buddha daily wisdom image

ps.1.6 Patisambhidamagga

Treatise on Destinations

1. (i) In the case of a successful destination, in how many root-causes does rearising have its conditions at [the moment of rebirth-linking] associated with knowledge?

(ii) In the case of wealthy khattiyas, wealthy brahmans, wealthy house-holders, sensual-desire-sphere deities, in how many root-causes does rearising have its conditions at [the moment of rebirth-linking] associated with knowledge?

(iii) In the case of material-sphere deities, in how many root-causes does rearising have its conditions at [the moment of rebirth-linking] associated with knowledge?

(iv) In the case of immaterial-sphere deities, in how many root-causes does rearising have its conditions at [the moment of rebirth-linking] associated with knowledge?

(i) In the case of a successful destination, rearising has its conditions in eight root-causes at [the moment of rebirth-linking] associated with knowledge.

(ii) In the case of wealthy khattiyas, wealthy brahmans, wealthy house-holders, sensual-desire-sphere deities, rearising has its conditions in eight root-causes at [the moment of rebirth-linking] associated with knowledge.

(iii) In the case of material-sphere deities, rearising has its conditions in eight root-causes at [the moment of rebirth-linking] associated with knowledge.

(iv) In the case of immaterial-sphere deities, rearising has its conditions in eight root-causes at [the moment of rebirth-linking] associated with knowledge.

2. (i) In the case of a successful destination, in what eight root-causes does rearising have its conditions at [the moment of rebirth-linking] associated with knowledge?

At the moment of impulsion of profitable action [in the previous life], three root-causes, being profitable, are conascence conditions for the volition produced at that moment; hence “With profitable root-causes as condition there are formations” is said. At the moment of attachment [immediately prior to death], “two root-causes”, [namely, greed and delusion,] being unprofitable, are conascence conditions for the volition produced at that time; hence “With unprofitable root-causes as conditions there are formations” is said. At the moment of rebirth-linking [in the new life], three root-causes, being indeterminate, are conascence conditions for the volition produced at that moment; hence “With mentality-materiality as condition there is consciousness and with consciousness as condition there is mentality-materiality” is said.

3. At the time of the rebirth-linking, the five aggregates are conascence conditions, mutuality conditions, support conditions, and dissociation conditions. At the moment of rebirth-linking, the four great entities are conascence conditions, mutuality conditions, support conditions, and dissociation conditions. At the moment of rebirth-linking, the three life-formations [of life-span, heat and consciousness] are conascence conditions, mutuality conditions, support conditions, and dissociation conditions. At the moment of rebirth-linking, mentality and materiality are conascence conditions, mutuality conditions, support conditions, and dissociation conditions.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, these fourteen ideas are conascence conditions, mutuality conditions, support conditions, and dissociation conditions.

4. At the moment of rebirth-linking, the four immaterial aggregates are conascence conditions, mutuality conditions, support conditions, and association conditions. At the moment of rebirth-linking, the five faculties [of faith, etc.,] are conascence conditions, mutuality conditions, support conditions, and association conditions. At the moment of rebirth-linking, three root-causes are conascence conditions, mutuality conditions, support conditions, and association conditions. At the moment of rebirth-linking, mentality and consciousness are conascence conditions, mutuality conditions, support conditions, and association conditions.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, these fourteen ideas are conascence conditions, mutuality conditions, support conditions, and association conditions.

5. At the moment of rebirth-linking, these twenty-eight ideas are conascence conditions, mutuality conditions, support conditions, and dissociation conditions.

6. In the case of a successful destination, rebirth has its conditions in these eight root-causes at [the moment of rebirth-linking] associated with knowledge.

7.–10. (ii) In the case of wealthy khattiyas, wealthy brahmans, wealthy house-holders, sensual-desire-sphere deities, in what eight root-causes does rebirth have its condition at [the moment of rebirth-linking] associated with knowledge?

At the moment of impulsion … [repeat §§ 2–5].

11. In the case of wealthy khattiyas, wealthy brahmans, wealthy house-holders, sensual-desire-sphere deities, rebirth has its conditions in these eight root-causes at [the moment of rebirth-linking] associated with knowledge.

