buddha daily wisdom image

ps.2.3 Patisambhidamagga

Treatise on Enlightenment Factors

1. “Bhikkhus, there are these seven enlightenment factors. What seven? They are the mindfulness enlightenment factor, the investigation-of-ideas enlightenment factor, the energy enlightenment factor, the happiness enlightenment factor, the tranquillity enlightenment factor, the concentration enlightenment factor, and the equanimity enlightenment factor. These are the seven enlightenment factors”.

2. Enlightenment factors: in what sense enlightenment factors?

They conduce to enlightenment, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are further enlightened, … They are still further enlightened, … They are fully enlightened, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of being enlightened. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of being further enlightened … in the sense of being still further enlightened … in the sense of being fully enlightened. They enlighten, thus they are enlightenment factors. They further enlighten, … They still further enlighten, … They fully enlighten, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of enlightening. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of further enlightening … in the sense of still further enlightening … in the sense of fully enlightening. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of partaking of enlightenment … in the sense of partaking of further enlightenment … in the sense of partaking of still further enlightenment … In the sense of partaking of full enlightenment. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of attaining the state of being enlightened … in the sense of obtaining the state of being enlightened … in the sense of prehending the state of being enlightened … in the sense of apprehending the state of being enlightened … in the sense of compassing the state of being enlightened. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of encompassing the state of being enlightened.

3. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of roots. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of behaviour of roots … in the sense of embracing of roots … in the sense of equipment of roots … in the sense of perfection of roots … in the sense of ripening of roots … in the sense of discrimination of roots … in the sense of reaching discrimination of roots … in the sense of mastery in discrimination of roots … in the sense of having reached mastery in discrimination of roots.

4. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of cause. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of behaviour of causes … in the sense of embracing of causes … in the sense of equipment of causes … in the sense of perfection of causes … in the sense of ripening of causes … in the sense of discrimination of causes … in the sense of reaching discrimination of causes … in the sense of mastery in discrimination of causes … in the sense of having reached mastery in discrimination of causes.

5. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of condition. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of behaviour of conditions … in the sense of embracing of conditions … in the sense of equipment of conditions … in the sense of perfection of conditions … in the sense of ripening of conditions … in the sense of discrimination of conditions … in the sense of reaching discrimination of conditions … in the sense of mastery in discrimination of conditions … in the sense of having reached mastery in discrimination of conditions.

6. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of purification. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of behaviour of purification … in the sense of embracing of purification … in the sense of equipment of purification … in the sense of perfection of purification … in the sense of ripening of purification … in the sense of discrimination of purification … in the sense of reaching discrimination of purification … in the sense of mastery in discrimination of purification … in the sense of having reached mastery in discrimination of purification.

7. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of blamelessness. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of behaviour of blamelessness … in the sense of embracing of blamelessness … in the sense of perfection of blamelessness … in the sense of ripening of blamelessness … in the sense of discrimination of blamelessness … in the sense of reaching to discrimination of blamelessness … in the sense of mastery in discrimination of blamelessness … in the sense of having reached mastery in discrimination of blamelessness.

8. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of renunciation. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of behaviour of renunciation … in the sense of embracing of renunciation … in the sense of equipment of renunciation … in the sense of perfection of renunciation … in the sense of ripening of renunciation … in the sense of discrimination of renunciation … in the sense of reaching discrimination of renunciation … in the sense of mastery in discrimination of renunciation … in the sense of having reached mastery in discrimination of renunciation.

9. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of deliverance. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of behaviour of deliverance … in the sense of embracing of deliverance … in the sense of equipment of deliverance … in the sense of perfection of deliverance … in the sense of ripening of deliverance … in the sense of discrimination of deliverance … in the sense of reaching discrimination of deliverance … in the sense of mastery in discrimination of deliverance … in the sense of having reached mastery in discrimination of deliverance.

10. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of cankerlessness. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of behaviour of cankerlessness … in the sense of embracing of cankerlessness … in the sense of equipment of cankerlessness … in the sense of perfection of cankerlessness … in the sense of ripening of cankerlessness … in the sense of discrimination of cankerlessness … in the sense of reaching discrimination of cankerlessness … in the sense of mastery in discrimination of cankerlessness … in the sense of having reached mastery in discrimination of cankerlessness.

11. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of seclusion … They are enlightenment factors in the sense of behaviour of seclusion … in the sense of embracing of seclusion … in the sense of equipment of seclusion … in the sense of perfection of seclusion … in the sense of ripening of seclusion … in the sense of discrimination of seclusion … in the sense of reaching discrimination of seclusion … in the sense of mastery in discrimination of seclusion … in the sense of having reached mastery in discrimination of seclusion.

12. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of relinquishment. They are enlightenment factors in the sense of behaviour of relinquishment … in the sense of embracing of relinquishment … in the sense of equipment of relinquishment … in the sense of perfection of relinquishment … in the sense of ripening of relinquishment … in the sense of discrimination of relinquishment … in the sense of reaching discrimination of relinquishment … in the sense of mastery in discrimination of relinquishment … in the sense of having reached mastery in discrimination of relinquishment.

13. They are enlightened in the meaning of root, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in the meaning of cause, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in the meaning of condition … in the meaning of purification … in the meaning of blamelessness … in the meaning of renunciation … in the meaning of deliverance … in the meaning of cankerlessness … in the meaning of seclusion … in the meaning of relinquishment, thus they are enlightenment factors.

14. They are enlightened in the meaning of the behaviour of roots, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in the meaning of the behaviour of causes, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in the meaning of the behaviour of conditions … in the meaning of the behaviour of purification … in the meaning of the behaviour of blamelessness … in the meaning of the behaviour of renunciation … in the meaning of the behaviour of deliverance … in the meaning of the behaviour of cankerlessness … in the meaning of the behaviour of seclusion … in the meaning of the behaviour of relinquishment, thus they are enlightenment factors.

15. They are enlightened in the meaning of the embracing of root, thus they are enlightenment factors … [complete by combining embracing with cause, condition, etc., up to relinquishment]

16. They are enlightened in the meaning of the equipment of root; thus they are enlightenment factors … [complete by combining equipment with cause, etc.]

17. They are enlightened in the meaning of the perfection of root, thus they are enlightenment factors … [complete by combining perfection with cause, etc.]

18. They are enlightened in the meaning of the ripening of root, thus they are enlightenment factors … [complete by combining ripening with cause, etc.]

19. They are enlightened in the meaning of the discrimination of roots, thus they are enlightenment factors … [complete by combining discrimination with cause, etc.]

20. They are enlightened in the meaning of bringing to discrimination of roots, thus they are enlightenment factors … [complete by combining bringing to discrimination with cause, etc., up to] … They are enlightened in the meaning of bringing to discrimination of relinquishment, thus they are enlightenment factors.

21. They are enlightened in the meaning of developing mastery in discrimination of roots, thus they are enlightenment factors … [complete by combining developing mastery in discrimination with cause, etc., up to] … They are enlightened in the meaning of developing mastery in discrimination of relinquishment, thus they are enlightenment factors.

22. They are enlightened in the meaning of reaching mastery in discrimination of roots, thus they are enlightenment factors … [complete by combining reaching mastery in discrimination with cause, etc., up to] … They are enlightened in the meaning of reaching mastery in discrimination of relinquishment, thus they are enlightenment factors.

23. They are enlightened in the meaning of embracing, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in the meaning of equipment, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in the meaning of perfection … in the meaning of unification … in the meaning of non-distraction … in the meaning of exertion … in the meaning of non-dissipation … non-commotion … non-perturbation … They are enlightened in the meaning of [steadiness of—I § 23] cognizance by establishing in unity, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in the meaning of supporting-object … in the meaning of domain … in the meaning of abandoning … of giving up … of emerging … of turning away … of the peaceful … of the sublime … of liberation … of cankerlessness … of crossing over … of the signless … of the desireless … of the void … of single function (taste) … of non-excess … of coupling … of outlet … of cause … of seeing … They are enlightened in the meaning of dominance, thus they are enlightenment factors.

24. They are enlightened in non-distraction as the meaning of serenity, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in contemplation as the meaning of insight … in single function (taste) as the meaning of serenity and insight … They are enlightened in non-excess as the meaning of coupling, thus they are enlightenment factors.

25. They are enlightened in undertaking as the meaning of training, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in domain as the meaning of supporting-object … They are enlightened in the state of exertion as the meaning of idle cognizance, … They are enlightened in the state of curbing as the meaning of agitated cognizance, … They are enlightened in the state of being looked on at with equanimity as the meaning of cognizance purified in both ways, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in achieving distinction as a meaning, … They are enlightened in penetrating higher as a meaning, … They are enlightened in convergence upon actuality as a meaning, … They are enlightened in causing establishment in cessation as a meaning, thus they are enlightenment factors.

26. They are enlightened in resolution as the meaning of the faith faculty, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in … [and so on with the rest of the five faculties—see Tr. I § 26].

They are enlightened in unshakability by non-faith as the meaning of the faith power. They … [and so on with the rest of the five powers]. They are enlightened in establishment as the meaning of the mindfulness enlightenment factor, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on with the rest of the seven enlightenment factors].

They are enlightened in seeing as the meaning of right view, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on with the rest of the eight path factors].

They are enlightened in dominance as the meaning of the faculties, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on as in Tr. I § 26] They are enlightened in suchness (reality) as the meaning of the actualities, thus they are enlightenment factors.

