buddha daily wisdom image

ps.1.4 Patisambhidamagga

Treatise on Faculties

[Sutta-Source: Sāvatthi]

1. [Vol. II] “Thus I heard. At one time the Blessed One was living at Sāvatthi in Jeta's Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika's Park. There he addressed the bhikkhus thus: ‘Bhikkhus’. ‘Venerable sir’ they replied. The Blessed One said this:

2. ‘Bhikkhus, there are these five faculties. What five? The faith faculty, the energy faculty, the mindfulness faculty, the concentration faculty, the understanding faculty. These are the five faculties, bhikkhus’”.

3. In how many aspects are these five faculties purified?

These five faculties are purified in fifteen aspects.

When he avoids faithless persons, cultivates and frequents and honours faithful persons, and reviews Suttas that inspire confidence, the faith faculty is purified in him in these three aspects.

When he avoids idle persons, cultivates and frequents and honours energetic persons, and reviews the right endeavours, the energy faculty is purified in him in these three aspects.

When he avoids forgetful persons, cultivates, frequents and honours mindful persons, and reviews the foundations of mindfulness, the mindfulness faculty is purified in him in these three aspects.

When he avoids unconcentrated persons, cultivates, frequents and honours concentrated persons, and reviews the jhanas and liberations, the concentration faculty is purified in him in these three aspects.

When he avoids persons with no understanding, cultivates, frequents and honours persons possessed of understanding, and reviews the behaviour of profound knowledge, the understanding faculty is purified in him in these three aspects.

So when he avoids these five kinds of persons, cultivates, frequents and honours these five kinds of persons, and reviews these five sorts of Suttas, these five faculties are purified in him in these fifteen aspects.

4. In how many aspects are the five faculties being developed? In how many aspects is there developing of the five faculties?

The five faculties are being developed in ten aspects. There is developing of the five faculties in ten aspects.

When he is abandoning non-faith he is developing the faith faculty; when he is developing the faith faculty he is abandoning non-faith.

When he is abandoning idleness he is developing the energy faculty; when he is developing the energy faculty he is abandoning idleness.

When he is abandoning negligence he is developing the mindfulness faculty; when he is developing the mindfulness faculty he is abandoning negligence.

When he is abandoning agitation he is developing the concentration faculty; when he is developing the concentration faculty he is abandoning agitation.

When he is abandoning ignorance he is developing the understanding faculty; when he is developing the understanding faculty he is abandoning ignorance.

The five faculties are being developed in these ten aspects. There is development of the five faculties in these ten aspects.

5. In how many aspects have the five faculties been developed, quite developed?

The five faculties have been developed, quite developed, in ten aspects. Because non-faith has been abandoned, quite abandoned, the faith faculty has been developed, quite developed; because the faith faculty has been developed, quite developed, non-faith has been abandoned, quite abandoned.

Because idleness …

Because negligence …

Because agitation …

Because ignorance has been abandoned, quite abandoned, the understanding faculty has been developed, quite developed; because the understanding faculty has been developed, quite developed, ignorance has been abandoned, quite abandoned.

The five faculties have been developed, quite developed, in these ten aspects.

6. In how many aspects are the five faculties being developed? In how many aspects have the five faculties been developed, quite developed, and also tranquillized, quite tranquillized?

The five faculties are being developed in four aspects. The five faculties have been developed, quite developed, and also tranquillized, quite tranquillized, in four aspects.

At the moment of the stream-entry path the five faculties are being developed; at the moment of the fruition of stream-entry the five faculties have been developed, quite developed, and also tranquillized, quite tranquillized.

At the moment of the once-return path …

At the moment of the non-return path …

At the moment of the arahant path the five faculties are being developed; at the moment of the fruition of arahantship the five faculties have been developed, quite developed, and also tranquillized, quite tranquillized.

So there are four purifications in the paths, four purifications in the fruitions, four purifications in the cuttings off, and four purifications in the tranquillizations. The five faculties are being developed in these four aspects. The five faculties have been developed, quite developed, and also tranquillized, quite tranquillized, in these four aspects.

7. In how many kinds of persons is there development of faculties? In how many kinds of persons have the faculties been developed?

There is development of faculties in eight kinds of persons.

The faculties have been developed in three kinds of persons.

In what eight kinds of persons is there development of faculties? In the seven kinds of Initiate and in the Magnanimous Ordinary Man. There is development of faculties in these eight kinds of persons. In what three kinds of persons have the faculties been developed? A Perfect One's Disciple (Hearer) with cankers exhausted, who has been enlightened by hearing, has the faculties developed in him. One who has reached enlightenment without declaring it, in the sense of being self-become (not taught by another), has the faculties developed in him. A Perfect One, accomplished and fully enlightened, in the sense that he is immeasurable, has the faculties developed in him. In these three kinds of persons the faculties have been developed.

There is development of faculties in these eight kinds of persons. The faculties have been developed in these three kinds of persons.

[Sutta-Source: Sāvatthi concluded]

8. “Bhikkhus, there are these five faculties. What five? The faith faculty, the energy faculty, the mindfulness faculty, the concentration faculty, the understanding faculty.

“Bhikkhus, if any ascetics or brahmans do not understand the origin, the subsidence, the attraction, the danger, and the escape, in the case of these five faculties, those ascetics or brahmans cannot be reckoned among the ascetics and cannot be reckoned among the brahmans, and those good people do not, by realization themselves by direct knowledge here and now enter upon and dwell in asceticship and brahmanship. But if any ascetics or brahmans understand the origin, the subsidence, the attraction, the danger, and the escape, in the case of these five faculties, those ascetics or brahmans can be reckoned among the ascetics and can be reckoned among the brahmans, and those good people, by realization themselves by direct knowledge, here and now enter upon and dwell in asceticship and brahmanship”.

9. In how many aspects is there origin of the five faculties? In how many aspects does he understand the origin of the five faculties? In how many aspects is there subsidence of the five faculties? In how many aspects does he understand the subsidence of the five faculties? In how many aspects is there attraction in the case of the five faculties? In how many aspects does he understand the attraction in the case of the five faculties? In how many aspects is there danger in the case of the five faculties? In how many aspects does he understand the danger in the case of the five faculties? In how many aspects is there escape in the case of the five faculties? In how many aspects does he understand the escape in the case of the five faculties?

There is origin of the five faculties in forty aspects. He understands the origin of the five faculties in forty aspects. There is subsidence of the five faculties in forty aspects. He understands the subsidence of the five faculties in forty aspects. There is attraction in the case of the five faculties in twenty-five aspects. He understands the attraction in the case of the five faculties in twenty-five aspects. There is danger in the case of the five faculties in twenty-five aspects. He understands the danger in the case of the five faculties in twenty-five aspects. There is escape in the case of the five faculties in eighty aspects. He understands the escape in the case of the five faculties in eighty aspects.

