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sn.1.29 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

Four Wheels

“Having four wheels and nine doors,
Filled up and bound with greed,
Born from a bog, O great hero!
How does one escape from it?”

“Having cut the thong and the strap,
Having cut off evil desire and greed,
Having drawn out craving with its root:
Thus one escapes from it.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh

Four Wheels

“Four are its wheels, and nine its doors;
it’s stuffed full, bound with greed,
and born from a bog.
Great hero, how am I supposed to live like this?”
“Having cut the strap and harness—
the wicked desire and greed—
and having plucked out craving, root and all:
that’s how you’re supposed to live like this.”