buddha daily wisdom image

sn.16.7 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

Exhortation (2)

At Rajagaha in the Bamboo Grove. Then the Venerable Mahakassapa approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, and sat down to one side. The Blessed One then said to him: “Exhort the bhikkhus, Kassapa, give them a Dhamma talk. Either I should exhort the bhikkhus, Kassapa, or you should. Either I should give them a Dhamma talk or you should.”

“Venerable sir, the bhikkhus are difficult to admonish now, and they have qualities which make them difficult to admonish. They are impatient and do not accept instruction respectfully. Venerable sir, for one who has no faith in regard to wholesome states, no sense of shame, no fear of wrongdoing, no energy, and no wisdom, whether day or night comes only decline is to be expected in regard to wholesome states, not growth. Just as, during the dark fortnight, whether day or night comes the moon declines in colour, circularity, and luminosity, in diameter and circumference, so too, venerable sir, for one who has no faith in wholesome states, no sense of shame, no fear of wrongdoing, no energy, and no wisdom, whether day or night comes only decline is to be expected in regard to wholesome states, not growth.

“A person without faith, venerable sir: this is a case of decline. A person without a sense of shame … who is unafraid of wrongdoing … who is lazy … unwise … angry … malicious: this is a case of decline. When there are no bhikkhus who are exhorters: this is a case of decline.

“Venerable sir, for one who has faith in regard to wholesome states, a sense of shame, fear of wrongdoing, energy, and wisdom, whether day or night comes only growth is to be expected in regard to wholesome states, not decline. Just as, during the bright fortnight, whether day or night comes the moon grows in colour, circularity, and luminosity, in diameter and circumference, so too, venerable sir, for one who has faith in wholesome states, a sense of shame, fear of wrongdoing, energy, and wisdom, whether day or night comes only growth is to be expected in regard to wholesome states, not decline.

“A person with faith, venerable sir: this is a case of nondecline. A person with a sense of shame … who is afraid of wrongdoing … energetic … wise … without anger … without malice: this is a case of nondecline. When there are bhikkhus who are exhorters: this is a case of nondecline.”

“Good, good, Kassapa!”

The Buddha then repeats the entire statement of the Venerable Mahakassapa.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh

Advice (2nd)

Near Rājagaha, in the Bamboo Grove.
Then Venerable Mahākassapa went up to the Buddha, bowed, and sat down to one side.
The Buddha said to him,
“Kassapa, advise the mendicants!
Give them a Dhamma talk!
Either you or I should advise the mendicants
and give them a Dhamma talk.”
“Sir, the mendicants these days are hard to admonish, having qualities that make them hard to admonish. They’re impatient, and don’t take instruction respectfully.
Sir, whoever has no faith, conscience, prudence, energy, or wisdom when it comes to skillful qualities can expect decline, not growth, in skillful qualities, whether by day or by night.
It’s like the moon in the waning fortnight. Whether by day or by night, its beauty, roundness, light, and diameter and circumference only decline.
In the same way, whoever has no faith, conscience, prudence, energy, and wisdom when it comes to skillful qualities can expect decline, not growth, in skillful qualities, whether by day or by night.

A faithless individual is in decline.
An individual with no conscience is in decline.
An imprudent individual is in decline.
A lazy individual is in decline.
A witless individual is in decline.
An irritable individual is in decline.
A hostile individual is in decline.
When there are no mendicant advisers there is decline.
Sir, whoever has faith, conscience, prudence, energy, and wisdom when it comes to skillful qualities can expect growth, not decline, in skillful qualities, whether by day or by night.
It’s like the moon in the waxing fortnight. Whether by day or by night, its beauty, roundness, light, and diameter and circumference only grow.
In the same way, whoever has faith, conscience, prudence, energy, and wisdom when it comes to skillful qualities can expect growth, not decline, in skillful qualities, whether by day or by night.

A faithful individual doesn’t decline.
An individual with a conscience doesn’t decline.
A prudent individual doesn’t decline.
An energetic individual doesn’t decline.
A wise individual doesn’t decline.
A loving individual doesn’t decline.
A kind individual doesn’t decline.
When there are mendicant advisers there is no decline.”
“Good, good, Kassapa!
Whoever has no faith, conscience, prudence, energy, or wisdom when it comes to skillful qualities can expect decline, not growth …

When there are no mendicant advisers there is decline.
Whoever has faith, conscience, prudence, energy, and wisdom when it comes to skillful qualities can expect growth, not decline …

When there are mendicant advisers there is no decline.”