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sn.12.49 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

The Noble Disciple (1)

At Savatthī. “Bhikkhus, an instructed noble disciple does not think: ‘When what exists does what come to be? With the arising of what does what arise? When what exists do volitional formations come to be? When what exists does consciousness come to be? When what exists does name-and-form come to be?… When what exists does aging-and-death come to be?’

“Rather, bhikkhus, the instructed noble disciple has knowledge about this that is independent of others: ‘When this exists, that comes to be; with the arising of this, that arises. When there is ignorance, volitional formations come to be. When there are volitional formations, consciousness comes to be. When there is consciousness, name-and-form comes to be…. When there is birth, aging-and-death comes to be.’ He understands thus: ‘In such a way the world originates.’

“Bhikkhus, an instructed noble disciple does not think: ‘When what does not exist does what not come to be? With the cessation of what does what cease? When what does not exist do volitional formations not come to be? When what does not exist does consciousness not come to be? When what does not exist does name-and-form not come to be?… When what does not exist does aging-and-death not come to be?’”

“Rather, bhikkhus, the instructed noble disciple has knowledge about this that is independent of others: ‘When this does not exist, that does not come to be; with the cessation of this, that ceases. When there is no ignorance, volitional formations do not come to be. When there are no volitional formations, consciousness does not come to be. When there is no consciousness, name-and-form does not come to be…. When there is no birth, aging-and-death does not come to be.’ He understands thus: ‘In such a way the world ceases.’

“Bhikkhus, when a noble disciple thus understands as they really are the origin and the passing away of the world, he is then called a noble disciple who is accomplished in view, accomplished in vision, who has arrived at this true Dhamma, who sees this true Dhamma, who possesses a trainee’s knowledge, a trainee’s true knowledge, who has entered the stream of the Dhamma, a noble one with penetrative wisdom, one who stands squarely before the door to the Deathless.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh

A Noble Disciple

At Sāvatthī.
“Mendicants, a learned noble disciple doesn’t think:

‘When what exists, what is? Due to the arising of what, what arises?
When what exists do name and form come to be? When what exists do the six sense fields … contact … feeling … craving … grasping … continued existence … rebirth … old age and death come to be?’
Rather, a learned noble disciple has only knowledge about this that is independent of others:
‘When this exists, that is; due to the arising of this, that arises.
When ignorance exists choices come to be.
When choices exist consciousness comes to be.
When consciousness exists name and form come to be.
When name and form exist the six sense fields come to be.
When the six sense fields exist contact comes to be.
When contact exists feeling comes to be.
When feeling exists craving comes to be.
When craving exists grasping comes to be.
When grasping exists continued existence comes to be.
When continued existence exists rebirth comes to be.
When rebirth exists old age and death come to be.’
They understand:
‘This is the origin of the world.’
A learned noble disciple doesn’t think:

‘When what doesn’t exist, what is not? Due to the cessation of what, what ceases?
When what doesn’t exist do choices not come to be? When what doesn’t exist do name and form not come to be? When what doesn’t exist do the six sense fields … contact … feeling … craving … grasping … continued existence … rebirth … old age and death not come to be?’
Rather, a learned noble disciple has only knowledge about this that is independent of others:
‘When this doesn’t exist, that is not; due to the cessation of this, that ceases.
When ignorance doesn’t exist choices don’t come to be.
When choices don't exist consciousness doesn’t come to be.
When consciousness doesn’t exist name and form don’t come to be.
When name and form don’t exist the six sense fields don’t come to be. …
continued existence doesn’t come to be …
rebirth doesn’t come to be …
When rebirth doesn’t exist old age and death don’t come to be.’
They understand:
‘This is the cessation of the world.’
A noble disciple comes to understand the world, its origin, its cessation, and the practice that leads to its cessation. Such a noble disciple is called ‘one accomplished in view’, ‘one accomplished in vision’, ‘one who has come to the true teaching’, ‘one who sees this true teaching’, ‘one endowed with a trainee’s knowledge’, ‘one who has entered the stream of the teaching’, ‘a noble one with penetrative wisdom’, and ‘one who stands knocking at the door of the deathless’.”