factor. But because the revered Gotama has undertaken this Dhamma and the monks have undertaken it as well, so is this Brahma-faring complete as to this factor.

If, good Gotama, the revered Gotama had himself undertaken this Dhamma and the monks had undertaken it as well, but not the nuns, then this Brahma-faring would have been incomplete as to this factor. But because the revered Gotama has undertaken this Dhamma and the monks and the nuns have undertaken it as well, so is this Brahma-faring complete as to this factor.

If, good Gotama, the revered Gotama had himself undertaken this Dhamma and the monks and the nuns had undertaken it as well, but not the layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, Brahma-farers, then this Brahma-faring would have been incomplete as to this factor. But because the revered Gotama has undertaken this Dhamma and the monks and the nuns and the layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, Brahma-farers, have undertaken it as well, so is this Brahma-faring complete as to this factor.

If, good Gotama, the revered Gotama had himself undertaken this Dhamma and the monks and the nuns and the layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, Brahma-farers, had undertaken it as well, but not the layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, enjoyers of sense-pleasures, then this Brahma-faring would have been incomplete as to this factor. But because the revered Gotama has undertaken this Dhamma, and the monks and the nuns and the layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, Brahma-farers, and the layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, enjoyers of sense-pleasures, have undertaken it as well, so is this Brahma-faring complete as to this factor.

If, good Gotama, the revered Gotama had himself undertaken this Dhamma and the monks and the nuns and the layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, Brahma-farers, had undertaken it as well, and the layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, enjoyers of sense-pleasures, had undertaken it as well, but not the women lay followers who are householders clothed in white, Brahma-farers, then this Brahma-faring would have been incomplete as to this factor. But because the revered Gotama has undertaken this Dhamma, and the monks and the nuns and the layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, Brahma-farers, and the layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, enjoyers of sense-pleasures, and the women layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, Brahma-farers, have undertaken it as well, so is this Brahma-faring complete as to this factor.

If, good Gotama, the revered Gotama had himself undertaken this Dhamma and the monks and the nuns and the layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, Brahma-farers, had undertaken it as well, and the layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, enjoyers of sense-pleasures, had undertaken it as well, the women layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, Brahma-farers, had undertaken it as well, but not the women layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, enjoyers of sense-pleasures, then the Brahma-faring would have been incomplete as to this factor. But because the revered Gotama has undertaken this Dhamma, and the monks and the nuns and the layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, Brahma-farers, and the layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, enjoyers of sense-pleasures, and the women layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, Brahma-farers, and the women layfollowers who are householders clothed in white, enjoyers of sense-pleasures, have undertaken it as well, so is this Brahma-faring complete as to this factor.

Good Gotama, as the river Ganges, sliding towards the sea, tending towards the sea, inclining towards the sea, stands knocking at the sea, even so this company of the good Gotama, comprising householders and those that have gone forth, sliding towards nibbāna, tending towards nibbāna, inclining towards nibbāna, stands knocking at nibbāna.

It is excellent, good Gotama, excellent, good Gotama. It is as if, good Gotama, one might set upright what had been upset, or disclose what had been covered, or might show the way to one that had gone astray, or bring an oil-lamp into the darkness so that those with vision might see material shapes, even so in many a figure is Dhamma made clear by the revered Gotama. I am going to the revered Gotama for refuge and to Dhamma and to the Order of monks. May I receive the going forth in the good Gotama's presence, may I receive ordination.”

“Vaccha, if a former member of another sect wishes for the going forth in this Dhamma and discipline, wishes for ordination, he undertakes probation for four months; at the end of the four months the monks, if they so decide, may let him go forth, may ordain him into the status of a monk; but even here differences among individuals are known to me.” “If, revered sir, former members of other sects, desiring the going forth in this Dhamma and discipline, desiring ordination, undertake probation for four months, and at the end of the four months the monks, if they so decide, let them go forth, ordain them into the status of a monk, then will I undertake probation for four years; at the end of the four years the monks, if they so decide, may let me go forth, may ordain me into the status of a monk.”

