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ps.3.6 Patisambhidamagga

Treatise on Marvels (Metamorphosis)

1. “Bhikkhus, there are these three kinds of marvel (metamorphosis). What three? The marvel of success, the marvel of disclosure, the marvel of advice.

“And what, bhikkhus, is the marvel of success? Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu enjoys the various kinds of success (supernormal powers); having been one, he becomes many, … [and so on as in Tr. I § 527 up to] … he wields bodily mastery even as far as the Brahmā world. This, bhikkhus, is called the marvel of success.

“And what, bhikkhus, is the marvel of disclosure? Here, bhikkhus, someone, by means of a sign [such as a posture], discloses that ‘Your mind is thus, your mind is so, your cognizance is such’ and even if he discloses much, it is as he says it is and not otherwise. And here, bhikkhus, someone not only discloses by means of a sign, but also, by having heard the sound of human beings or non-human beings or deities, he discloses that ‘Your mind is thus, your mind is so, your cognizance is such’ and even if he discloses much, it is as he says it is and not otherwise. And here, bhikkhus, someone not only discloses by means of a sign, and he not only discloses by having heard the sound of human beings or non-human beings or deities, but also, by having heard the sound of the intervention of applied thought in one exercising applied or sustained thought, he discloses that ‘Your mind is thus, your mind is so, your cognizance is such’ and even if he discloses much, it is as he says it is and not otherwise. And here, bhikkhus, someone not only discloses by means of a sign, and he not only discloses by having heard the sound of human beings or non-human beings or deities, and he not only discloses by having heard the sound of the intervention of applied thought in one exercising applied and sustained thought, but also, by penetrating with his will the will of one possessed of concentration without applied and sustained thought, he understands that ‘The mind formations of this worthy one are so disposed that next upon this cognizance of his he will have such and such an applied thought’ and even if he discloses much, it is as he says it is and not otherwise. This, bhikkhus, is called the marvel of disclosure.

“And what, bhikkhus, is the marvel of advice? Here, bhikkhus, someone advises thus ‘Exercise applied-thought thus, do not exercise applied-thought thus; give attention thus, do not give attention thus; abandon this, undertake this, abide in this’. This, bhikkhus, is called the marvel of advice.

“These, bhikkhus, are the three kinds of marvel”.

2. Renunciation succeeds (ijjhati): this is success (iddhi). It metamorphoses (paṭiharati) zeal for sensual-desires: this is a metamorphosis (pāṭihāriya). All those who are possessed of that renunciation are pure in cognizance and without commotion in thought: this is metamorphosis by disclosure. That renunciation ought to be cultivated thus, ought to be developed thus, ought to be made much of thus: this is metamorphosis by advice.

Non-ill-will succeeds … [and so on with the rest of the seven hindrances and their opposites, the four jhanas, the four immaterial attainments, the eighteen principal insights, and the four paths, but not fruitions—see Tr. I §§ 36–40]

The arahant path succeeds (ijjhati): this is success (iddhi). It metamorphoses (paṭiharati) all defilements: this is metamorphosis (pāṭihāriya). All those who are possessed of that arahant path are pure in cognizance and without commotion in thought: this is metamorphosis by disclosure. That arahant path ought to be cultivated thus, ought to be developed thus, ought to be made much of thus, mindfulness ought to be established in accordance with it thus: this is metamorphosis by advice.

3. Renunciation succeeds: this is success. It metamorphoses zeal for sensual-desires: this is a metamorphosis. The success (iddhi) and the metamorphosis (pāṭihāriya) constitute what is called metamorphosis by success (iddhi-pāṭihāriya).

Non-ill-will succeeds: … [and so on as above up to] … The arahant path succeeds: this is success. It metamorphoses all defilements: this is a metamorphosis, the success and the metamorphosis constitute what is called metamorphosis by success.

End of Treatise on Marvels (Metamorphosis).

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli

- Editor: Manfred Wierich