27. They are enlightened in tranquillizing as the meaning of the [four] tasks, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in realization as the meaning of the [four] fruitions as a meaning, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in the act-of-understanding as the meaning of understanding, thus they are enlightenment factors.

28. They are enlightened in directing-onto as the meaning of applied-thought, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on as in Tr. I § 28 up to] … They are enlightened in unification as the meaning of [concentrated] cognizance, thus they are enlightenment factors.

29. They are enlightened in adverting as a meaning, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on as in Tr. I § 29 up to] … They are enlightened in singleness as a meaning, thus they are enlightenment factors.

They are enlightened in what-is-known as the meaning of direct knowledge, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on as in Tr. I § 29 up to] … They are enlightened in the state of not being formed as the meaning of the unformed, thus they are enlightenment factors.

30. They are enlightened in cognizance as a meaning, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on as in Tr. I § 30 up to] … They are enlightened in escape of cognizance as a meaning, thus they are enlightenment factors.

31. They are enlightened in adverting in unity as a meaning, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in cognizing in unity as a meaning, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in the act-of-understanding in unity as a meaning, … in perceiving in unity as a meaning, … in singleness in unity as a meaning, … [in anchoring in unity as a meaning, … ] in entering-into (launching-out-into) unity as a meaning, … in having confidence in unity as a meaning, … in becoming composed as a meaning, … in being liberated in unity as a meaning, … in seeing that “This is peaceful” in unity as a meaning, … [and so on as in Tr. I § 31 up to] … They are enlightened in full lighting in unity as a meaning, thus they are enlightenment factors.

32. They are enlightened in abandoning as a meaning, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in cessation as a meaning, thus they are enlightenment factors.

They are enlightened in explaining as a meaning, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on as in Tr. I § 32 up to] … They are enlightened in behaviour governed by deliverance as a meaning, thus they are enlightenment factors.

33. They are enlightened in zeal as a meaning, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on as in Tr. I § 33, up to] … They are enlightened in seeing as a meaning of inquiry, thus they are enlightenment factors.

34. They are enlightened in oppression as a meaning of suffering, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in the state of being formed as a meaning of suffering, … in burning up (torment) as a meaning of suffering, … in change as a meaning of suffering, thus they are enlightenment factors.

They are enlightened in accumulation as a meaning of origin, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in source as a meaning of origin, … in bondage as a meaning of origin, … in impediment as a meaning of origin, thus they are enlightenment factors.

They are enlightened in escape as a meaning of cessation, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in seclusion as a meaning of cessation, … in the state of being unformed as a meaning of cessation, … in deathlessness as a meaning of cessation, thus they are enlightenment factors.

They are enlightened in outlet as a meaning of path, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in cause as a meaning of path, … in seeing as a meaning of path, … in dominance as a meaning of path, thus they are enlightenment factors.

35. They are enlightened in suchness (reality) as a meaning, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in not-otherwise-ness as a meaning, … in not self as a meaning, … [and so on as in Tr. I § 35 up to] … They are enlightened in convergence as a meaning, thus they are enlightenment factors.

36. They are enlightened in renunciation as a meaning, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on with the rest of the opposites to the seven hindrances as in Tr. I § 36].

37. They are enlightened in the first jhana, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on with the rest of the four jhanas].

38. They are enlightened in the base consisting of boundless space, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on with the rest of the four immaterial attainments].

39. They are enlightened in contemplation of impermanence, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on with the rest of the eighteen principal insights].

40. They are enlightened in the stream-entry path, thus they are enlightenment factors. They are enlightened in the once-return path, … in the non-return path, … in the arahant path, thus they are enlightenment factors.

41. They are enlightened in the faith faculty through the meaning of resolution, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on with the rest of the five faculties].

They are enlightened in the faith power through its meaning of unshakability by non-faith, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on with the rest of the five powers].

They are enlightened in the mindfulness enlightenment factor through its meaning of establishing, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on with the rest of the seven enlightenment factors].

They are enlightened in right view through its meaning of seeing, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on with the rest of the eight path factors].

They are enlightened in the faculties through their meaning of dominance, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on as in Tr. I § 41 up to] … They are enlightened in the actualities through their meaning of suchness (reality), thus they are enlightenment factors.

42. They are enlightened in serenity through its meaning of non-distraction, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on as in Tr. I § 42 up to] … They are enlightened in coupling through its meaning of non-excess, thus they are enlightenment factors.

They are enlightened in purification of virtue through its meaning of restraint, thus they are enlightenment factors. They … [and so on as in Tr. I § 42 up to] … They are enlightened in knowledge of non-arising through its meaning of tranquillizing, thus they are enlightenment factors.

43. Through its meaning of root they are enlightened in zeal, thus they are enlightenment factors. Through [and so on as in Tr. I § 43 up to] … Through its meaning of ending they are enlightened in nibbana which merges in the deathless, thus they are enlightenment factors.