12.–15. (iii) In the case of material-sphere deities what … [repeat §§ 2–5].}

16. In the case of material-sphere deities, rebirth has its conditions in these eight root-causes at [the moment of rebirth-linking] associated with knowledge.

17. (iv) In the case of immaterial-sphere deities, in what eight root-causes does rebirth have its conditions at [the moment of rebirth-linking] associated with knowledge?

At the moment of impulsion … [repeat § 2 up to] … hence “With mentality as condition there is consciousness and with consciousness as condition there is mentality” is said.

18. At the moment of rebirth-linking, the immaterial aggregates … [repeat § 4 up to] … and association conditions.

19. At the moment of rebirth-linking, these fourteen ideas are conascence conditions, mutuality conditions, support conditions, and association conditions.

20. In the case of immaterial-sphere deities, rebirth has its conditions in these eight root-causes at [the moment of rebirth-linking] associated with knowledge.

>21. (i) In the case of a successful destination, in how many root-causes does rebirth have its conditions at [the moment of rebirth-linking] dissociated from knowledge?

(ii) In the case of wealthy khattiyas, wealthy brahmans, wealthy house-holders, sensual-desire-sphere deities, in how many root-causes does rebirth have its conditions at [the moment of rebirth-linking] dissociated from knowledge?

(i) In the case of a successful destination, rebirth has its conditions in six root-causes at [the moment of rebirth-linking] dissociated from knowledge.

(ii) In the case of wealthy khattiyas, wealthy brahmans, wealthy house-holders, sensual-desire-sphere deities, rebirth has its conditions in six root-causes at [the moment of rebirth-linking] dissociated from knowledge.

22. (i) In the case of a successful destination, in what six root-causes does rebirth have its conditions at [the moment of rebirth-linking] dissociated from knowledge?

At the moment of impulsion of profitable action [in the previous life], two root-causes, being profitable, are conascence conditions for the volition produced at that moment; hence “With profitable root-causes as conditions there are formations” is said. At the moment of attachment [immediately prior to death], two root-causes, [namely greed and delusion,] being unprofitable, are conascence conditions for the volition produced at that moment; hence “With unprofitable root-causes as conditions there are formations” is said. At the moment of rebirth-linking [in the new life], two root-causes, being indeterminate, are conascence conditions for the volition produced at that moment; hence “With mentality-materiality as condition there is consciousness and with consciousness as condition there is mentality-materiality” is said

23. At the moment of rebirth-linking, the five aggregates … [repeat § 3].

At the moment of rebirth-linking, these fourteen ideas are conascence conditions, mutuality conditions, support conditions, dissociation conditions.

24. At the moment of rebirth-linking four aggregates are conascence conditions, … At the moment of rebirth-linking four faculties [omitting the understanding faculty] are conascence conditions, … At the moment of rebirth-linking two root-causes [namely, non-greed and non-hate,] are conascence conditions, … At the moment of rebirth-linking, mentality and consciousness are conascence conditions, mutuality conditions, support conditions, association conditions.

At the moment of rebirth-linking these twelve ideas are conascence conditions, mutuality conditions, support conditions, association conditions.

25. At the moment of rebirth-linking, these twenty-six ideas are conascence conditions, mutuality conditions, support conditions, dissociation conditions.

26. In the case of a successful destination, rebirth has its conditions in these six root-causes at [the moment of rebirth-linking] dissociated from knowledge.

27.–30. (ii) In the case of wealthy khattiyas, wealthy brahmans, wealthy house-holders, sensual-desire-sphere deities, in what six root-causes does rebirth have its conditions at [the moment of rebirth-linking] dissociated from knowledge?

At the moment of impulsion … [repeat §§ 22–5].

31. In the case of wealthy khattiyas, wealthy brahmans, wealthy house-holders, sensual-desire-sphere deities, rebirth has its conditions in these six root-causes at [the moment of rebirth-linking] dissociated from knowledge.

The Treatise on Destinations is Ended

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli

- Editor: Manfred Wierich