10. In what forty aspects is there origin of the five faculties? In what forty aspects does he understand the origin of the five faculties?

The origin of adverting [cognizance] with the purpose of resolution is the origin of the faith faculty. The origin of zeal through the influence of resolution is the origin of the faith faculty. The origin of attention through the influence of resolution is the origin of the faith faculty. The establishment in unity through the influence of the faith faculty is the origin of the faith faculty.

The origin of adverting with the purpose of exertion is the origin of the energy faculty. The origin of zeal through the influence of the exertion is the origin of the energy faculty. The origin of attention through the influence of the exertion is the origin of the energy faculty. The establishment in unity through the influence of the energy faculty is the origin of the energy faculty.

The origin of adverting with the purpose of establishing is the origin of the mindfulness faculty. The origin of zeal through the influence of the establishing is the origin of the mindfulness faculty. The origin of attention through the influence of the establishing is the origin of the mindfulness faculty. The establishment in unity through the influence of the mindfulness faculty is the origin of the mindfulness faculty.

The origin of adverting with the purpose of non-distraction is the origin of the concentration faculty. The origin of zeal through the influence of the non-distraction is the origin of the concentration faculty. The origin of attention through the influence of the non-distraction is the origin of the concentration faculty. The establishment in unity through the influence of the concentration faculty is the origin of the concentration faculty.

The origin of adverting with the purpose of seeing is the origin of the understanding faculty. The origin of zeal through the influence of the seeing is the origin of the understanding faculty. The origin of attention through the influence of the seeing is the origin of the understanding faculty. The establishment in unity through the influence of the understanding faculty is the origin of the understanding faculty.

The origin of adverting with the purpose of resolution is the origin of the faith faculty. The origin of adverting with the purpose of exertion is the origin of the energy faculty. The origin of adverting with the purpose of establishing is the origin of the mindfulness faculty. The origin of adverting with the purpose of non-distraction is the origin of the concentration faculty. The origin of adverting with the purpose of seeing is the origin of the understanding faculty.

The origin of zeal through the influence of resolution is the origin of the faith faculty. The origin of zeal through the influence of exertion is the origin of the energy faculty. The origin of zeal through the influence of establishing is the origin of the mindfulness faculty. The origin of zeal through the influence of non-distraction is the origin of the concentration faculty. The origin of zeal through the influence of seeing is the origin of the understanding faculty.

The origin of attention through the influence of resolution is the origin of the faith faculty. The origin of attention through the influence of exertion is the origin of the energy faculty. The origin of attention through the influence of establishing is the origin of the mindfulness faculty. The origin of attention through the influence of non-distraction is the origin of the concentration faculty. The origin of attention through the influence of seeing is the origin of the understanding faculty.

Establishment in unity through the influence of the faith faculty is the origin of the faith faculty. Establishment in unity through the influence of the energy faculty is the origin of the energy faculty. Establishment in unity through the influence of the mindfulness faculty is the origin of the mindfulness faculty. Establishment in unity through the influence of the concentration faculty is the origin of the concentration faculty. Establishment in unity through the influence of the understanding faculty is the origin of the understanding faculty.

There is the origin of the five faculties in these forty aspects. He understands the origin of the five faculties in these forty aspects.

11. In what forty aspects is there subsidence of the five faculties? In what forty aspects does he understand the subsidence of the five faculties?

The subsidence of adverting with the purpose of resolution is the subsidence of the faith faculty. The subsidence of zeal through the influence of resolution is the subsidence of the faith faculty. The subsidence of attention through the influence of resolution is the subsidence of the faith faculty. Non-establishment in unity through the influence of resolution is the subsidence of the faith faculty.

The subsidence of adverting with the purpose of exertion is the subsidence of the energy faculty. The subsidence of zeal …

The subsidence of adverting with the purpose of establishing is the subsidence of the mindfulness faculty. The subsidence of zeal …

The subsidence of adverting with the purpose of non-distraction is the subsidence of the concentration faculty. The subsidence of zeal …

The subsidence of adverting for the purpose of seeing is the subsidence of the understanding faculty. The subsidence of zeal through the influence of seeing is the subsidence of the understanding faculty. The subsidence of attention with the influence of seeing is the subsidence of the understanding faculty. Non-establishment in unity through the influence of the understanding faculty is the subsidence of the understanding faculty.

The subsidence of adverting with the purpose of resolution is the subsidence of the faith faculty. The subsidence of adverting with the purpose of exertion is the subsidence of the energy faculty. The subsidence of adverting for the purpose of establishing is the subsidence of the mindfulness faculty. The subsidence of adverting with the purpose of non-distraction is the subsidence of the concentration faculty. The subsidence of adverting with the purpose of seeing is the subsidence of the understanding faculty.

The subsidence of zeal through the influence of resolution is the subsidence of the faith faculty. The subsidence of zeal through the influence of exertion …

The subsidence of attention through the influence of resolution is the subsidence of the faith faculty. The subsidence of attention …

Non-establishment in unity through the influence of the faith faculty is the subsidence of the faith faculty. Non-establishment in unity through the influence of the energy faculty is the subsidence of the energy faculty. Non-establishment in unity through the influence of the mindfulness faculty is the subsidence of the mindfulness faculty. Non-establishment in unity through the influence of the concentration faculty is the subsidence of the concentration faculty. Non-establishment in unity through the influence of the understanding faculty is the subsidence of the understanding faculty.

There is the subsidence of the five faculties in these forty aspects. He understands the subsidence of the five faculties in these forty aspects.

12. In what twenty-five aspects is there attraction in the case of the five faculties? In what twenty-five aspects does he understand the attraction in the case of the five faculties?

Non-appearance of non-faith is attraction in the case of the faith faculty. Non-appearance of the anguish of non-faith is attraction in the case of the faith faculty. Assurance in the behaviour of resolution is attraction in the case of the faith faculty. The achievement of a peaceful abiding is attraction in the case of the faith faculty. That pleasure and joy arise dependent upon the faith faculty is attraction in the case of the faith faculty.

Non-appearance of idleness is attraction in the case of the energy faculty. Non-appearance of the anguish of idleness is … Assurance in the behaviour of exertion is … The achievement of a peaceful abiding is … That pleasure and joy arise dependent upon the energy faculty is attraction in the case of the energy faculty.

Non-appearance of negligence is attraction in the case of the mindfulness faculty. Non-appearance of the anguish of negligence is … Assurance in the behaviour of establishment is … The achievement of a peaceful abiding is … That pleasure and joy arise dependent on the mindfulness faculty is attraction in the case of the mindfulness faculty.

Non-appearance of agitation is attraction in the case of the concentration faculty. Non-appearance of the anguish of agitation is … Assurance in the behaviour of non-distraction is … The achievement of a peaceful abiding is … That pleasure and joy arise dependent on the concentration faculty is attraction in the case of the concentration faculty.

