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ne.3 Niddesa

Demonstrative Subsection

5. Here is a summary statement of the guide.

The 16 Modes of Conveying

Gratification, Disappointment,
Escape, Fruit, Means, the Blessed One’s
Injunction to devotees, this Mode
Is the Conveying of a Teaching.

6. What in the Thread is asked and answered,
As well as a verse-paraphrase,
And the Thread’s [term-] investigation
This Mode Conveys Investigation.

7. Looking for right and wrong construing
In the case of all the Conveyings’
Plane and resort [will] demonstrate
The Mode Conveying a Construing.

8. The Victor teaching an idea
Teaches what that idea has too
As footing; so with each idea:
This is the Mode Conveying Footings.

9. When one idea is mentioned, all
Ideas of like characteristic
Are mentioned too: this constitutes
The Mode Conveying Characteristics.

10. By way of phrasing, (i) the Linguistic,
(ii) The Purport, and (iii) the teaching’s Source,
And (iv) the Consecutive-Sequence:
This Mode Conveys a Fourfold Array.

11. The Mode that, when there is one Footing,
Searches for a footing that remains
And then Converts the opposites
Is that Conveying a Conversion.

12. It analyses idea, footing,
Plane [of types of men], the shared
And unshared: this Mode should be known
As that Conveying Analysis.

13. That into opposites reversing
Ideas of profit and unprofit
Shown to be kept in being and left
Is called the Mode Conveying Reversal.

14. Knower of Threads is he that knows
How many synonyms for one
Idea are in the Thread: this Mode
Is that Conveying Synonyms.

15. The Blessed One one idea teaches
By means of manifold descriptions;
This mood can thus be known to be
The Mode that does Convey Descriptions.

16. Dependent-Rising, Faculties,
Categories, Elements, Bases:
The Mode that by these means gives entry
Is that Conveying Ways of Entry.

17. Seeking if in a question answered
What in the verse did instigate
Its asking is cleared up or not:
This Mode Conveys a Clearing Up.

18. Ideas when demonstrated by

[Both] unity and diversity,
Need thereby suffer no disjunction
This Mode Conveys Expression’s Terms.

19. Ideas that generate each an idea
In due relation are conditions;
And by its picking out the cause
This Mode Conveys the Requisite.

20. Ideas with those whose roots they are,
And those shown by the Sage to have
One meaning, should be co-ordinated:
This Mode conveys Co-ordination.

The 5 Guide-Lines

21. The Guide-Line Craving and Ignorance guiding
By Quiet and Insight, and construing
Appropriately the four Truths
Is the Conversion of Relishing.

22. Guiding [ideas of] profit and
Unprofit by their [triple] roots
As they are, really, not unreally,
That Guide-Line they call the Trefoil.

23. The wise in Guide-Lines have called that
Lions’ Play which by the faculties
Does faith’s true objects guide, and also
By the perversions the defilements.

24. What mentally plots out [ideas
profit and unprofit stated
Or here or there in expositions
They call the Plotting of Directions.

25. After [thus] plotting with the Plotting
Of Directions, what then throws up
All profit [ideas] and unprofit
And guides them in is called the Hook.

How the Modes of Conveying and the Guide-Lines are Employed

26. Sixteen Conveyings first, surveying
With Plotting then of the Directions,
And having collected with the Hook,
Three Guide-Lines demonstrate a Thread.

27. (i) The Letter, (ii) the Term, an then (iii) the Phrasing,
Also (iv) the Linguistic [inflexion],
(v) the Demonstration, and (vi) the Mood
As sixth: this much concerns the phrasing.

28. (vii) Explaining, (viii) Displaying, and (ix) Divulging,
(x) Analysing, (xi) Exhibiting, (xii) Describing:
By these six terms are demonstrated
A meaning and an action too.

29. The Blessed One’s Utterance’s meaning
Yokes nine terms for its meaning, namely:
The [first] three Guide-Lines, dropping none,
And meaning-words that number six.

30. For meaning nine terms, twenty-four
For searching of the phrasing, too,
These come in all to thirty-three,
And that much constitutes the guide.

The Demonstrative Subsection.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli

- Editor: Manfred Wierich