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ps.1.9 Patisambhidamagga

Treatise on the Paths

1. Path: in what sense path?

At the moment of the stream-entry path:

right view in the sense of seeing is the path and cause for the abandoning of wrong view, is the path and cause for the stiffening of conascent ideas, for the terminating of defilements, for the purifying of the beginning of penetration [of actuality], for the steadying of cognizance, for the cleansing of cognizance, for the arrival at distinction, for penetration higher, for convergence upon actuality, and is the path and cause for the establishing in cessation;

right thought in the sense of directing onto is the path and cause for the abandoning of wrong thought, is the path and cause for the stiffening of conascent ideas, … and is the path and cause for the foundation upon cessation;

right speaking in the sense of embracing is the path and cause for the abandoning of wrong speaking, is the path and cause for the stiffening of conascent ideas, …

right acting in the sense of originating is the path and cause for the abandoning of wrong acting, …

right living in the sense of cleansing is the path and cause for the abandoning of wrong living, …

right effort in the sense of exerting is the path and cause for the abandoning of wrong effort, …

right mindfulness in the sense of establishing is the path and cause for the abandoning of wrong mindfulness, …

right concentration in the sense of non-distraction is the path and cause for the abandoning of wrong concentration, is the path and cause for the stiffening of conascent ideas, for the terminating of defilements, for the purifying of the beginning of penetration, for the steadying of cognizance, for the cleansing of cognizance, for the arrival at distinction, for penetration higher, for convergence upon actuality, and is the path and cause for the foundation upon cessation.

2. At the moment of the once-return path:

right view in the sense of seeing …

right concentration in the sense of non-distraction is the path and cause for the abandoning of the gross fetters of sensual-desire and resistance and of the gross underlying tendencies to sensual-desire and resistance, is the path and cause for the stiffening of conascent ideas, … and is the path and cause for the foundation upon cessation.

3. At the moment of the non-return path:

right view in the sense of seeing …

right concentration in the sense of non-distraction is the path and cause for the abandoning of the secondary fetters of sensual-desire and resistance and the secondary underlying tendencies to sensual-desire and resistance, is the path and cause for the stiffening of conascent ideas, … and is the path and cause for the foundation upon cessation.

4. At the moment of the arahant path:

right view in the sense of seeing …

right concentration in the sense of non-distraction is the path and cause for the abandoning of greed for material [being], of greed for immaterial [being], of conceit (pride), of agitation, of ignorance, of the underlying tendencies to conceit (pride), to greed for being, and to ignorance, is the path and cause for the stiffening of conascent ideas, for the terminating of defilements, for the purifying of the beginning of penetration, for the steadying of cognizance, for the cleansing of cognizance, for the arrival at distinction, for penetration higher, for convergence upon actuality, and is the path and cause for the foundation upon cessation.

5. The path of seeing is right view, the path of directing-onto is right thought, the path of embracing is right speaking, the path of originating is right acting, the path of cleansing is right living, the path of exertion is right effort, the path of establishment is right mindfulness, the path of non-distraction is right concentration.

The path of establishing is the mindfulness enlightenment factor, the path of investigating is the investigation-of-ideas enlightenment factor, the path of exertion is the energy enlightenment factor, the path of pervasion (intentness upon) is the happiness enlightenment factor, the path of peace is the tranquillity enlightenment factor, the path of non-distraction is the concentration enlightenment factor, the path of reflexion is the equanimity enlightenment factor.

The path of unshakability by non-faith is the faith power, the path of unshakability by idleness is the energy power, the path of unshakability by negligence is the mindfulness power, the path of unshakability by agitation is the concentration power, the path of unshakability by ignorance is the understanding power.

The path of resolution is the faith faculty, the path of exertion is the energy faculty, the path of establishment is the mindfulness faculty, the path of non-distraction is the concentration faculty, the path of seeing is the understanding faculty.

The faculties are the path in the sense of dominance, the powers are the path in the sense of unshakability, the enlightenment factors are the path in the sense of outlet, the path-factors are the path in the sense of cause, the foundations of mindfulness are the path in the sense of establishment, the right endeavours are the path in the sense of endeavouring, the bases for success are the path in the sense of succeeding, the actualities are the path in the sense of suchness (reality).

Serenity is the path in the sense of non-distraction, insight is the path in the sense of contemplation, serenity and insight are the path in the sense of single function (taste), coupling is the path in the sense of non-excess.

Purification of virtue is the path in the sense of restraint, purification of cognizance is the path in the sense of non-distraction, purification of view is the path in the sense of seeing, liberation is the path in the sense of freedom, recognition is the path in the sense of penetration, deliverance is the path in the sense of giving up, knowledge of destruction is the path in the sense of cutting off.

In the sense of root-foundation, zeal is the path; in the sense of originating, attention is the path; in the sense of combining, contact is the path; in the sense of meeting-place, feeling is the path; in the sense of being foremost, concentration is the path; in the sense of dominance, mindfulness is the path, in the sense of being the highest of all, understanding is the path; in the sense of core, deliverance is the path; in the sense of end, nibbana which merges in the deathless is the path.

The Treatise on Paths is Ended

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli

- Editor: Manfred Wierich