But the wanderer Vacchagotta received the going forth in the Lord's presence, he received ordination. Not long after the venerable Vacchagotta was ordained, half a month after he was ordained, he approached the Lord; having approached, having greeted the Lord, he sat down at a respectful distance. As he was sitting down at a respectful distance, the venerable Vacchagotta spoke thus to the Lord: “Revered sir, I have attained as much as can be attained by a learner's knowledge, a learner's lore. Let the Lord teach me some further Dhamma.” “Well then, do you, Vaccha, develop two things further: calm and vision. If these two things: calm and vision, are developed further, Vaccha, they will conduce to the penetration of a variety of elements.

If you, Vaccha, should wish like this: ‘May I experience the various forms of psychic power: having been one may I be manifold, having been manifold may I be one; manifest or invisible may I go unhindered through a wall, through a rampart, through a mountain as if through air; may I plunge into the earth and shoot up again as if in water; may I walk upon the water without parting it as if on the ground; sitting cross-legged, may I travel through the air like a bird on the wing; with my hand may I rub and stroke this moon and sun although they are of such mighty power and majesty; and even as far as the Brahma-world may I have power in respect of my person’, you will achieve what may be realised here and there, so long as there is the objective.

If you, Vaccha, should wish like this: ‘May I, with the purified deva-hearing surpassing that of men, hear both (kinds of) sounds, deva-like ones and human ones, whether they be far or near’, you will achieve what may be realised here and there, so long as there is the objective.

If you, Vaccha, should wish like this: ‘May I know intuitively by mind the minds of other beings, of other individuals, so that I may know intuitively of a mind that is full of attachment that it is full of attachment; or of a mind that is without attachment that it is without of attachment so that I may know intuitively of a mind that is full of aversion that it is full of aversion; or of a mind that is without aversion that it is without aversion so that I may know intuitively of a mind that is full of confusion, that it is full of confusion; or of a mind that is without confusion that it is without confusion or that I may know intuitively of a mind that is contracted that it is contracted; or of a mind that is distracted that it is distracted; or of a mind that has become great that it has become great; or of a mind that has not become great that it has not become great, or of a mind with (some other mental state) superior to it that it has (some other mental state) superior to it, or of a mind that has no (other mental state) superior to it that it has no (other mental state) superior to it, or of a mind that is composed that it is composed, or of a mind that is not composed that it is not composed, or of a mind that is freed that it is freed, or of a mind that is not freed that it is not freed’, you will achieve what may be realised here and there, so long as there is the objective.

[1] If you, Vaccha, should wish like this: ‘May I recollect (my) manifold former habitations, that is to say one birth, two births, three … four… five … ten … twenty… thirty … forty … fifty … a hundred … a thousand … a hundred thousand births, many an eon of integration, many an eon of disintegration, many an eon of integration-disintegration; such a one was I by name, having such and such a clan, such and such a colour, so was I nourished, such and such pleasant and painful experiences were mine, so did the span of life end. Passing from this, I came to be in another state where such a one was I by name, having such and such a clan, such and such a colour, so was I nourished, such and such pleasant and painful experiences were mine, so did the span of life end. Passing from this I arose here. Thus may I recollect (my) divers former habitations in all their modes and detail’, you will achieve what may be realised here and there, so long as there is the objective.

[2] If you, Vaccha, should wish like this: ‘With the purified deva-vision surpassing that of men, may I behold beings as they pass hence or come to be, mean, excellent, comely, ugly, in a good bourn, in a bad bourn according to the consequences of deeds; may I comprehend: Indeed these worthy beings were possessed of wrong conduct in body, speech and thought, they were scoffers at the ariyans, holding a wrong view, incurring deeds consequent on a wrong view, these, at the breaking up of the body after dying, have arisen in a sorrowful state, a bad bourn, the abyss, Niraya Hell. But these worthy beings who were possessed of right conduct in body, speech and thought, who were not scoffers at the ariyans, holding a right view, incurring deeds consequent on a right view, these at the breaking up of the body after dying, have arisen in a good bourn, a heaven world. Thus with the purified deva-vision surpassing that of men may I behold beings as they pass hence, as they come to be, may I comprehend that they are mean, excellent, comely, ugly, in a good bourn, in a bad bourn according to the consequences of deeds’, you will achieve what may be realised here and there, so long as there is the objective.

[3] If you, Vaccha, should wish like this: ‘By the destruction of the cankers, having realised here and now by my own super-knowledge the freedom of mind and the freedom through intuitive wisdom that are cankerless, entering thereon, may I abide therein’, you will achieve what may be realised here and there, so long as there is the objective.”

