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sn.12.69 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

The Surge

Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Savatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anathapiṇḍika’s Park. There the Blessed One said:

“Bhikkhus, the ocean surging causes the rivers to surge; the rivers surging cause the streams to surge; the streams surging cause the lakes to surge; the lakes surging cause the pools to surge. So too, ignorance surging causes volitional formations to surge; volitional formations surging cause consciousness to surge; consciousness surging causes name-and-form to surge; name-and-form surging causes the six sense bases to surge; the six sense bases surging cause contact to surge; contact surging causes feeling to surge; feeling surging causes craving to surge; craving surging causes clinging to surge; clinging surging causes existence to surge; existence surging causes birth to surge; birth surging causes aging-and-death to surge.

“Bhikkhus, the ocean receding causes the rivers to recede; the rivers receding cause the streams to recede; the streams receding cause the lakes to recede; the lakes receding cause the pools to recede. So too, ignorance receding causes volitional formations to recede; volitional formations receding cause consciousness to recede … birth receding causes aging-and-death to recede.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh


So I have heard.
At one time the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery.

“Mendicants, when the ocean surges it makes the rivers surge. When the rivers surge they make the streams surge. When the streams surge they make the lakes surge. When the lakes surge they make the ponds surge.
In the same way, when ignorance surges it makes choices surge. When choices surge they make consciousness surge. When consciousness surges it makes name and form surge. When name and form surge they make the six sense fields surge. When the six sense fields surge they make contact surge. When contact surges it makes feeling surge. When feeling surges it makes craving surge. When craving surges it makes grasping surge. When grasping surges it makes continued existence surge. When continued existence surges it makes rebirth surge. When rebirth surges it makes old age and death surge.
When the ocean recedes it makes the rivers recede. When the rivers recede they make the streams recede. When the streams recede they make the lakes recede. When the lakes recede they make the ponds recede.
In the same way, when ignorance recedes it makes choices recede. When choices recede they make consciousness recede. When consciousness recedes it makes name and form recede. When name and form recede they make the six sense fields recede. When the six sense fields recede they make contact recede. When contact recedes it makes feeling recede. When feeling recedes it makes craving recede. When craving recedes it makes grasping recede. When grasping recedes it makes continued existence recede. When continued existence recedes it makes rebirth recede. When rebirth recedes it makes old age and death recede.”