buddha daily wisdom image

sn.35.98 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)


“Bhikkhus, I will teach you restraint and nonrestraint. Listen to that….

“And how, bhikkhus, is there nonrestraint? There are, bhikkhus, forms cognizable by the eye that are desirable, lovely, agreeable, pleasing, sensually enticing, tantalizing. If a bhikkhu seeks delight in them, welcomes them, and remains holding to them, he should understand this thus: ‘I am declining away from wholesome states. For this has been called decline by the Blessed One.’

“There are, bhikkhus, sounds cognizable by the ear … mental phenomena cognizable by the mind that are desirable, lovely, agreeable, pleasing, sensually enticing, tantalizing. If a bhikkhu seeks delight in them, welcomes them, and remains holding to them, he should understand this thus: ‘I am declining away from wholesome states. For this has been called decline by the Blessed One.’

“Such, bhikkhus, is nonrestraint.

“And how, bhikkhus, is there restraint? There are, bhikkhus, forms cognizable by the eye that are desirable, lovely, agreeable, pleasing, sensually enticing, tantalizing. If a bhikkhu does not seek delight in them, does not welcome them, and does not remain holding to them, he should understand this thus: ‘I am not declining away from wholesome states. For this has been called nondecline by the Blessed One.’

“There are, bhikkhus, sounds cognizable by the ear … mental phenomena cognizable by the mind that are desirable, lovely, agreeable, pleasing, sensually enticing, tantalizing. If a bhikkhu does not seek delight in them, does not welcome them, and does not remain holding to them, he should understand this thus: ‘I am not declining away from wholesome states. For this has been called nondecline by the Blessed One.’

“Such, bhikkhus, is restraint.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh


“Mendicants, I will teach you who is restrained and who is unrestrained.
Listen …
And how is someone unrestrained?
There are sights known by the eye that are likable, desirable, agreeable, pleasant, sensual, and arousing.
If a mendicant approves, welcomes, and keeps clinging to them, they should understand:
‘My skillful qualities are declining.
For this is what the Buddha calls decline.’
There are sounds … smells … tastes … touches …
thoughts known by the mind that are likable, desirable, agreeable, pleasant, sensual, and arousing.
If a mendicant approves, welcomes, and keeps clinging to them, they should understand:
‘My skillful qualities are declining.
For this is what the Buddha calls decline.’
This is how someone is unrestrained.
And how is someone restrained?
There are sights known by the eye that are likable, desirable, agreeable, pleasant, sensual, and arousing.
If a mendicant doesn’t approve, welcome, and keep clinging to them, they should understand:
‘My skillful qualities are not declining.
For this is what the Buddha calls non-decline.’
There are sounds … smells … tastes … touches …
thoughts known by the mind that are likable, desirable, agreeable, pleasant, sensual, and arousing.
If a mendicant doesn’t approve, welcome, and keep clinging to them, they should understand:
‘My skillful qualities are not declining.
For this is what the Buddha calls non-decline.’
This is how someone is restrained.”