Then the venerable Vacchagotta, having rejoiced in what the Lord had said, having given thanks, rising from his seat, having greeted the Lord, departed keeping his right side towards him. Then the venerable Vacchagotta, having soon realised here and now through his own super-knowledge that incomparable goal of the Brahma-faring for the sake of which young men of family rightly go forth from home into homelessness, entering on it, abided in it. And he understood: Destroyed is birth, brought to a close is the Brahma-faring, done is what was to be done, there is no more of being such or so. And the venerable Vacchagotta became one of the perfected ones.

Now at that time a number of monks were going to see the Lord. The venerable Vacchagotta saw these monks coming in the distance; having seen them, he approached these monks; having approached, he spoke thus to these monks: “But now, where are you venerable ones going?” “We are going to see the Lord, your reverence.” “Well then, in my name let the venerable ones salute the Lord's feet with their heads, saying, ‘Revered sir, the monk Vacchagotta salutes the Lord's feet with his head,’ and then say: ‘The Lord is waited on by me, the Well-farer is waited on by me.’” “Yes, your reverence,” these monks answered the venerable Vacchagotta in assent.

Then these monks approached the lord; having approached, having greeted the Lord, they sat down at a respectful distance. As they were sitting down at a respectful distance these monks spoke thus to the Lord: “Revered sir, the venerable Vacchagotta salutes the Lord's feet with his head and speaks thus: ‘The Lord is waited on by me, the Well-farer is waited on by me.’” “Monks, by a reasoning of mind I already knew the mind of the monk Vacchagotta: of threefold knowledge is the monk Vacchagotta, of great psychic power, of great majesty. And devatā also told me this matter: ‘Of threefold knowledge is the monk Vacchagotta, revered sir, he is of great psychic power, of great majesty.’”

Thus spoke the Lord. Delighted, these monks rejoiced in what the Lord had said.

Greater Discourse to Vacchagotta: The Third

- Translator: I.B. Horner

- Editor: Brother Joe Smith

The Longer Discourse With Vacchagotta

So I have heard.
At one time the Buddha was staying near Rājagaha, in the Bamboo Grove, the squirrels’ feeding ground.
Then the wanderer Vacchagotta went up to the Buddha and exchanged greetings with him.
When the greetings and polite conversation were over, he sat down to one side and said to the Buddha,
“For a long time I have had discussions with Master Gotama.
Please teach me in brief what is skillful and what is unskillful.”
“Vaccha, I can teach you what is skillful and what is unskillful in brief or in detail.
Still, let me do so in brief.
Listen and pay close attention, I will speak.”
“Yes, sir,” Vaccha replied.
The Buddha said this:
“Greed is unskillful, contentment is skillful.
Hate is unskillful, love is skillful.
Delusion is unskillful, understanding is skillful.
So there are these three unskillful things and three that are skillful.
Killing living creatures, stealing, and sexual misconduct; speech that’s false, divisive, harsh, or nonsensical; covetousness, ill will, and wrong view: these things are unskillful.
Refraining from killing living creatures, stealing, and sexual misconduct; refraining from speech that’s false, divisive, harsh, or nonsensical; contentment, kind-heartedness, and right view: these things are skillful.

