buddha daily wisdom image

sn.1.33 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)


At Savatthi. Then, when the night had advanced, a number of devatās belonging to the Satullapa host, of stunning beauty, illuminating the entire Jeta’s Grove, approached the Blessed One. Having approached, they paid homage to the Blessed One and stood to one side.

Then one devatā, standing to one side, uttered this inspired utterance in the presence of the Blessed One:

“Good is giving, dear sir!

“Through stinginess and negligence
A gift is not given.
One who knows, desiring merit,
Should surely give a gift.”

Then another devatā uttered this inspired utterance in the presence of the Blessed One:

“Good is giving, dear sir!

And further:
Even when there’s little, giving is good.

“Some provide from what little they have,
Others who are affluent don’t like to give.
An offering given from what little one has
Is worth a thousand times its value.”

Then another devatā uttered this inspired utterance in the presence of the Blessed One:

“Good is giving, dear sir!
Even when there’s little, giving is good.
And further:
When done with faith too, giving is good.

“Giving and warfare are similar, they say:
A few good ones conquer many.
If one with faith gives even a little,
He thereby becomes happy in the other world.”

Then another devatā uttered this inspired utterance in the presence of the Blessed One:

“Good is giving, dear sir!
Even when there’s little, giving is good.
When done with faith too, giving is good.
And further:
The gift of a righteous gain is also good.

“When he gives a gift of a righteous gain
Obtained by exertion and energy,
Having passed over Yama’s Vetaraṇi River,
That mortal arrives at celestial states.”

Then another devatā uttered this inspired utterance in the presence of the Blessed One:

“Good is giving, dear sir!
Even when there’s little, giving is good.
When done with faith too, giving is good;
The gift of a righteous gain is also good.
And further:
Giving discriminately too is good.

“Giving discriminately is praised by the Fortunate One—
To those worthy of offerings
Here in the world of the living.
What is given to them bears great fruit
Like seeds sown in a fertile field.”

Then another devatā uttered this inspired utterance in the presence of the Blessed One:

“Good is giving, dear sir!
Even when there’s little, giving is good.
When done with faith too, giving is good;
The gift of a righteous gain is also good.
Giving with discretion too is good.
And further:
Restraint towards living beings is also good.

“One who fares harming no living beings
Does no evil from fear of others’ censure.
In that they praise the timid, not the brave,
For out of fear the good do no evil.”

Then another devatā said to the Blessed One: “Which one, Blessed One, has spoken well?”

“You have all spoken well in a way. But listen to me too:

“Surely giving is praised in many ways,
But the path of Dhamma surpasses giving.
For in the past and even long ago,
The good and wise ones attained Nibbāna.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh


At Sāvatthī.
Then, late at night, several glorious deities of the Satullapa Group, lighting up the entire Jeta’s Grove, went up to the Buddha, bowed, and stood to one side.
Standing to one side, one deity expressed this heartfelt sentiment in the Buddha’s presence:
“Good, sir, is giving!
Because of stinginess and negligence
a gift is not given.
Wanting merit,
a smart person would give.”
Then another deity expressed this heartfelt sentiment in the Buddha’s presence:
“Good, sir, is giving!
Even when one has little, giving is good.
Some who have little are happy to provide,
while some who have much don’t wish to give.
An offering given from little
is multiplied a thousand times.”
Then another deity expressed this heartfelt sentiment in the Buddha’s presence:
“Good, sir, is giving!
Even when one has little, giving is good.
And it’s also good to give out of faith.
Giving and warfare are similar, they say,
for even a few of the good may conquer the many.
If a faithful person gives even a little,
it still brings them happiness in the hereafter.”
Then another deity expressed this heartfelt sentiment in the Buddha’s presence:
“Good, sir, is giving!
Even when one has little, giving is good.
And it’s also good to give out of faith.
And it’s also good to give legitimate wealth.
A man who gives legitimate wealth,
earned by his efforts and initiative,
has passed over Yama’s Vetaraṇi River;
that mortal arrives at celestial fields.”
Then another deity expressed this heartfelt sentiment in the Buddha’s presence:
“Good, sir, is giving!
Even when one has little, giving is good.
And it’s also good to give out of faith.
And it’s also good to give legitimate wealth.
And it’s also good to give intelligently.
The Holy One praises giving intelligently
to those worthy of offerings here in the world of the living.
What’s given to these is very fruitful,
like seeds sown in a fertile field.”
Then another deity expressed this heartfelt sentiment in the Buddha’s presence:
“Good, sir, is giving!
Even when one has little, giving is good.
And it’s also good to give out of faith.
And it’s also good to give legitimate wealth.
And it’s also good to give intelligently.
And it’s also good to be restrained when it comes to living creatures.
One who lives without harming any living being
never does bad because of others’ blame;
for in that case they praise the coward, not the brave;
and the virtuous never do bad out of fear.”
Then another deity said to the Buddha,
“Sir, who has spoken well?”
“You’ve all spoken well in your own way. However, listen to me also:
It’s true that giving is praised in many ways
but the path of the teaching is better than giving,
for in days old and older still,
the wise and virtuous even attained extinction.”