Non-appearance of ignorance is attraction in the case of the understanding faculty. Non-appearance of the anguish of ignorance is … Assurance in the behaviour of seeing is … The achievement of a peaceful abiding is … That pleasure and joy arise dependent upon the understanding faculty is attraction in the case of the understanding faculty.

There is attraction in the case of the five faculties in these twenty-five aspects. He understands attraction in the case of the five faculties in these twenty-five aspects.

13. In what twenty-five aspects is there danger in the case of the five faculties? In what twenty-five aspects does he understand the danger in the case of the five faculties?

The appearance of non-faith is a danger in the case of the faith faculty. The appearance of anguish of non-faith is a danger in the case of the faith faculty. There is danger in the case of the faith faculty in the sense of impermanence. There is danger in the case of the faith faculty in the sense of pain. There is danger in the case of the faith faculty in the sense of not self.

The appearance of idleness is a danger in the case of the energy faculty. The appearance of anguish of idleness is a danger in the case of the energy faculty. There is danger in the case of the energy faculty in the sense of impermanence … pain … not self.

The appearance of negligence is a danger in the case of the mindfulness faculty. The appearance of anguish of negligence is a danger in the case of the mindfulness faculty. There is danger in the case of the mindfulness faculty in the sense of impermanence … pain … not self.

The appearance of agitation is a danger in the case of the concentration faculty. The appearance of anguish of agitation is a danger in the case of the concentration faculty. There is danger in the case of the concentration faculty in the sense of impermanence … pain … not self.

The appearance of ignorance is a danger in the case of the understanding faculty. The appearance of anguish of ignorance is a danger in the case of the understanding faculty. There is danger in the case of the understanding faculty in the sense of impermanence … pain … not self.

There is danger in the case of the five faculties in these twenty-five aspects. He understands the danger in the case of the five faculties in these twenty-five aspects.

14. In what eighty aspects is there escape in the case of the five faculties? In what eighty aspects does he understand the escape in the case of the five faculties?

Through resolution the faith faculty has escaped from non-faith, escaped from anguish of non-faith, escaped from defilement and from aggregates that occur consequent thereon and escaped externally from all signs, escaped from the earlier form of faith faculty by gaining the sublime form of faith faculty.

Through exertion the energy faculty has escaped from idleness, …

Through establishing the mindfulness faculty has escaped from negligence, …

Through non-distraction the concentration faculty has escaped from agitation, …

Through seeing the understanding faculty has escaped from ignorance, … escaped from the prior form of understanding faculty by gaining the sublime form of understanding faculty.

15. The five faculties due to the first jhana have escaped from the five faculties in the prior state. The five faculties due to the second jhana have escaped from the five faculties in the first jhana. The five faculties due to the third jhana … due to the fourth jhana … due to the attainment of the base consisting of boundless space … due to the attainment of the base consisting of boundless consciousness … due to the attainment of the base consisting of nothingness … The five faculties due to the attainment of the base consisting of neither perception nor non-perception have escaped from the five faculties in the attainment of the base consisting of nothingness. The five faculties due to the contemplation of impermanence have escaped from the five faculties in the attainment of the base consisting of neither perception nor non-perception. The five faculties due to the contemplation of pain have escaped from the five faculties in the contemplation of impermanence. The five faculties due to the contemplation of not self … due to the contemplation of dispassion … due to the contemplation of fading away … due to the contemplation of cessation … due to the contemplation of relinquishment … due to the contemplation of destruction … due to the contemplation of fall … due to the contemplation of change … due to the contemplation of the signless … due to the contemplation of the desireless … due to the contemplation of voidness … due to insight into ideas which is the higher understanding … due to correct knowledge … due to the contemplation of danger … due to the contemplation of reflexion … The five faculties due to the contemplation of turning away have escaped from the five faculties in the contemplation of reflexion. The five faculties due to the stream-entry path have escaped from the five faculties in the contemplation of turning away. The five faculties due to the stream-entry fruition have escaped from the five faculties in the stream-entry path. The five faculties due to the once-return path … due to the once-return fruition … due to the non-return path … due to the non-return fruition … due to the arahant path … The five faculties due to the arahant fruition have escaped from the five faculties in the arahant path.

16. The five faculties in renunciation have escaped from zeal for sensual-desires. The five faculties in non-ill-will have escaped from ill-will. The five faculties in perception of light have escaped from stiffness-and-torpor. The five faculties in non-distraction have escaped from agitation. The five faculties in definition-of-ideas have escaped from uncertainty. The five faculties in knowledge have escaped from ignorance. The five faculties in gladness have escaped from boredom. The five faculties in the first jhana have escaped from the hindrances. The five faculties in the second jhana have escaped from applied-thought and sustained-thought. The five faculties in the third jhana have escaped from happiness. The five faculties in the fourth jhana have escaped from pleasure and pain. The five faculties in the attainment of the base consisting of boundless space have escaped from perception of material form, from perception of sense-impact, and from perception of difference. The five faculties in the attainment of the base consisting of boundless consciousness have escaped from perception of the base consisting of boundless space. The five faculties in the attainment of the base consisting of nothingness have escaped from the perception of the base consisting of boundless consciousness. The five faculties in the attainment of the base consisting of neither perception nor non-perception have escaped from the perception of the base consisting of nothingness. The five faculties in the contemplation of impermanence have escaped from perception of permanence. The five faculties in the contemplation of pain have escaped from perception of pleasure. The five faculties in the contemplation of not self have escaped the perception of self. The five faculties in the contemplation of dispassion have escaped from delighting. The five faculties in the contemplation of fading away have escaped from greed. The five faculties in the contemplation of cessation have escaped from arising. The five faculties in the contemplation of relinquishment have escaped from grasping. The five faculties in the contemplation of destruction have escaped from perception of compactness. The five faculties in the contemplation of fall have escaped from accumulation. The five faculties in the contemplation of change have escaped from perception of everlastingness. The five faculties in the contemplation of the signless have escaped from the sign. The five faculties in the contemplation of the desireless have escaped from desire. The five faculties in the contemplation of voidness have escaped from misinterpretation. The five faculties in insight into ideas which is the higher understanding have escaped from misinterpretation by grasping at a core. The five faculties in correct-knowledge and seeing have escaped from misinterpretation due to confusion. The five faculties in the contemplation of danger have escaped from misinterpretation due to reliance. The five faculties in the contemplation of reflexion have escaped from non-reflexion. The five faculties in the contemplation of turning away have escaped from bondage. The five faculties in the stream-entry path have escaped from the defilements coefficient with [wrong] view. The five faculties in the once-return path have escaped from gross defilement. The five faculties in the non-return path have escaped from the residual defilements.

