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sn.14.14 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

Bad Convictions

At Sāvatthī.
“Mendicants, sentient beings come together and converge because of an element.
Those who have bad convictions come together and converge with those who have bad convictions.
Those who have good convictions come together and converge with those who have good convictions.
In the past, too, sentient beings came together and converged because of an element. …

In the future, too, sentient beings will come together and converge because of an element. …

At present, too, sentient beings come together and converge because of an element.
Those who have bad convictions come together and converge with those who have bad convictions.
Those who have good convictions come together and converge with those who have good convictions.”