44. “There the venerable Sāriputta addressed the bhikkhus thus: ‘Friends’. ‘Friend' the bhikkhus replied. The venerable Sāriputta said this:

‘Friends, there are these seven enlightenment factors. What seven? They are the mindfulness enlightenment factor, … the equanimity enlightenment factor. These are the seven enlightenment factors.

‘Of these seven enlightenment factors, in whichever I wish to abide in the morning, in that I abide in the morning; in whichever I wish to abide at noon, in that I abide at noon; in whichever I wish to abide in the evening, in that I abide in the evening.

‘If it occurs to me that there is the mindfulness enlightenment factor, it occurs to me that it is measureless, and it occurs to me that it is well undertaken; and while it is remaining I know that it remains; and if it falls away in me, I know that it falls away in me owing to specific conditionality. If it occurs to me that there is the investigation-of-ideas enlightenment factor … the equanimity enlightenment factor, it occurs to me that it is measureless, and it occurs to me that it is well undertaken; and while it is remaining I know that it remains; and if it falls away in me, I know that it falls away in me owing to specific conditionality.

‘Suppose a king or a king's minister had a chest full of cloths of many colours, then whichever pair of cloths he wished to put on in the morning, that he would put on in the morning; whichever pair of cloths he wished to put on at noon, that he would put on at noon; whichever pair of cloths he wished to put on in the evening, that he would put on in the evening: so too, of these seven enlightenment factors, in whichever I wish to abide in the morning, in that I abide in the morning; … I know that it falls away in me owing to specific conditionality’,”.

45. How is there an enlightenment factor thus: “If it occurs to me that there is the mindfulness enlightenment factor”?

As long as cessation is established, so long is there an enlightenment factor thus: “If it occurs to me that there is the mindfulness enlightenment factor”. Just as when an oil lamp is burning, as long as there is a flame, so long is there light, and as long as there is light, so long is there a flame: so too, as long as cessation is established, so long is there an enlightenment factor thus: “If it occurs to me that there is the mindfulness enlightenment factor”.

46. How is there an enlightenment factor thus: “It occurs to me that it is measureless”?

Defilements are bound up with [the limitation of] measure, and so are all obsessions, and those formations that produce renewed being; cessation is measureless in the sense that it is immobile and in the sense that it is unformed. As long as cessation is established, so long is there an enlightenment factor thus: “It occurs to me that it is measureless”.

47. How is there an enlightenment factor thus: “It occurs to me that it is well undertaken (brought to very sameness)”?

Defilements are unsame and so are the obsessions, and those formations that produce renewed being; cessation is an idea of sameness in the sense that it is peaceful and in the sense that it is sublime. As long as cessation is established, so long is there an enlightenment factor thus: “It occurs to me that it is well undertaken (brought to very sameness)”.

48. How is it that “While it is remaining I know that it remains; and if it falls away in me, I know that it falls away in me owing to specific conditionality”?

In how many aspects does the mindfulness enlightenment factor remain? In how many aspects does the mindfulness enlightenment factor fall away?

The mindfulness enlightenment factor remains in eight aspects; the mindfulness enlightenment factor falls away in eight aspects.

49. In what eight aspects does the mindfulness enlightenment factor remain?

The mindfulness enlightenment factor remains by non-arising being adverted to; the mindfulness enlightenment factor remains by arising not being adverted to … by non-occurrence being adverted to … by occurrence not being adverted to … by the signless being adverted to … by the sign not being adverted to … by cessation being adverted to; the mindfulness enlightenment factor remains by formations not being adverted to.

The mindfulness enlightenment factor remains in these eight aspects.

50. In what eight aspects does the mindfulness enlightenment factor fall away?

The mindfulness enlightenment factor falls away by arising being adverted to. The mindfulness enlightenment factor falls away by non-arising not being adverted to … by occurrence being adverted to … by non-occurrence not being adverted to … by the sign being adverted to … by the signless not being adverted to … by formations being adverted to. The mindfulness enlightenment factor falls away by cessation not being adverted to.

The mindfulness enlightenment factor falls away in these eight aspects.

That is how it is that “While it is remaining I know that it remains; and if it falls away in me, I know that it falls away in me owing to specific conditionality”.

51.–56. … the investigation-of-ideas enlightenment factor …

57.–62. … the energy enlightenment factor …

63.–68. … the happiness enlightenment factor …

69.–74. … the tranquillity enlightenment factor …

75.–80. … the concentration enlightenment factor …

81.–86. How is there an enlightenment factor thus: “If it occurs to me that there is the equanimity enlightenment factor”?

As long as …

The equanimity enlightenment factor falls away in these eight aspects.

That is how it is that “While it is remaining I know that it remains; and if it falls away in me, I know that it falls away in me owing to specific conditionality”.

End of Treatise on Enlightenment factors.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli

- Editor: Manfred Wierich