And in the case of all those whose cankers are exhausted the five faculties in any instance have escaped, quite escaped, and are tranquillized, quite tranquillized.

There is escape in the case of the five faculties in these eighty aspects. He understands the escape in the case of the five faculties in these eighty aspects.

End of Recitation Section

[Sutta-Source: Sāvatthi]

17. “Bhikkhus, there are these five faculties. What five? The faith faculty, the energy faculty, the mindfulness faculty, the concentration faculty, the understanding faculty.

“And where, bhikkhus, is the faith faculty to be found? Among the four factors of stream entry. The faith faculty is to be found here. And where is the energy faculty to be found? Among the four right endeavours. The energy faculty is to be found here. And where is the mindfulness faculty to be found? Among the four foundations of mindfulness. The mindfulness faculty is to be found here. And where is the concentration faculty to be found? Among the four jhanas. The concentration faculty is to be found here. And where is the understanding faculty to be found? Among the four noble actualities. The understanding faculty is to be found here”.

18. In how many aspects are the five faculties to be found through the faith faculty among the four factors of stream entry? In how many aspects are the five faculties to be found through the energy faculty among the four right endeavours? In how many aspects are the five faculties to be found through the mindfulness faculty among the four foundations of mindfulness? In how many aspects are the five faculties to be found through the concentration faculty among the four jhanas? In how many aspects are the five faculties to be found through the understanding faculty among the four noble actualities?

The five faculties are to be found through the faith faculty in twenty aspects among the four factors of stream entry. The five faculties are to be found through the energy faculty in twenty aspects among the four right endeavours. The five faculties are to be found through the mindfulness faculty in twenty aspects among the four foundations of mindfulness. The five faculties are to be found through the concentration faculty in twenty aspects among the four jhanas. The five faculties are to be found through the understanding faculty in twenty aspects among the four noble actualities.

19. In what twenty aspects are the five faculties to be found through the faith faculty among the four factors of stream entry?

In the factor of stream entry consisting in frequenting good men: the faith faculty is to be found in the sense of dominance of resolution; and through the faith faculty the energy faculty is to be found in the sense of exertion, the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of establishment, the concentration faculty is to be found in the sense of non-distraction, and the understanding faculty is to be found in the sense of seeing. In the factor of stream entry consisting in hearing the True Idea: … In the factor of stream entry consisting in careful attention: … In the factor of stream entry consisting in practice in accordance with the True Idea: the faith faculty is to be found in the sense of dominance of resolution; and through the faith faculty the energy faculty is to be found in the sense of exertion, the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of establishment, the concentration faculty is to be found in the sense of non-distraction, and the understanding faculty is to be found in the sense of seeing.

The five faculties are to be found through the faith faculty among the four factors of stream entry in these twenty aspects.

20. In what twenty aspects are the five faculties to be found through the energy faculty among the four right endeavours?

In the right endeavour for the non-arising of unarisen evil unprofitable ideas: the energy faculty is to be found in the sense of dominance of exertion; and through the energy faculty the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of establishing, the concentration faculty is to be found in the sense of non-distraction, the understanding faculty is to be found in the sense of seeing, and the faith faculty is to be found in the sense of resolution. In the right endeavour for the abandoning of arisen evil unprofitable ideas: … In the right endeavour for the arousing of unarisen profitable ideas: … In the right endeavour for the maintenance, non-disappearance, strengthening, increase, development and perfection of arisen profitable ideas: …

The five faculties are to be found through the energy faculty among the four right endeavours in these twenty aspects.

21. In what twenty aspects are the five faculties to be found through the mindfulness faculty among the four foundations of mindfulness?

In the foundation of mindfulness consisting in contemplation of the body as a body: the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of dominance of establishment; and through the mindfulness faculty the concentration faculty is to be found in the sense of non-distraction, the understanding faculty is to be found in the sense of seeing, the faith faculty is to be found in the sense of resolution, and the energy faculty is to be found in the sense of exertion. In the foundation of mindfulness consisting in contemplation of feelings as feelings: … In the foundation of mindfulness consisting in contemplation of cognizance as cognizance: … In the foundation of mindfulness consisting in contemplation of ideas as ideas: …

The five faculties are to be found through the mindfulness faculty among the four foundations of mindfulness in these twenty aspects.

22. In what twenty aspects are the five faculties to be found through the concentration faculty among the four jhanas?

In the first jhana: the concentration faculty is to be found in the sense of dominance of non-distraction; and through the concentration faculty the understanding faculty is to be found in the sense of seeing, the faith faculty is to be found in the sense of resolution, the energy faculty is to be found in the sense of exertion, and the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of establishment. In the second jhana: … In the third jhana: … In the fourth jhana: …

The five faculties are to be found through the concentration faculty among the four jhanas in these five aspects.

23. In what five aspects are the five faculties to be found through the understanding faculty among the four noble actualities?

In the noble actuality of suffering: the understanding faculty is to be found in the sense of dominance of seeing; and through the understanding faculty the faith faculty is to be found in the sense of resolution, the energy faculty is to be found in the sense of exerting, the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of establishing, and the concentration faculty is to be found in the sense of non-distraction. In the noble actuality of the origin of suffering: … In the noble actuality of the cessation of suffering: … In the noble actuality of the way leading to the cessation of suffering: …

The five faculties are to be found through the understanding faculty among the four noble actualities in these five aspects.

24. In how many aspects is behaviour of the five faculties to be found through the faith faculty among the four factors of stream entry? In how many aspects is behaviour of the five faculties to be found through the energy faculty …? … through the mindfulness faculty …? … through the concentration faculty …? … through the understanding faculty among the four noble actualities?

Behaviour of the five faculties is to be found through the faith faculty in twenty aspects in the four factors of stream entry. Behaviour of the five faculties is to be found through the energy faculty in twenty aspects among the four right endeavours … through the mindfulness faculty in twenty aspects among the four foundations of mindfulness … through the concentration faculty in twenty aspects among the four jhanas … through the understanding faculty in twenty aspects among the four noble actualities.

25. In what twenty aspects is behaviour of the five faculties to be found through the faith faculty among the four factors of stream entry?

In the factor of stream entry consisting in frequenting good men: behaviour of the faith faculty is to be found in the sense of dominance of resolution; and through the faith faculty behaviour of the energy faculty is to be found in the sense of exertion, behaviour of the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of establishment, behaviour of the concentration faculty is to be found in the sense of non-distraction, and behaviour of the understanding faculty is to be found in the sense of seeing. In the factor of stream entry consisting in hearing the True Idea: … In the factor of stream entry consisting in careful attention: … In the factor of stream entry consisting in practice in accordance with the True Idea: …

26. Behaviour of the five …

In what twenty aspects is behaviour of the five faculties to be found through the energy faculty among the four right endeavours?

