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sn.35.152 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

For What Purpose the Holy Life?

“Bhikkhus, if wanderers of other sects ask you: ‘For what purpose, friends, is the holy life lived under the ascetic Gotama?’—being asked thus, you should answer those wanderers thus: ‘It is, friends, for the full understanding of suffering that the holy life is lived under the Blessed One.’ Then, bhikkhus, if those wanderers ask you: ‘What, friends, is that suffering for the full understanding of which the holy life is lived under the ascetic Gotama?’—being asked thus, you should answer those wanderers thus:

“‘The eye, friends, is suffering: it is for the full understanding of this that the holy life is lived under the Blessed One. Forms are suffering: it is for the full understanding of them that the holy life is lived under the Blessed One. Eye-consciousness is suffering … Eye-contact is suffering … Whatever feeling arises with eye-contact as condition—whether pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant—that too is suffering: it is for the full understanding of this that the holy life is lived under the Blessed One. The ear is suffering … The mind is suffering … Whatever feeling arises with mind-contact as condition … that too is suffering: it is for the full understanding of this that the holy life is lived under the Blessed One. This, friends, is the suffering for the full understanding of which the holy life is lived under the Blessed One.’

“Being asked thus, bhikkhus, you should answer those wanderers of other sects in such a way.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh

What’s the Purpose of the Spiritual Life?

“Mendicants, if wanderers who follow another path were to ask you:
‘Reverends, what’s the purpose of leading the spiritual life under the ascetic Gotama?’
You should answer them:
‘The purpose of leading the spiritual life under the Buddha is to completely understand suffering.’
If wanderers who follow other paths were to ask you:
‘Reverends, what is that suffering?’
You should answer them:
‘The eye is suffering.
The purpose of leading the spiritual life under the Buddha is to completely understand this.
Sights …

Eye consciousness …

Eye contact …

The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is also suffering.
The purpose of leading the spiritual life under the Buddha is to completely understand this.
The ear … nose … tongue … body …
mind …

The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also suffering.
The purpose of living the spiritual life under the Buddha is to completely understand this.
This is that suffering.
The purpose of leading the spiritual life under the Buddha is to completely understand this.’
When questioned by wanderers who follow other paths, that’s how you should answer them.”