So there are these ten unskillful things and ten that are skillful.
When a mendicant has given up craving so it is cut off at the root, made like a palm stump, obliterated, and unable to arise in the future, that mendicant is perfected. They’ve ended the defilements, completed the spiritual journey, done what had to be done, laid down the burden, achieved their own true goal, utterly ended the fetters of rebirth, and are rightly freed through enlightenment.”
“Leaving aside Master Gotama,
is there even a single monk disciple of Master Gotama who has realized the undefiled freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom in this very life, and lives having realized it with their own insight due to the ending of defilements?”
“There are not just one hundred such monks who are my disciples, Vaccha, or two or three or four or five hundred, but many more than that.”
“Leaving aside Master Gotama and the monks,
is there even a single nun disciple of Master Gotama who has realized the undefiled freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom in this very life, and lives having realized it with their own insight due to the ending of defilements?”
“There are not just one hundred such nuns who are my disciples, Vaccha, or two or three or four or five hundred, but many more than that.”
“Leaving aside Master Gotama, the monks, and the nuns,
is there even a single layman disciple of Master Gotama—white-clothed and celibate—who, with the ending of the five lower fetters, is reborn spontaneously, to be extinguished there, not liable to return from that world?”
“There are not just one hundred such celibate laymen who are my disciples, Vaccha, or two or three or four or five hundred, but many more than that.”
“Leaving aside Master Gotama, the monks, the nuns, and the celibate laymen,
is there even a single layman disciple of Master Gotama—white-clothed, enjoying sensual pleasures, following instructions, and responding to advice—who has gone beyond doubt, got rid of indecision, and lives self-assured and independent of others regarding the Teacher’s instruction?”
“There are not just one hundred such laymen enjoying sensual pleasures who are my disciples, Vaccha, or two or three or four or five hundred, but many more than that.”
“Leaving aside Master Gotama, the monks, the nuns, the celibate laymen, and the laymen enjoying sensual pleasures,
is there even a single laywoman disciple of Master Gotama—white-clothed and celibate—who, with the ending of the five lower fetters, is reborn spontaneously, to be extinguished there, not liable to return from that world?”
“There are not just one hundred such celibate laywomen who are my disciples, Vaccha, or two or three or four or five hundred, but many more than that.”
“Leaving aside Master Gotama, the monks, the nuns, the celibate laymen, the laymen enjoying sensual pleasures, and the celibate laywomen,
is there even a single laywoman disciple of Master Gotama—white-clothed, enjoying sensual pleasures, following instructions, and responding to advice—who has gone beyond doubt, got rid of indecision, and lives self-assured and independent of others regarding the Teacher’s instruction?”
“There are not just one hundred such laywomen enjoying sensual pleasures who are my disciples, Vaccha, or two or three or four or five hundred, but many more than that.”
“If Master Gotama was the only one to succeed in this teaching, not any monks,
then this spiritual path would be incomplete in that respect.
But because both Master Gotama and monks have succeeded in this teaching,
this spiritual path is complete in that respect.
If Master Gotama and the monks were the only ones to succeed in this teaching, not any nuns …

celibate laymen …

laymen enjoying sensual pleasures …

celibate laywomen …

laywomen enjoying sensual pleasures,
then this spiritual path would be incomplete in that respect.
But because Master Gotama, monks, nuns, celibate laymen, laymen enjoying sensual pleasures, celibate laywomen, and laywomen enjoying sensual pleasures have all succeeded in this teaching,
this spiritual path is complete in that respect.
Just as the Ganges river slants, slopes, and inclines towards the ocean, and keeps pushing into the ocean, in the same way Master Gotama’s assembly—with both laypeople and renunciates—slants, slopes, and inclines towards extinguishment, and keeps pushing into extinguishment.
Excellent, Master Gotama! …
I go for refuge to Master Gotama, to the teaching, and to the mendicant Saṅgha.
Sir, may I receive the going forth, the ordination in the Buddha’s presence?”
“Vaccha, if someone formerly ordained in another sect wishes to take the going forth, the ordination in this teaching and training, they must spend four months on probation. When four months have passed, if the mendicants are satisfied, they’ll give the going forth, the ordination into monkhood.
However, I have recognized individual differences in this matter.”
“Sir, if four months probation are required in such a case, I’ll spend four years on probation. When four years have passed, if the mendicants are satisfied, let them give me the going forth, the ordination into monkhood.”
And the wanderer Vaccha received the going forth, the ordination in the Buddha’s presence.
Not long after his ordination, a fortnight later, Venerable Vacchagotta went to the Buddha, bowed, sat down to one side, and said to him,
“Sir, I’ve reached as far as possible with the knowledge and understanding of a trainee.
Please teach me further.”
“Well then, Vaccha, further develop two things: serenity and discernment.
When you have further developed these two things, they’ll lead to the penetration of many elements.
Whenever you want, you’ll be capable of realizing the following, in each and every case:
‘May I wield the many kinds of psychic power: multiplying myself and becoming one again; appearing and disappearing; going unimpeded through a wall, a rampart, or a mountain as if through space; diving in and out of the earth as if it were water; walking on water as if it were earth; flying cross-legged through the sky like a bird; touching and stroking with my hand the sun and moon, so mighty and powerful; controlling my body as far as the Brahmā realm.’
Whenever you want, you’ll be capable of realizing the following, in each and every case:
‘With clairaudience that is purified and superhuman, may I hear both kinds of sounds, human and divine, whether near or far.’
Whenever you want, you’ll be capable of realizing the following, in each and every case:
‘May I understand the minds of other beings and individuals, having comprehended them with my mind.
May I understand mind with greed as “mind with greed”,
and mind without greed as “mind without greed”;
mind with hate as “mind with hate”,
and mind without hate as “mind without hate”;
mind with delusion as “mind with delusion”,
and mind without delusion as “mind without delusion”;
constricted mind as “constricted mind”,
and scattered mind as “scattered mind”;
expansive mind as “expansive mind”,
and unexpansive mind as “unexpansive mind”;
mind that is not supreme as “mind that is not supreme”,
and mind that is supreme as “mind that is supreme”;
mind immersed in samādhi as “mind immersed in samādhi”,
and mind not immersed in samādhi as “mind not immersed in samādhi”;
freed mind as “freed mind”,
and unfreed mind as “unfreed mind”.’
Whenever you want, you’ll be capable of realizing the following, in each and every case:
‘May I recollect many kinds of past lives. That is: one, two, three, four, five, ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, a hundred, a thousand, a hundred thousand rebirths; many eons of the world contracting, many eons of the world expanding, many eons of the world contracting and expanding. May I remember: “There, I was named this, my clan was that, I looked like this, and that was my food. This was how I felt pleasure and pain, and that was how my life ended. When I passed away from that place I was reborn somewhere else. There, too, I was named this, my clan was that, I looked like this, and that was my food. This was how I felt pleasure and pain, and that was how my life ended. When I passed away from that place I was reborn here.” May I recollect my many past lives, with features and details.’

