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ne.25 Niddesa

Chapter ii 16 Modes of Conveying: Combined Treatment (Continued)


601. Herein, what is the Mode of Conveying a Fourfold Array in Combined Treatment? [It is as follows:]

So let his cognizance be guarded …

602. [In the case of the word “guarded”] (i) the language is [any establishment of terms as follows:] He keeps it protected, thus it is guarded, [and so on with the other terms.]

603. (ii) What is the Blessed One’s purport here? The Blessed One’s purport is this: Those who will be desirous of being liberated from the bad destinations will be those who walk in the True Idea.

604. (iii) [As to the source:] because Kokālika corrupted his cognizance with hate for the Elders Sāriputta and Moggallāna he reappeared in the Great Paduma Hell.

605. (iv) And [as to the consecutive sequence:] the Blessed One is possessed of cognizance that has preserved mindfulness; for in the Thread it is said that (Cognizance can be guarded by mindfulness) [which provides the consecutive sequence here.]

The Mode of Conveying a Fourfold Array in Combined Treatment is ended.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli

- Editor: Manfred Wierich