buddha daily wisdom image

sn.35.52 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

Impermanent, Etc.

At Savatthi. “Bhikkhus, all is impermanent…. All is suffering…. All is nonself…. All is to be directly known…. All is to be fully understood…. All is to be abandoned…. All is to be realized…. All is to be fully understood through direct knowledge…. All is oppressed…. All is stricken….” Each to be completed as in §33.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh


“Mendicants, all is disturbed.
And what is the all that is disturbed?
The eye, sights, eye consciousness, and eye contact are disturbed.
And the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is also disturbed.
The ear … nose … tongue …

body …
The mind, thoughts, mind consciousness, and mind contact are disturbed.
And the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also disturbed.
Seeing this, a learned noble disciple grows disillusioned …

They understand: ‘Rebirth is ended, the spiritual journey has been completed, what had to be done has been done, there is no return to any state of existence.’”