buddha daily wisdom image

sn.22.37 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

Ānanda (1)

At Savatthi. Then the Venerable Ānanda approached the Blessed One…. The Blessed One then said to the Venerable Ānanda as he was sitting to one side:

“If, Ānanda, they were to ask you: ‘Friend Ānanda, what are the things of which an arising is discerned, a vanishing is discerned, an alteration of that which stands is discerned?’—being asked thus, how would you answer?”

“Venerable sir, if they were to ask me this, I would answer thus: ‘Friends, with form an arising is discerned, a vanishing is discerned, an alteration of that which stands is discerned. With feeling … perception … volitional formations … consciousness an arising is discerned, a vanishing is discerned, an alteration of that which stands is discerned. These, friends, are the things of which an arising is discerned, a vanishing is discerned, an alteration of that which stands is discerned.’ Being asked thus, venerable sir, I would answer in such a way.”

“Good, good, Ānanda! With form, Ānanda, an arising is discerned, a vanishing is discerned, an alteration of that which stands is discerned. With feeling … perception … volitional formations … consciousness an arising is discerned, a vanishing is discerned, an alteration of that which stands is discerned. These, Ānanda, are the things of which an arising is discerned, a vanishing is discerned, an alteration of that which stands is discerned. Being asked thus, Ānanda, you should answer in such a way.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh

With Ānanda

At Sāvatthī.
And then Venerable Ānanda …
sitting to one side, the Buddha said to him:
“Ānanda, suppose they were to ask you:
‘Reverend Ānanda, what are the things for which arising is evident, vanishing is evident, and change while persisting is evident?’
How would you answer?”
“Sir, suppose they were to ask me:
‘What are the things for which arising is evident, vanishing is evident, and change while persisting is evident?’
I’d answer like this:
‘Reverend, the arising of form is evident, its vanishing is evident, and change while persisting is evident.
The arising of feeling …
perception …
choices …
consciousness is evident, its vanishing is evident, and change while persisting is evident.
These are the things for which arising is evident, vanishing is evident, and change while persisting is evident.’
That’s how I’d answer such a question.”
“Good, good, Ānanda.
The arising of form is evident, its vanishing is evident, and change while persisting is evident.
The arising of feeling …
perception …
choices …
consciousness is evident, its vanishing is evident, and change while persisting is evident.
These are the things for which arising is evident, vanishing is evident, and change while persisting is evident.
That’s how you should answer such a question.”