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sn.21.12 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)


At Savatthi. Then two bhikkhus who were companions, pupils of the Venerable Mahakappina, approached the Blessed One. The Blessed One saw them coming in the distance and addressed the bhikkhus thus: “Bhikkhus, do you see those two bhikkhus who are companions coming, pupils of Kappina?”

“Yes, venerable sir.”

“Those bhikkhus are of great spiritual power and might. It is not easy to find an attainment that those bhikkhus have not already attained. And they are ones who, by realizing it for themselves with direct knowledge, in this very life enter and dwell in that unsurpassed goal of the holy life for the sake of which clansmen rightly go forth from the household life into homelessness.”

This is what the Blessed One said. Having said this, the Fortunate One, the Teacher, further said this:

“These two companion bhikkhus
Have been united for a very long time.
The true Dhamma has united them
In the Dhamma proclaimed by the Buddha.

“They have been disciplined well by Kappina
In the Dhamma proclaimed by the Noble One.
They carry about their final bodies,
Having conquered Mara and his mount.”

The Book of Causation is finished.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh


At Sāvatthī.
Then two mendicants who were companions, pupils of Venerable Mahākappina, went to see the Buddha.
The Buddha saw them coming off in the distance,
and addressed the mendicants:
“Mendicants, do you see those monks coming who are companions, pupils of Venerable Mahākappina?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Those mendicants are very mighty and powerful. It’s not easy to find an attainment that they have not already attained.

And they’ve realized the supreme end of the spiritual path in this very life. They live having achieved with their own insight the goal for which gentlemen rightly go forth from the lay life to homelessness.”
That is what the Buddha said.
Then the Holy One, the Teacher, went on to say:
“These companion mendicants
have been together for a long time.
The true teaching has brought them together,
the teaching proclaimed by the Buddha.
They’ve been well trained by Kappina
in the teaching proclaimed by the Noble One.
They bear their final body,
having vanquished Māra and his mount.”

The Linked Discourses on monks are complete.

The Book of Causality is finished.