In the right endeavour for the non-arising of unarisen evil unprofitable ideas: behaviour of the energy faculty is to be found in the sense of dominance of exertion; and through the energy faculty behaviour of the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of establishment, behaviour of the concentration faculty is to be found in the sense of non-distraction, behaviour of the understanding faculty is to be found in the sense of seeing, and behaviour of the faith faculty is to be found in the sense of resolution. In the right endeavour for the abandoning of arisen evil unprofitable ideas: … In the right endeavour for the arousing of unarisen profitable ideas: … In the right endeavour for the maintenance, non-disappearance, strengthening, increase, development, and perfection of arisen profitable ideas: … Behaviour of the five …

27. In what twenty aspects is behaviour of the five faculties to be found through the mindfulness faculty among the four foundations of mindfulness?

In the foundation of mindfulness consisting in contemplation of the body as a body: behaviour of the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of dominance of establishment; and through the mindfulness faculty behaviour of the concentration faculty is to be found in the sense of non-distraction, behaviour of the understanding faculty is to be found in the sense of seeing, behaviour of the faith faculty is to be found in the sense of resolution, and behaviour of the energy faculty is to be found in the sense of exertion. In the foundation of mindfulness consisting in contemplation of feelings as feelings: … In the foundation of mindfulness consisting in contemplation of cognizance as cognizance … In the foundation of mindfulness consisting in contemplation of ideas as ideas: …

Behaviour of the five …

28. In what twenty aspects is behaviour of the five faculties to be found through the concentration faculty among the four jhanas?

In the first jhana: behaviour of the concentration faculty is to be found in the sense of dominance of non-distraction; and through the concentration faculty behaviour of the understanding faculty is to be found in the sense of seeing, behaviour of the faith faculty is to be found in the sense of resolution, behaviour of the energy faculty is to be found in the sense of exerting, and behaviour of the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of establishing. In the second jhana: … In the third jhana: … In the fourth jhana: …

Behaviour of the five …

29. In what twenty aspects is behaviour of the five faculties to be found through the understanding faculty among the four noble actualities?

In the noble actuality of suffering: behaviour of the understanding faculty is to be found in the sense of dominance of seeing; and through the understanding faculty behaviour of the faith faculty is to be found in the sense of resolution, behaviour of the energy faculty is to be found in the sense of exerting, behaviour of the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of establishing, and behaviour of the concentration faculty is to be found in the sense of non-distraction. In the noble actuality of the origin of suffering: … in the noble actuality of the cessation of suffering: … In the noble actuality of the way leading to the cessation of suffering …

Behaviour of the five faculties is to be found through the understanding faculty among the four noble actualities in these twenty aspects.


30. Behaviour and abiding have been discovered and penetrated such that of one behaving and abiding accordingly his wise companions in the Good Life might believe profound things thus: Surely this venerable one has reached or will reach [distinction].

31. Behaviour: there are eight kinds of behaviour: behaviour of postures, behaviour with respect to the bases, behaviour of mindfulness, behaviour of concentration, behaviour of knowledge, behaviour of the paths, behaviour of arrival, supramundane behaviour.

Behaviour of postures: in the case of the four postures.

Behaviour with respect to the bases: in the case of the six internal-external bases.

Behaviour of mindfulness: in the case of the four foundations of mindfulness.

Behaviour of concentration: in the case of the four jhanas.

Behaviour of knowledge: in the case of the four noble actualities.

Behaviour of the paths: in the case of the four noble paths.

Behaviour of arrival: in the case of the four fruits of asceticism.

Supramundane behaviour: in the case of Perfect Ones, accomplished and fully enlightened, in the case of Undeclared Enlightened Ones, and partially in the case of disciples.

Behaviour of the postures belongs to those possessed of right deportment.

Behaviour with respect to the bases belongs to those guarded in the sense doors.

Behaviour of mindfulness belongs to those who abide in diligence.

Behaviour of concentration belongs to those devoted to the higher cognizance.

Behaviour of knowledge belongs to those possessing [some] enlightenment.

Behaviour of the paths belongs to those who have rightly entered upon the way.

Behaviour of arrival belongs to those who have arrived at fruition [of the path].

Supramundane behaviour belongs to Perfect Ones, accomplished and fully enlightened, to Undeclared Enlightened Ones, and in part to disciples.

These are eight kinds of behaviour.

32. Another eight kinds of behaviour: One who resolves behaves with faith, one who exerts behaves with energy, one who establishes behaves with mindfulness, one who effects non-distraction behaves with concentration, one who understands behaves with understanding, one who recognizes behaves with the behaviour of consciousness; one thus entered upon the way arrives at distinction, thus he behaves with the behaviour of distinction; in one thus entered upon the way profitable ideas are made to extend (āyāpenti), thus he behaves with the behaviour of the bases (āyatana).

These are eight kinds of behaviour.

33. Another eight kinds of behaviour: right view's behaviour of seeing, right thought's behaviour of directing onto, right speaking's behaviour of embracing, right acting's behaviour of originating, right living's behaviour of cleansing, right effort's behaviour of exerting, right mindfulness's behaviour of establishing, right concentration's behaviour of non-distraction.

These are eight kinds of behaviour.

34. Abiding: One who resolves abides in faith, one who exerts abides in energy, one who establishes abides in mindfulness, one who effects non-distraction abides in concentration, one who understands abides in understanding.

35. Discovered: resolution as a meaning of the faith faculty has been discovered, exertion as a meaning of the energy faculty has been discovered, establishing as a meaning of the mindfulness faculty has been discovered, non-distraction as a meaning of the concentration faculty has been discovered, seeing as a meaning of the understanding faculty has been discovered.

36. Penetrated: resolution as a meaning of the faith faculty has been penetrated, … [complete as in § 35].

37. Of one behaving accordingly: of one behaving thus with faith, of one behaving thus with energy, of one behaving thus with mindfulness, of one behaving thus with concentration, of one behaving thus with understanding.

38. Of one abiding accordingly: Of one abiding thus with faith … [complete as in § 37].

39. Wise: wise, clever, knowledgeable, learned, possessed of enlightenment.

40. Companions in the Good Life: [those who perform Vinaya] acts together, recitation [of the Pātimokkha] together, [and have] the same training.

41. Profound things: what are called “profound things” are the jhanas, the liberations, concentration, the attainments, the paths, the fruitions, the [six] direct knowledges, and the [four] discriminations.

42. Might believe: might have faith, might resolve.

43. Surely: this is a word signifying entirety, doubtlessness, non-indecision, non-ambivalence, non-duplicity, necessity, unequivocalness, definiteness, this word “surely”.

