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sn.45.92-95 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

Slanting to the East (2–6)

“Bhikkhus, just as the river Yamuna … … the river Aciravati … the river Sarabhū… the river Mahī … whatever great rivers there are—that is, the Ganges, the Yamuna, the Aciravati, the Sarabhū, the Mahī—all slant, slope, and incline towards the east, so too a bhikkhu who develops and cultivates the Noble Eightfold Path slants, slopes, and inclines towards Nibbāna.”

Complete as in §91.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh

Four Discourses on Slanting East

“Mendicants, the Yamunā river slants, slopes, and inclines to the east. …”

“… the Aciravatī river …”

“… the Sarabhū river …”

“… the Mahī river …”