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sn.46.18 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

Discourse on the Neglected and Undertaken

Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One addressed the monks, saying:


“Yes, lord,” replied those monks to the Exalted One.

The Exalted One said:

“By whomsoever, monks, the seven limbs of wisdom are neglected, by them is neglected this Ariyan eightfold way for the utter destruction of ill.

By whomsoever, monks, the seven limbs of wisdom are undertaken, by them is undertaken this Ariyan eightfold way for the utter destruction of ill.

What are the seven?

The limb of wisdom that is mindfulness,
the limb of wisdom that is Norm investigation,
the limb of wisdom that is energy,
the limb of wisdom that is zest,
the limb of wisdom that is tranquillity,
the limb of wisdom that is concentration,
the limb of wisdom that is equanimity.

By whomsoever, monks, the seven limbs of wisdom are neglected, by them is neglected this Ariyan eightfold way for the utter destruction of ill.

By whomsoever, monks, the seven limbs of wisdom are undertaken, by them is undertaken this Ariyan eightfold way for the utter destruction of ill.”

- Translator: Frank Lee Woodward

- Editor: Brother Joe Smith

Missed Out

“Mendicants, whoever has missed out on the seven awakening factors has missed out on the noble path to the complete ending of suffering.
Whoever has undertaken the seven awakening factors has undertaken the noble path to the complete ending of suffering.
What seven?
The awakening factors of mindfulness, investigation of principles, energy, rapture, tranquility, immersion, and equanimity.
Whoever has missed out on these seven awakening factors has missed out on the noble path to the complete ending of suffering.
Whoever has undertaken these seven awakening factors has undertaken the noble path to the complete ending of suffering.”