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sn.22.52 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

Destruction of Delight (2)

At Savatthi. “Bhikkhus, attend carefully to form. Recognize the impermanence of form as it really is. When a bhikkhu attends carefully to form and recognizes the impermanence of form as it really is, he experiences revulsion towards form. With the destruction of delight comes the destruction of lust; with the destruction of lust comes the destruction of delight. With the destruction of delight and lust the mind is liberated and is said to be well liberated.

“Bhikkhus, attend carefully to feeling … to perception … to volitional formations … to consciousness…. With the destruction of delight and lust the mind is liberated and is said to be well liberated.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh

The End of Relishing (2nd)

At Sāvatthī.
“Mendicants, properly attend to form. Truly see the impermanence of form.
When a mendicant does this, they grow disillusioned with form.
When relishing ends, greed ends. When greed ends, relishing ends.
When relishing and greed end, the mind is freed, and is said to be well freed.
Properly attend to feeling …

perception …
choices …

consciousness. Truly see the impermanence of consciousness.
When a mendicant does this, they grow disillusioned with consciousness.
When relishing ends, greed ends. When greed ends, relishing ends.
When relishing and greed end, the mind is freed, and is said to be well freed.”