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ne.24 Niddesa

Chapter ii 16 Modes of Conveying: Combined Treatment (Continued)


598. Herein, what is the Mode of Conveying Characteristics in Combined Treatment? [It is as follows:]

So let his cognizance be guarded …

599.“So let his cognizance be guarded, Having for pasture right intention”: this is the mindfulness faculty. When the mindfulness faculty is admitted the five faculties [of faith, energy, mindfulness, concentration, and understanding,] are admitted.

600.“Giving right view first place”: when right view is admitted the noble eight-factored path is admitted. Why is that? Because it is from right view that right intention is given being, from right intention that right speech is given being, from right speech that right action is given being, from right action that right livelihood is given being, from right livelihood that right effort is given being, from right effort that right mindfulness is given being, from right mindfulness that right concentration is given being, from right concentration that right deliverance is given being, and from right deliverance that right knowing and seeing of deliverance is given being.

The Mode of Conveying Characteristics in Combined Treatment is ended.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli

- Editor: Manfred Wierich