buddha daily wisdom image

sn.1.27 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)


“From where do the streams turn back?
Where does the round no longer revolve?
Where does name-and-form cease,
Stop without remainder?”

“Where water, earth, fire, and air,
Do not gain a footing:
It is from here that the streams turn back,
Here that the round no longer revolves;
Here name-and-form ceases,
Stops without remainder.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh


“From where do streams turn back?
Where does the cycle spin no more?
Where do name and form
cease with nothing left over?”
“Where water and earth,
fire and air find no footing.
From here the streams turn back;
here the cycle spins no more;
and here it is that name and form
cease with nothing left over.”