44. This venerable one: This is a word of endearment, of respect.

45. Has reached: arrived at.

46. Or will reach: will arrive at.

[Sutta-Source given already]

47. “Bhikkhus, there are these five faculties. What five? The faith faculty, the energy faculty, the mindfulness faculty, the concentration faculty, the understanding faculty. These are the five faculties, bhikkhus”.

48. In how many aspects are these five faculties to be found? These five faculties are to be found in six aspects.

49. In what sense are they to be found? In the sense of dominance, in the sense of purifying the beginning, in the sense of outstandingness, in the sense of steadying, in the sense of terminating, in the sense of founding upon.

50. How are the faculties to be found in the sense of dominance?

When he abandons non-faith the faith faculty is to be found in him in the sense of dominance of resolution; and through the faith faculty the energy faculty is to be found in the sense of exerting, the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of establishing, the concentration faculty is to be found in the sense of non-distraction, and the understanding faculty is to be found in the sense of seeing. When he abandons idleness the energy faculty is to be found in him in the sense of dominance of exertion; and through the energy faculty … When he abandons negligence the mindfulness faculty is to be found in him in the sense of dominance of establishing; and through the mindfulness faculty … When he abandons agitation the concentration faculty is to be found in him in the sense of dominance of non-distraction; and through the concentration faculty … When he abandons ignorance the understanding faculty is to be found in him in the sense of dominance of seeing; and through the understanding faculty the faith faculty is to be found in the sense of resolution, the energy faculty is to be found in the sense of exertion, the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of establishment, and the concentration faculty is to be found in the sense of non-distraction.

51. When he abandons zeal for sensual-desires through renunciation, the faith faculty is to be found in him in the sense of dominance of resolution; and through the faith faculty the energy faculty is to be found in the sense of exertion, the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of establishment, the concentration faculty is to be found in the sense of non-distraction, the understanding faculty is to be found in the sense of seeing.

When he abandons zeal for sensual-desires through renunciation, the energy faculty is to be found in him in the sense of dominance of exertion; and through the energy faculty …

When he abandons zeal for sensual-desires through renunciation, the mindfulness faculty is to be found in him in the sense of dominance of establishment; and through the mindfulness faculty …

When he abandons zeal for sensual-desires through renunciation, the concentration faculty is to be found in him in the sense of dominance of non-distraction; and through the concentration faculty …

When he abandons zeal for sensual-desires through renunciation, the understanding faculty is to be found in him in the sense of dominance of seeing; and through the understanding faculty the faith faculty is to be found in the sense of resolution, the energy faculty is to be found in the sense of exerting, the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of establishing, and the concentration faculty is to be found in the sense of non-distraction.

52. When he abandons ill-will through non-ill-will …

53. When he abandons stiffness-and-torpor through perception of light …

54. When he abandons agitation through non-distraction …

55. When he abandons uncertainty through definition of ideas …

56. When he abandons ignorance through knowledge …

57. When he abandons boredom through gladness …

58.–61. When he abandons the hindrances through the first jhana … [and so on with the rest of the jhanas]

62.–65. … [similar §§ for each of the four immaterial attainments].

66.–83. … [similar §§ for each of the 18 Principal Insights].

84.–6. … [similar §§ for each of the first three paths].

87. When he abandons all defilements through the arahant path, the faith faculty is to be found in him in the sense of dominance of resolution; and through the faith faculty the energy faculty is to be found in the sense of exertion, the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of establishment, the concentration faculty is to be found in the sense of non-distraction, and the understanding faculty is to be found in the sense of seeing.

When he abandons all defilements through the arahant path, the energy faculty is to be found in him in the sense of dominance of exertion; and through the energy faculty the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of establishment, … the faith faculty is to be found in the sense of resolution.

When he abandons all defilements through the arahant path, the mindfulness faculty is to be found in him in the sense of dominance of establishment; and through the mindfulness faculty the concentration faculty is to be found in the sense of non-distraction, … the energy faculty is to be found in the sense of exertion.

When he abandons all defilements through the arahant path, the concentration faculty is to be found in him in the sense of dominance of non-distraction; and through the concentration faculty the understanding faculty is to be found in the sense of seeing, … the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of establishment.

When he abandons all defilements through the arahant path, the understanding faculty is to be found in him in the sense of dominance of seeing; and through the understanding faculty the faith faculty is to be found in the sense of resolution, the energy faculty is to be found in the sense of exertion, the mindfulness faculty is to be found in the sense of establishing, the concentration faculty is to be found in the sense of non-distraction.

This is how the faculties are to be found in the sense of dominance.

88. How are the faculties to be found in the sense of purifying the beginning?

The faith faculty is in the sense of resolution; purification of virtue in the sense of restraint of non-faith is purifying of the beginning of the faith faculty. The energy faculty is in the sense of exerting; purification of virtue in the sense of restraint of idleness is the purifying of the beginning of the energy faculty. The mindfulness faculty is in the sense of establishing; purification of virtue in the sense of restraint of negligence is the purifying of the beginning of the mindfulness faculty. The concentration faculty is in the sense of non-distraction; purification of virtue in the sense of restraint of agitation is the purifying of the beginning of the concentration faculty. The understanding faculty is in the sense of seeing; purification of virtue in the sense of restraint of ignorance is the purifying of the beginning of the understanding faculty.

89. In renunciation there are the five faculties; purification of virtue in the sense of restraint of zeal for sensual-desires is the purifying of the beginning of the five faculties. In non-ill-will there are the five faculties; purification of virtue in the sense of restraint of ill-will is the purifying of the beginning of the five faculties. In perception of light … [and so on in the case of each of the rest of the five hindrances, four jhanas, four immaterial attainments, eighteen Principal Insights, and four paths, up to] … In the arahant path there are the five faculties; purification of virtue in the sense of restraint of all defilements is the purifying of the beginning of the five faculties.

This is how the faculties are to be found in the sense of purification of the beginning.

90. How are the faculties to be found in the sense of outstandingness?

With the development of the faith faculty zeal arises, with the abandoning of non-faith zeal arises, with the abandoning of anguish of non-faith zeal arises, with the abandoning of defilements coefficient with [wrong] view zeal arises, with the abandoning of gross defilements zeal arises, with the abandoning of secondary defilements zeal arises, with the abandoning of all defilements zeal arises; through zeal gladness arises; then the faith faculty is outstanding as faith due to gladness. Through gladness happiness arises; then the faith faculty is outstanding as faith due to happiness. Through happiness tranquillity arises; then the faith faculty is outstanding due to tranquillity. Through tranquillity pleasure arises; then the faith faculty is outstanding as faith due to pleasure. Through pleasure illumination arises; then the faith faculty is outstanding as faith due to illumination. Through illumination a sense of urgency arises; then the faith faculty is outstanding as faith due to a sense of urgency. With a sense of urgency he concentrates cognizance; then the faith faculty is outstanding as faith due to concentration. He thoroughly exerts cognizance thus concentrated; then the faith faculty is outstanding as faith due to exertion. He looks on with complete equanimity at cognizance thus exerted; then the faith faculty is outstanding as faith due to equanimity. Owing to equanimity cognizance is liberated from the many sorts of defilements; then the faith faculty is outstanding as faith due to liberation. Because of its being liberated those ideas come to have a single function (taste); then the faith faculty is outstanding as faith due to development in the sense of single function (taste). Because of its being developed it therefore turns away to what is superior [namely, to nibbana]; then the faith faculty is outstanding as faith due to turning away. Because of its having turned away he [namely, the person now possessed of the path,] therefore relinquishes [both defilements and aggregates]; then the faith faculty is outstanding as faith due to relinquishment. Because of their having been relinquished those [defilements and aggregates] therefore cease [without rearising]; then the faith faculty is outstanding as faith due to cessation.