Whenever you want, you’ll be capable of realizing the following, in each and every case:
‘With clairvoyance that is purified and superhuman, may I see sentient beings passing away and being reborn—inferior and superior, beautiful and ugly, in a good place or a bad place—and understand how sentient beings are reborn according to their deeds: “These dear beings did bad things by way of body, speech, and mind. They spoke ill of the noble ones; they had wrong view; and they chose to act out of that wrong view. When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. These dear beings, however, did good things by way of body, speech, and mind. They never spoke ill of the noble ones; they had right view; and they chose to act out of that right view. When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm.” And so, with clairvoyance that is purified and superhuman, may I see sentient beings passing away and being reborn—inferior and superior, beautiful and ugly, in a good place or a bad place. And may I understand how sentient beings are reborn according to their deeds.’

Whenever you want, you’ll be capable of realizing the following, in each and every case:
‘May I realize the undefiled freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom in this very life, and live having realized it with my own insight due to the ending of defilements.’

And then Venerable Vacchagotta approved and agreed with what the Buddha said. He got up from his seat, bowed, and respectfully circled the Buddha, keeping him on his right, before leaving.
Then Vacchagotta, living alone, withdrawn, diligent, keen, and resolute, soon realized the supreme end of the spiritual path in this very life. He lived having achieved with his own insight the goal for which gentlemen rightly go forth from the lay life to homelessness.
He understood: “Rebirth is ended; the spiritual journey has been completed; what had to be done has been done; there is no return to any state of existence.”
And Venerable Vacchagotta became one of the perfected.
Now at that time several mendicants were going to see the Buddha.
Vacchagotta saw them coming off in the distance,
went up to them, and said,
“Hello venerables, where are you going?”
“Reverend, we are going to see the Buddha.”
“Well then, reverends, in my name please bow with your head at the Buddha’s feet and say:
‘Sir, the mendicant Vacchagotta bows with his head to your feet and says,
“I have served the Blessed One! I have served the Holy One!”’”
“Yes, reverend,” they replied.
Then those mendicants went up to the Buddha, bowed, sat down to one side, and said to him,
“Sir, the mendicant Vacchagotta bows with his head to your feet and says:
‘I have served the Blessed One! I have served the Holy One!’”
“I’ve already comprehended Vacchagotta’s mind and understood that
he has the three knowledges, and is very mighty and powerful.
And deities also told me about this.”

That is what the Buddha said.
Satisfied, the mendicants were happy with what the Buddha said.