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ne.23 Niddesa

Chapter ii 16 Modes of Conveying: Combined Treatment (Continued)


596. Herein, what is the Mode of Conveying Footings in Combined Treatment? [It is as follows:]

So let his cognizance be guarded …

597.“So let his cognizance be guarded”: this is the footing for the three kinds of good conduct. “Having for pasture right intention”: this is the footing for quiet.

“Giving right view first place”: this is the footing for insight.

“Through knowing rise and fall”: this is the footing for the plane of seeing [as the path of Stream Entry].

“Transcending drowsing and lethargy a bhikkhu may”: this is the footing for energy.

“Abandon all bad destinations”: this is the footing for keeping in being [as attainment of the three higher paths].

The Mode of Conveying Footings in Combined Treatment is ended.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli

- Editor: Manfred Wierich