There are two kinds of relinquishment through cessation: relinquishment as giving up and relinquishment as entering into (launching out into). It gives up defilements and aggregates, thus it is relinquishment as giving up; cognizance enters into (launches out into) cessation which is the nibbana principle, thus it is relinquishment as entering into (launching out into). These are the two kinds of relinquishment through cessation.

91. With the development of the energy faculty zeal arises, with the abandoning of idleness zeal arises, with the abandoning of anguish of idleness zeal arises, with the abandoning of defilements coefficient with [wrong] view zeal arises, … [and so on as in § 90 up to the end, substituting energy for faith].

92. With the development of the mindfulness faculty zeal arises, with the abandoning of negligence zeal arises, …

93. With the development of the concentration faculty zeal arises, with the abandoning of agitation zeal arises, …

94. With the development of the understanding faculty zeal arises, with the abandoning of ignorance zeal arises, … These are the two kinds of relinquishment through cessation.

This is how the faculties are to be found in the sense of outstandingness.

End of Second Recitation Section

95.–9. How are the faculties to be found in the sense of steadying?

With the development of the faith faculty zeal arises; then the faith faculty is steady as faith due to zeal. Through zeal gladness arises; then the faith faculty is steady as faith due to gladness …

This is how the faculties are to be found in the sense of steadying.

100. How are the faculties to be found in the sense of terminating?

In the sense of resolution the faith faculty terminates non-faith, terminates anguish of non-faith. In the sense of exertion the energy faculty terminates idleness, terminates anguish of idleness. In the sense of establishing the mindfulness faculty terminates negligence, terminates anguish of negligence. In the sense of non-distraction the concentration faculty terminates agitation, terminates anguish of agitation. In the sense of seeing the understanding faculty terminates ignorance, terminates anguish of ignorance.

101. In renunciation the five faculties terminate zeal for sensual-desire. In non-ill-will the five faculties terminate ill-will … [and so on with the rest of the seven hindrances, etc., up to] … In the arahant path the five faculties terminate all defilements.

This is how the faculties are to be found in the sense of terminating.

102. How are the five faculties to be found in the sense of founding upon?

One who has faith founds the faith faculty upon resolution, the faith faculty in one who has faith is founded upon resolution. One who has energy founds energy upon exertion; the energy faculty in one who has energy is founded upon exertion. One who has mindfulness founds the mindfulness faculty upon establishment; the mindfulness faculty in one who has mindfulness is founded upon establishment. One who has concentration founds the concentration faculty upon non-distraction; the concentration faculty in one who has concentration is founded upon non-distraction. One who has understanding founds the understanding faculty upon seeing; the understanding faculty in one who has understanding is founded upon seeing.

103. A meditator founds the five faculties upon renunciation; the five faculties in a meditator are founded upon renunciation. A meditator founds the five faculties upon non-ill-will; the five faculties in a meditator are founded upon non-ill-will … [and so on up to] … A meditator founds the five faculties upon the arahant path; the five faculties in a meditator are founded upon the arahant path.

This is how the faculties are to be found in the sense of founding upon.

104. When an ordinary man develops concentration, in how many aspects is he skilled in establishing? When an initiate …? When one whose cankers are exhausted develops concentration, in how many aspects is he skilled in establishing?

When an ordinary man develops concentration, he is skilled in establishing in seven aspects. When an initiate develops concentration he is skilled in eight aspects. When one whose cankers are exhausted develops concentration, he is skilled in ten aspects.

105. When an ordinary man develops concentration, in what seven aspects is he skilled in establishing?

Because of [an object of contemplation] having been adverted to: he is skilled in establishing the supporting object, he is skilled in establishing the sign of serenity, he is skilled in establishing the sign of exertion, he is skilled in establishing the sign of non-distraction, he is skilled in establishing illumination, he is skilled in establishing encouragement, he is skilled in establishing equanimity. When an ordinary man develops concentration, he is skilled in establishing in these seven aspects.

106. When an initiate develops concentration, in what eight aspects is he skilled in establishing?

Because of [an object of contemplation] having been adverted to: he is skilled in establishing the supporting object, … he is skilled in establishing equanimity, he is skilled in establishing unity.

When an initiate develops concentration, he is skilled in establishing in these eight aspects.

107. When one whose cankers are exhausted develops concentration, in what ten aspects is he skilled in establishing?

Because of [an object of contemplation] having been adverted to: he is skilled in establishing the supporting object, … he is skilled in establishing equanimity, he is skilled in establishing unity, he is skilled in establishing difference, he is skilled in establishing deliverance.

When one whose cankers are exhausted develops concentration, he is skilled in establishing in these ten aspects.

108. When an ordinary man develops insight, in how many aspects is he skilled in establishing, and in how many aspects is he skilled in non-establishing? When an initiate …? When one whose cankers are exhausted develops insight, in how many aspects is he skilled in establishing, and in how many aspects is he skilled in non-establishing?

When an ordinary man develops insight, he is skilled in establishing in nine aspects and skilled in non-establishing in nine aspects. When an initiate develops insight, he is skilled in establishing in ten aspects and skilled in non-establishing in ten aspects. When one whose cankers are exhausted develops insight, he is skilled in establishing in twelve aspects and skilled in non-establishing in twelve aspects.

109. When an ordinary man develops insight, in what nine aspects is he skilled in establishing and in what nine aspects is he skilled in non-establishing?

He is skilled in establishment (appearance) as impermanent, and skilled in non-establishment as permanent; skilled in establishment as pain, and skilled in non-establishment as pleasure; skilled in establishment as not self; and skilled in non-establishment as self; skilled in establishment as exhaustion, and skilled in non-establishment as compactness; skilled in establishment as fall, and skilled in non-establishment of accumulation; skilled in establishment of change, and skilled in non-establishment as everlastingness; skilled in establishment of the signless, and skilled in non-establishment of sign; skilled in establishment of the desireless, and skilled in non-establishment of desire; skilled in establishment of voidness, and skilled in non-establishment of misinterpretation.

When an ordinary man develops insight, he is skilled in establishment in these nine aspects and skilled in non-establishment in these nine aspects.

110. When an initiate develops insight, in what ten aspects is he skilled in establishment and in what ten aspects is he skilled in non-establishment?

He is skilled in establishment as impermanent, and skilled in non-establishment as permanent; … skilled in establishment of voidness, and skilled in non-establishment of misinterpretation; skilled in establishment of knowledge, and skilled in non-establishment of unknowing.

When an initiate develops insight, he is skilled in establishment in these ten aspects, and skilled in non-establishment in these ten aspects.

111. When one whose cankers are exhausted develops insight, in what twelve aspects is he skilled in establishment, and in what twelve aspects is he skilled in non-establishment?

He is skilled in establishment as impermanent, and skilled in non-establishment as permanent; … skilled in establishment of voidness, and skilled in non-establishment of misinterpretation; skilled in establishment of knowledge, and skilled in non-establishment of unknowing; skilled in establishment of non-bondage, and skilled in non-establishment of bondage; skilled in establishment of cessation, and skilled in non-establishment of formations.

When one whose cankers are exhausted develops insight, he is skilled in establishment in these twelve aspects and skilled in non-establishment in these twelve aspects.

112. Because of [an object of contemplation] having been adverted to: Through skill in establishing the supporting object he combines the faculties, understands their domain and penetrates the meaning of sameness, he combines the powers, … he combines the enlightenment factors, … he combines [other] ideas, understands their domain and penetrates the meaning of sameness; “He combines the faculties”, how does he combine the faculties? He combines the faith faculty in the sense of resolution, [he combines the energy faculty in the sense of exertion, he combines the mindfulness faculty in the sense of establishment, he combines the concentration faculty in the sense of non-distraction, he combines the understanding faculty in the sense of seeing; ]

through skill in establishing the sign of serenity [he combines the faculties,]

through skill in establishing the sign of exertion [he]

through skill in establishing the sign of non-distraction

through skill in establishing illumination

through skill in establishing encouragement

through skill in establishing equanimity

through skill in establishing unity

through skill in establishing difference

through skill in establishing deliverance

through skill in establishment as impermanent

through skill in non-establishment as permanent

through … [and so on with the rest of the pairs in § 111 up to]

through skill in establishment of cessation

through skill in non-establishment of formations he combines the faculties, … [he combines [other] ideas,] understands their domain and penetrates the meaning of sameness; [“he combines the faculties”, how does he combine the faculties? He combines the faith faculty in the sense of resolution, … he combines the understanding faculty in the sense of seeing].

113. Understanding as mastery of three faculties in sixty-four aspects is knowledge of destruction (exhaustion) of cankers.

114. Of what three faculties? Of the I-shall-come-to-know-the-unknown faculty, of the final-knowledge faculty, and of the final-knower faculty.

115.–124. How many places … [repeat Tr. I §§ 552–62 unaltered] … These cankers are destroyed here.

125. Here in this world is naught unseen by him, Naught unrecognized, and naught unknowable; He has experienced all that can be known: Therefore the Perfect One is called All-seer.

126. All-seer, in what sense all-seer? [repeat Tr. I § 608].

127. To the extent of the meaning of suffering in suffering it is known, there is no meaning of suffering unknown, he is thus the All-seer. All-seeing-ness is the understanding faculty. Through the understanding faculty there is the faith faculty in the sense of resolution, the energy faculty in the sense of exertion, the mindfulness faculty in the sense of establishing, and the concentration faculty in the sense of non-distraction.

To the extent of the meaning of suffering in suffering it is seen, recognized, realized, sounded by understanding, there is no meaning of suffering unsounded by understanding, he is thus the All-seer. All-seeing-ness is the understanding faculty. Through …

To the extent of the meaning of origin in origin … [and so on with the rest of the four actualities].

128. To the extent of the meaning of discrimination-of-meaning in the discrimination-of-meaning … [and so on with the rest of the four discriminations up to]

To the extent of the meaning of discrimination-of-perspicuity in the discrimination-of-perspicuity it is known, there is no meaning of discrimination-of-perspicuity unknown, he is thus …

To the extent of the meaning of discrimination-of-perspicuity in the discrimination-of-perspicuity it is seen, recognized, …

129. To the extent of knowledge of penetration of others' faculties …

To the extent of knowledge of other beings' biasses and underlying tendencies.

To the extent of knowledge of the Twin Metamorphosis …

To the extent of knowledge of the attainment of the Great Compassion …

To the extent of what is seen, heard, sensed, cognized, encountered, sought, considered by the mind, in the world with its deities, its Māras and its Brahmā Gods, in this generation with its ascetics and brahmans, with its princes and men, that is known, seen, recognized, realized, sounded by understanding, there is nothing unsounded by understanding, he is thus the All-seer. All-seeing-ness is the understanding faculty. Through the understanding faculty there is the faith faculty in the sense of resolution, … and the concentration faculty in the sense of non-distraction.

130. One who has faith exerts; one who exerts has faith. One who has faith establishes; one who establishes has faith. One who has faith concentrates; one who concentrates has faith. One who has faith understands; one who understands has faith.

One who exerts establishes; one who establishes exerts. One who exerts concentrates; one who concentrates exerts. One who exerts understands; one who understands exerts. One who exerts has faith; one who has faith exerts.

One who establishes concentrates; one who concentrates establishes …

One who concentrates understands; one who understands concentrates …

One who understands has faith; one who has faith understands. One who understands exerts; one who exerts understands. One who understands establishes; one who establishes understands. One who understands concentrates; one who concentrates understands.

131. Because it has faith it is exerted; because it is exerted it has faith. Because it has faith it is established; because it is established it has faith. Because it has faith it is concentrated; because it is concentrated it has faith. Because it has faith it has understanding; because it has understanding it has faith.

Because it is exerted it is established; because it is established it is exerted …

Because it is established it is concentrated; because it is concentrated it is established … [… concentrated … has understanding …] Because it has understanding it has faith; because it has faith it has understanding. Because it has understanding it is exerted; because it is exerted it has understanding. Because it has understanding it is established; because it is established it has understanding. Because it has understanding it is concentrated; because it is concentrated it has understanding.

132.–40. The Enlightened One's seeing eye is the Enlightened One's knowledge; the Enlightened One's knowledge is the Enlightened One's seeing eye. With that seeing eye the Perfect One sees beings as with little dust on their eyes, as with much dust on their eyes … [repeat Tr. I §§ 574–82 without further alteration].

141. He knows and sees and recognizes and penetrates these five faculties in these fifty aspects.

End of third Recitation Section.

End of Treatise on Faculties.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli

- Editor: Manfred Wierich